No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 194: Talk with an Angel 2

Chapter 194: Talk with an Angel 2

"First question" - Seraph looked at me seriously. – "Where did you get so much information about Paradise?"

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' has circumvented the rule of telling the truth]

"When I returned to my homeworld I was assigned a companion to help me deal with the supernatural situations of my world as well as being my companion in my trips to other worlds, she gave me the information" - I showed an expression of sincerity.

Although System Goddess gave me a little information about Paradise, the most important thing was told to me by BB.

Seraph nodded. – "We got the information that you are being accompanied by a 'Traveler' so I am glad that you are sincere… And don't worry, I will not ask about the identity of your companion"

"Next question..." - Seraph looked a little more relaxed because of my sincerity. – "Have you ever killed innocent people?"

I showed sadness and pain, then sighed with regret. - "Yes…"

Seraph showed no anger and kept asking. - "Why?"

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' has circumvented the rule of telling the truth]

I showed sadness. – "In war, there are no winners, only victims… On some occasions, the enemy used civilians as a shield and I had no other choice… There were times when vulnerable people threatened my loved ones, not out of malice, but because someone else was threatening them… The war made me realize that I cannot save everyone and there will always be sacrifices…"

Seraph was silent for a few seconds and then sighed. – "I am sorry for bringing you these bad memories"

"Don't worry, I can't live tormented by my mistakes, I'm a hero so I have to keep going and improve to save more people" - I smiled bitterly.

Seraph didn't seem to know what to say so she continued with the questioning. – "What do you think of non-human races?"

I sighed. – "I think it is stupid to discriminate against other people for racial differences… Humans, beastkin, elves, kitsunes, spirits, deities, demons… No race is completely good or evil, instead of judging the species you have to judge the individual, for what in my eyes, all races deserve freedom and peace"

Seraph smiled slightly. – "You have the same way of thinking as my holy lady"

I smiled. – "Although I do not have the privilege of knowing your holy lady, as long as she has the mentality of protecting the innocent regardless of their race, then I have no problem cooperating with her"

Seraph kept asking. – "During your fight with the Champions, the presence of an entity with corrupted energy was recorded and according to our investigations, there is no Orthus god in this world because that entity must have come from another world together with you… Is that entity an Outer God?"

Good question, but...

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' has circumvented the rule of telling the truth]

"In my second world I met a wounded dog" - I showed an affectionate smile as if I were talking about a friend who is practically my family. – "At first I thought it was a dog with magical abilities so I did not think much about it since the fact that I went to another world had already broken my perception of reality… However, when I returned to Gaia I discovered that this dog was actually a divine beast that was corrupted by strange energy…"

When I mentioned this, Seraph showed a level of caution, but no hostility.

"Orthus is a Heretic God who was wounded to the brink of death" - I sighed sadly. – "To help her keep her sanity, we made a contract and now she is something like my familiar… I am currently looking for a cure to purify her soul of that strange energy"

The Corrupted Gods (Also called Heretic Gods) are deities that were affected by negative energies or chaotic energies and since Madness is the greatest chaotic energy, it is normal to confuse a Corrupted God with an Outer God.

Seraph was immersed in her thoughts for several seconds and then nodded. – "Maybe my holy lady can help your friend, but that matter will have to wait"

I nodded gratefully.

With [Mythomania] I can pass Ortro off as a holy beast with no corrupted energies so it's easy to continue this lie.

"Next question" - Seraph looked at me with extreme seriousness. – "How did you infiltrate the summoning of heroes?"

I acted like I wanted to refuse to answer, but Seraph's look said she wanted a straight answer.

I sighed. – "My ancestor left a skill book as his legacy, with that skill I accessed the multiverse message network so I just had to stay tuned to find the right summon to infiltrate the summoning of heroes"

Seraph looked extremely surprised. – "Did you search for the correct option?... There are infinite possibilities and the time needed to search for the correct summoning goes beyond what a mortal can live... Unless you also inherited the luck of your ancestor... Wait, that it's possible…"

Thank you ancestor, you are always trustworthy even if you were a pedophile bastard.

Seraph finally sighed after creating the whole story in her imagination. Smart people are easy to fool if you give specific information without clear details and then allow them to be the ones to build the lie.

"Last question" – Seraph seemed tired from thinking too much. – "Is it true that you are a womanizer?"

I smiled wryly. – "Well, I certainly have many wives, but I am not a libertine who sleeps with random women, every woman I interact with is my wife and I make sure to make them happy"

Seraph sighed with slight disappointment. – "Well, there are no perfect heroes… Hey, what happens when one of your lovers falls in love with someone else and they want to leave you?"

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' has circumvented the rule of telling the truth]

"I do my best so that none of my wives want to leave me..." - I smiled wryly and then sighed slightly sadly. – "But I understand that I am not perfect and some women will not necessarily be happy with me, in those cases I respect the choice of each woman because even if I have a great harem, I love each of my wives and my greatest desire is to see them happy even if I am not part of that happiness"

"Hey Listen! Oh god, I'm throwing up rainbows yuck!"

