No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 192: Cosmic horrors are troublesome...

Chapter 192: Cosmic horrors are troublesome...

It was close to 3 in the morning, and most of the people in the castle were asleep.

Over the past three days I've used times like this to move between the castle halls to place alchemy circles or look for traps, but this time I took a break to chat with a troublesome woman.

"..." - I sighed heavily as I tried to relax on a velvet sofa, stupid eldritch gods with mental problems.

BB gave me a huge amount of information that honestly would be overwhelming to tell in a short time so for now I'll just say the most important part.

The Outer Gods are basically depressed teenagers who want friends and suffer from eternal loneliness, and that's not an exaggeration.

Unlike other Higher Entities, an Outer God is hated and feared by all entities in the multiverse, even the cruelest demons avoid Outer Gods at all costs.

This is because Madness energy is the basis of an Outer God's power and one of the side effects of this energy is to corrupt everything around it.

Madness is not evil energy but chaotic. In fact, according to the laws of Karma, the simple fact of possessing Madness energy causes an entity to be classified as 'chaotic', which generates a large amount of Negative Karma, which damages luck and destiny.

The Outer Gods are known as living catastrophes as even if they only sleep in a cave, everything around the cave will begin to corrupt with Madness causing living beings to become violent, nature to mutate and it is even possible for Laws begin to have errors, the so-called errors in reality.

In addition to this, the Outer Gods are feared and hated as they suffer from insanity attacks depending on the path of Madness they have.

For example, an Outer God with 'Breast Madness' will have random moments where he is unable to control his desire to touch breasts, and although this sounds stupid and funny at first, bouts of insanity can cause the Outer God to murder women to cut off their breasts and collect them. Don't underestimate dementia.

In addition to this, we must consider that there are paths of Madness that become terrifying the more you think about them, such as 'Madness of Fury', 'Madness of the Glutton', 'Madness of Sadism' or 'Madness of the Collector'.

There are three reasons why I have not had these bouts of insanity and have managed to maintain a high Positive Karma value.

First of all, I have the equivalent of four plot armors (System Protagonist, Harem Protagonist, Netori Protagonist, Hero) which help me maintain a stable and nearly incorruptible Destiny.

Second, I'm a system user so a lot of the laws of the multiverse don't apply to me since I'm basically a bug in the workings of reality.

Third and last, [Anti-Rasen] helps keep the negative effects of my [Reader's Madness] in check.

Since Ortro is bound to my soul, she shares the effects of my abilities so her own Madness doesn't damage her surroundings unless she herself wants to destroy everything around her.

On the other hand, BB is a source of living chaos, but she mentioned to me that after joining her soul to mine, she felt that my Madness was completely stable which broke the fundamental principle of Madness, chaotic instability, and even helped until her Madness to be stable.

Basically, the Outer Gods are influenced by Madness while I influence my own Madness.

The fact that I turned my own Madness into a living entity with her own mind and soul just goes to show that I managed to subdue my own mental issues so I'm not at risk of random insanity attacks.

This is not because I have strong willpower, the Outer Gods have been searching forever for a cure for insanity attacks and they have already discovered that willpower is useless.

What protected me was because I am a system user, protagonist, and also possess the energy with the greatest relation to the 'Order' concept, the [Anti-Rasen].

My [Anti-Rasen] and my soul frequency is practically the antipsychotic medicine that the Outer Gods have sought since the dawn of time…

I sighed heavily, now I understand why 'Nuclear Chaos' is so obsessed with finding me.

Among all the Outer Gods, 'Nuclear Chaos' is the most powerful entity, but at the same time, it is the most unstable creature.

Her path is 'Distortion Madness', this energy has the effect of twisting, corrupting, and distorting everything that surrounds that mad entity.

This distortion isn't as simple as making gravity reverse or making fire freeze things, it's much more bizarre.

BB explained it this way:

"Imagine that one day you are walking when suddenly gravity turns into a sunflower..."

"Can't you imagine? Obviously not, after all, that doesn't make sense, an invisible force becoming a tangible object doesn't make sense since then what binds the atoms together would be sunflowers, it's impossible to imagine something like that…"

"The problem is that as illogical and ridiculous as it sounds, that is possible..."

"Oxygen becomes into spirals, time becomes the yellow color, and the concept of Life becomes a blank canvas... That's the 'Distortion Madness'... A reality where nothing makes sense..."

Worst of all is that 'Nuclear Chaos' is so powerful that she can't control her own power so her own Madness is constantly destroying her existence, but at the same time, she is so powerful that her existence is rebuilt so soon how it is destroyed. It is an eternal cycle of dying and being reborn every second.

BB mentioned to me that when she joined my soul, she immediately felt her mind stabilize giving her a sense of peace that she had never experienced.

'Nuclear Chaos' is the entity with the best affinity towards Madness, so it is very likely that when my Madness evolved in a stable way and without losing control, she felt this anomaly so she forced herself out of her hibernation to start looking for me.

BB mentioned that Outer God will not try to kill or devour me, on the contrary, she will treasure me as her most precious possession.