"Ne, senpai, I need insulin since your cheesy trash gave me diabetes"

"Luis... That was cute even if I know it's a lie"

"Your hypocrisy defies the immensity of the heavens and the earth..."

"▂▂▃▃▅▅ (Master is cute…)"

"Kill women who leave friend?"

… My head is in chaos with so many voices…

Seraph nodded appreciatively. – "This is a better answer than I expected"

She stood up and brought the gold double-pan balance. – "Before talking about an agreement, I need you to put a drop of your blood in the center of the scale, this artifact will measure your sins and virtues, the type of agreement that we will make will be according to your results, but do not worry, I understand that War brings injustice so even if your sins are heavy, we'll still do a fair deal"

Idealists are so naive… Now I am worried about associating myself with a group that is so easily deceived and manipulated.

With [Mythomania] I made my blood completely human, I bit the tip of my finger and spilled a drop of red blood on the center of the balance. For now, I will see what benefits I can get from this group.

The blood was absorbed by the balance and the black feather began to emit gray mist forming a small sphere of mist.

[System Notification: Allow 'Mythomania' to hide the user's sins?]

If I'm going to make an alliance with the idealists it's better to show them that I'm not a completely noble hero and have my selfish side or it will be troublesome if I cause genocide and they find out.

I made [Mythomania] hide my worst sins like the time I burned down an orphanage full of innocent children because the orphanage director tried to kidnap Umaru to sell her to pedophiles.

I really have to reflect on my violent tendencies when protecting someone close...

In the gray sphere were random images of people being murdered, women in carnal acts, and me drinking alcohol to sleep...

The images showed that I had a shitty life as my sins started when I was five years old with the first wallet I ever stole.

There was also a record of when I was less than 10 years old when I murdered a friend of my father who tried to abuse my mother when she was drunk, the time I burned down the building where the idiot children lived who killed my first cat, or the time I lost my virginity at age seven to an unknown woman whose face cannot be seen which counts as an immoral relationship… What the fuck?!

An unknown woman abused me?! What kind of fucking sick shit is this?!

I focused on my memories and realized that there was a gap in my memory of that moment…

This can only mean one thing, the first woman I had sex with was a supernatural entity and that's why my mind couldn't process the information... My life is a shitty drama.

Ortro hasn't managed to reconstruct all my memories since she's busy helping Kon, but I'll have to rush her to get my memories back since I have a feeling this will be troublesome.

Seraph kept looking at my sins with a gloomy and angry expression, but she didn't seem angry with me but with my surroundings.

Since I hid my sins that would make me look like a psycho bastard with terrorist tendencies, she can only see that I've done terrible things to survive so I'm a victim of society.

Pitying criminals is a tendency of idealists so even if I commit atrocities all is forgiven if I show slight remorse while society becomes the villain. Thanks to the idealists are that we criminals live in peace.

After showing a two-hour documentary on how society is to blame for teens committing hate crimes, the fog lifted.

The white feather began to emit yellow mist forming a sphere and now scenes of my virtues were presented.

This time I only used [Mythomania] to hide the traces of my most troublesome abilities like black blood while leaving the scenes where I acted as a noble hero untouched.

Although the time of the yellow mist was shorter than that of the gray mist, my virtues were widespread like the time I risked my life to protect people in the hospital in the polyptych world, there was even the scene where I took out my heart to save Sayo's life.

The fog disappeared after showing my virtues and what was left was a series of golden letters and numbers on the scale.

The sins and virtues were marked as a percentage according to my actions shown.

Virtues can nullify sins and vice versa, in the end, it depends if I do more bad things or more good things.

{Sins: 1%

Virtues: 99%}

Saving two worlds and earning the eternal gratitude of two world populations numbering in the billions is an immense amount of virtue.

Now I can continue stealing wives without guilt, though I never felt guilt, to begin with...

Seraph could not hide her smile and looked at me gently, the idealistic group highly values heroes with solid moral ideals, although I honestly think that this test is stupid since a murderer and rapist can be a good person as long as he can save several people.

Who invented this test? An idealistic idiot?

... Oh, true…

I'll have to make some changes if I join that group.

"Hero Ichijo Seiji..." - Seraph lowered her head with respect. – "On behalf of my holy lady I would like to request an alliance"

Even though I am much weaker than Seraph's real body and less than an ant compared to her leader, she offers an alliance as equals as I proved myself worthy of the title 'hero' in an idealistic sense.

The meaning of a hero is different depending on the circumstances.

Sometimes a hero is one who commits massacres, crimes, and atrocities but is nevertheless able to face enemies and trials that are insurmountable for other people, basically a glorified criminal like Hercules in Greek mythology.

On other occasions a hero is one who fights for a greater cause even if he dies in the attempt without achieving his cause, these heroes sometimes receive names of martyr, messiah, or savior. The best example of this is the son of God.

In the multiverse aspect, a hero is one who brings balance to the multiverse, whether it's defeating evil enemies or causing disaster since chaos must equal order, that's balance.

Even though some heroes are living disasters, they just do the work that the multiverse puts on them, but regardless, a hero is a symbol of hope.

Heroes are respected even by powerful entities so now that I've proven myself to be a noble hero, even an entity capable of wiping out a universe will see me as worthy of respect.

Ancestor Ichijo was right, as long as I am a noble hero, things will be easier.

I showed a confused expression. - "What are you talking about? Alliance?"

Seraph nodded. – "Although you are a young hero and in the older context you are still weak, you have already shown great potential and strong moral values so you are a trustworthy companion"

Seraph took out another contract and handed it to me.

After checking with [Paranoia] that there were no risks, I received the contract and studied it with [Silly Jack].

[Contract: Let's fight for a better place for everyone

The entity 'Auriel' will grant the title 'Knight of Auriel' which gives access to special resources that allow the user's strength to increase, military support in case the user is involved in large-scale conflicts, and personal support from the entity 'Auriel' in case the user gets involved in a fight with a higher level Higher Entity.

In exchange, the user will be a representative of the will of the entity 'Auriel' in the worlds where a said entity cannot enter, so as long as the user does not become a Higher Entity, the user will have to fight for cooperation and fairness among intelligent races.

In case the user becomes a Higher Entity, the user has the option to join the 'Harmonic Paradise' faction. If the user doesn't want to join this faction, the user will still have to collaborate with the 'Auriel' entity during battles with other Higher Entities.

During the cooperation between both parties, the entity 'Seraph' will be the representative and spokesperson of the entity 'Auriel' before the user.

Warning: Whoever breaks this contract will lose any memories related to the content of the contract and any information about those involved in this contract]

(Author's Note: Auriel from the video game Diablo III)

A generous contract that is kind even in the punishment for non-compliance… The entity Auriel is so kind that I am worried about her naivety.

"Senpai, it's good to sign this contract" - BB spoke with a bit of seriousness, although at the same time it is clear that she is having fun. – "Auriel is not only one of the strongest entities in Paradise with the power capable of facing Beast VII, but she also has many worshipers and followers throughout the multiverse so she is an excellent ally, although… But…"

I sighed mentally. – "I will guess, she is naive so I will have to take care of her not to fall into a trap designed to attack her"

"Wow, senpai sees the future! Now say: Your next line is…" – BB shouted with joy.

…This girl…

"Senpai is an uneducated man who doesn't know good references..." - BB sighed with false disappointment. – "Anyway, as I was saying, Auriel is a good ally, and who knows, you could even trick her into your bed which will ensure you a powerful wife who will prevent you from getting your ass kicked... Though if senpai were to help me rebuild my body then this cute kouhai could defend senpai's butt~"


I used a large amount of energy in [Paranoia] to check my chances.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' cannot determine all the probabilities of the future due to the intervention of skills that hide fate. There is an 80% chance that this contract will be good for the user in the short and medium-term. The long-term future cannot be determined]

I sighed internally, situations beyond my control are increasing rapidly, this displeases me...

The contract actually gives me a lot of liberties and in case I break the contract I will only lose my memories which doesn't matter since Ortro has a backup of my mind in case my memory or mind is completely destroyed. This is why I prepared such a strange contract for Diedhauser.

Seraph waited patiently while I pretended to read the contract and think about my options, so after several minutes of silence, I nodded and signed the contract.

[System Notification: The contract 'Let's fight for a better place for everyone' has been established]

I smiled and extended my hand. – "It will be a pleasure working with you"

Seraph shook my hand with an appreciative smile that no longer hid her kindness. – "The pleasure is mine… Hmm, what should I call you?"

I smiled wryly and changed my appearance again to check something about this woman. – "Call me Luis"

Seraph wasn't surprised since she saw my true appearance during the compilation of my sins and virtues, she saw too much of my appearance...

"Since you seem someone focused on the use of disguises and assassination tactics, I will call you Hero to avoid possible misunderstandings" - Seraph smiled at me.

Now I have verified that this woman has a good brain… I like her.

"Hey Listen! I bet she ends up in my partner's bed in less than ten years!"

"Senpai is senpai, he will only take 8 years"

"Frogs at the bottom of a well that does not know the immensity of Luis's depravity, it is clear that Luis will do it in five years"

"▃▃▅▅ (Three years…)"

"You underestimate Luis… It will be a maximum of two years"

"Gamblers must die, I don't bet my cookies"

These idiots… I won't have sex with Seraph while she's a puppet, that would be the same as using a sex doll which seems stupid to me.

Now then, I need to get rid of Diedhauser and hand over this world to Auriel.



Author's Note:

Since Auriel's face is not visible in the game, I thought of her having the appearance of Mercy from Overwatch or Sword Maiden from Goblin Slayer.

What do you think or who do you think would be an option for her face?

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