Although that sounds good since she is one of the strongest entities in the entire multiverse, she has lived too long in solitude and suffering so it is possible that she does not have self-control which will end in my death.

That would be a disaster since 'Nuclear Chaos' has the skill to destroy souls just like Ortro, and if that wasn't already a problem, it seems that my stalker has already killed thousands of system users during her search for a cure…

BB recommended that I only contact A■■■■■■ when my strength is comparable to Beast VII since only then will I have a minimal chance of surviving that crazy woman's 'love'.

I'm sorry to say, but the crazy and dangerous woman will take a long time to show up.

"Ne, senpai" – BB approached me with a mischievous smile.

Since my hero abilities include strong perception and due to my good behavior, Diedhauser gave me a private room that is not monitored to ensure that I will maintain my loyalty to humans.

I've already checked the whole place with [Reader's Perspective], System Goddess's analysis skills, and BB's tricks so it's safe for BB to come out of my Existence Core.

I looked at BB, something about her expression was unusual.

Even though she doesn't have a physical body and is a spiritual projection, she can still interact with physical objects so she held my hands with a mischievous smile. – "Senpai, I forgot to mention something very important~"

I sighed, feeling like I'm going to hear something stupid.

"My path is called 'Joker's Madness', it is a form of Madness focused on causing problems and annoying others" - BB smiled cheekily. – "My skills don't matter for now, what I want to tell you is that, as a secondary effect of my Madness, sometimes I can be a bit naughty…"

Tell me something I do not know.

"But there's something I don't joke about" – BB kept smiling. – "Senpai, you see, although I make fun of how pathetic otakus are for masturbating to cartoons, the truth is that I myself am what the internet classifies as a 'simp'…"

Simp? What is that shit?

It sounds very stupid.

"To put it simply, I'm the kind of person that when I fall in love I become dumb, needy for attention, and totally dependent on the man I fell in love with" – BB said something stupid with a smirk. – "Even though I still don't love my pervert senpai, I am sure that in the future I will fall in love with you even if you are a lolicon, I am sure of this since it is impossible for you to let me fall in love with another pervert~"

… I can not deny it.

"The thing is... Well" - BB smiled wryly. – "Senpai, I recommend you improve your mastery of Anti-Rasen to help me completely control my attacks of dementia because when I become your simp, it is likely that my head will not work properly and one day I can be joking with you while the next day I will be invading a world to kill all men and turn all women into sexual puppets who yearn for senpai…"

Although I have no problem with committing genocide and adding a whole world to my harem, I'm disgusted by the idea of ​​using mind control, that's for losers who can't satisfy a woman.

I sighed and stood up without letting go of BB's hands.

"Look, I don't know what the fuck is a simp and I don't care if you're loud and troublesome" – I sighed. – "When you signed a contract with me there were only two options left, you will be part of my harem or you will die, and since in the future you will be part of my harem then there is no problem… As for whether you will cause me problems in the future, as long as it is not something harmful to my other wives then I'll just spank your butt as punishment"

BB looked at me with false contempt. – "Senpai, you are not romantic, you should say something like 'Oh BB-chan, no matter what happens in the future, I will always love you since the beauty of your smile is enough to make me face any difficulty♥'… or something like that corny, you know, something out of a cheap romance written by a person whose only love experience is dating games and korean dramas"

I smiled wryly. – "Instead of false cheesy stupidities I prefer to tell you the truth, and the truest thing in my personality is my possessiveness"

"Uh…" – BB stared at me and then smiled. – "Well, yandere senpai is sexy~… Did you become yandere because you have many yandere wives or do you have many yandere wives because you are yandere?… The senpai paradox... Also applies to your lolis…"

My lip trembled, this damn girl…

"What's up senpai? Are you going to punish your cute and helpless kouhai?" – BB looked at me with false fear. – "S-Senpai, do it gently, it's BB-chan's first time…"

I let go of her hands and massaged my head, I want a bottle of vodka…

"Hehe, senpai is weak against BB-chan's kouhai powers~" – BB smiled cheekily.

I sighed, sat back on the sofa, and took out a bottle of my Rasen Dimension. Since some heroes have spatial inventory abilities, no one questions my Rasen Dimension.

"Oh, I heard senpai turns into a sex monster when he gets drunk" – BB looked at me expectantly. – "Senpai is going to desecrate all the women in this castle? Sorry to say it senpai, but this cute kouhai will run away when the chaos starts so you'll have to find other girls to release your degenerate urges~"

I sighed tiredly. – "It is non-alcoholic grape juice"

It looks like wine, it tastes like wine, but it's not wine...

Although I sincerely want to get drunk, doing that is dangerous in enemy territory, besides, I haven't had sex in 3 days and I'm anxious so losing control would be bad, very bad.

I sighed, I need something to distract me…

I looked at the door, someone is approaching.

"Oh, it seems that senpai is in luck" – BB smiled wryly and returned to my Core of Existence.

I don't think so, if it was Emilia and Amelia then I might have something to vent, but the woman who is approaching my room is someone who would be extremely troublesome to formalize a relationship with.

Well, whatever, I'll finally be able to talk to the female puppet...

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