No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 216: Noisy Lunch

Chapter 216: Noisy Lunch

After leaving a good impression on Mafuyu's heart I headed to the dining room after taking out my lunch box, but the problem is that as soon as I got close to the dining room I didn't even have time to sigh when a small ball of energy jumped out to hug me.

"Luis!" – A cute black-haired girl was too happy to see me and she hugged me like a koala clinging to a tree.

I smiled wryly and patted her head a couple of times. – "Haru, do not attack people like that or you could cause an accident"

This girl is Nanako's youngest daughter and Kosaki's sister, Haru Onodera.

Haru ignored my words and continued to hug me without paying attention to the hostile looks the other students were giving me.

I sighed and put my hand on Haru's shoulder to pull her away from me, but the brat clung to my arm like an expression of a maiden in love.

I ignored the hostile looks from the idiots and headed to an empty table since Tsugumi and Chitoge were at the food stall since Chitoge's appetite is comparable to a hippopotamus.

I know this well because, in the same way, that I have a subordinate bring food for Umaru on a daily basis, I also sent a couple of dishes for Chitoge so that she feels that Seiji cares about her despite being busy with his work.

I'm being careful that my food tastes different when I'm Seiji or I'd be stupid if I'm recognized for my cooking skills. Although Seiji is a good cook, Luis is the true prodigy in the kitchen.

While I looking for a table to sit down to eat I noticed two people.

On one side, there was Nana who, seeing me, waved her hand happily, but in the farthest part of the dining room there was a lonely girl who ate in silence, my new girlfriend Nene Yashiro.

Considering her need for acceptance and affection, this doesn't surprise me.

That reminds me that I haven't seen Ebina in the last few days, but Pansy is helping her get over her social anxiety so I'm not worried.

I smiled at Nana and gestured to her to indicate that I am going to go to the farthest part of the dining room.

Nana looked a bit confused, but she stood up and said something to her friends who nodded and stood up to follow her.

I walked towards Nene while the koala named Onodera kept hugging my arm.

"Where is he... Does he dislike me?... I want to see him..." - Nene sighed as she ate her lunch.

I sent her a good morning message and she still thinks I'm going to leave her... The self-esteem of teenagers in Japan is worrying

I spoke in a friendly way. – "Is this table occupied?"

"No, I'm about to leave…" - Nene sighed and was about to gather her things, but when she recognized my voice she looked at me happily, although that happiness turned slightly bitter when she noticed that Haru hugs me like a loving girlfriend.

I put my lunch box on the table and smiled at Nene. – "I am glad to see you, you would have told me you were here"

Nene seemed happy by my words, but she didn't know how to respond.

Even though she knows I'm in a polygamous relationship, she seems worried that I'll be embarrassed to admit that she's my girlfriend so she's in a dilemma of whether she should act like my girlfriend or pretend to be just a friend...

Damn teen drama.

I smiled and made Haru let go of me so I could sit up. – "Haru, is it fine for you to eat with me? Your sister will freak out if she sees you hugging me"

Haru smiled cheekily. – "Finally I can spend time with you at school, I will not miss this opportunity"

I sighed wryly and opened my lunch box.

Since I'm sure several people will want to try my food, I brought several easy-to-eat side dishes as snacks.

With my chopsticks, I took a tamagoyaki and carefully brought it closer to Nene's mouth.

The smell of the food made Nene unconsciously open her mouth and accept the food.

Her face became an expression of happiness and bliss as she closed her eyes to enjoy the food.

I have already learned to control my culinary talent so as not to cause culinary orgasms and I can make people lose themselves in illusions where they experience happiness and affection without sexual pleasure.

If it weren't for the fact that I use [Anti-Rasen] to restrict my culinary talents, my food could make an entity experience such deep happiness that the entity would feel like it fulfilled its purpose in life. This will bring both soul and mind to absolute peace causing sudden but peaceful death.

"..." - Haru looked at me blankly, then looked at my hands, her attention shifted to the food and back to look me in the eye.

After analyzing what just happened, she closed her eyes and opened her mouth waiting for me to feed her.

"Hey Listen! Give her your sausage!"

I ignored the stupid voice and took the chopsticks Haru brought to eat her own lunch, then fed her takoyaki.

Maybe I made a lot of variety of dishes…

While Haru was lost in an illusion of happiness, Nene came back to reality and noticed I started eating with the same chopsticks I fed her with.

Nene blushed as she mumbled under her breath. – "I-Indirect kiss…"

"Cliche" - Arisa sighed.

"Very cliche" - Coco shook her head.

"I'm hungry…" – Kanata lives at her own pace.

"I didn't know you liked younger girls" – Nana finally walked over with her two friends and they sat in front of me. – "Are you a lolicon?"

"My lower limit is 15 years" – I shrugged. – "That is already the range of adolescence"

"And what about mature women? Do you like them too?" – Nana asked me with curiosity.

Nana seems like an open-minded, nonjudgmental girl as well as being willing to talk about topics that most Japanese people would avoid talking about out loud for fear of social criticism. I like this girl.

I nodded and brought the food closer to Nana so that she could taste it. – "Some of my wives are already mothers with daughters close to my age"

"Wow, even single mothers… You're worse than rumors" – Nana smiled without showing disgust and took out her chopsticks to take a tamagoyaki. – "Thanks for the food~"

Nana's friends watched in silence as the girl giggled after trying the food.

I smiled slightly. – "Go ahead, you can try if you like"

Both girls looked at each other and then nodded.

The girls happily started eating while Nana kept asking me private questions in a public area.

"Is this thing about having lots of girlfriends and wives true or is it just to show off? You know, like the guys who brag about having been with many girls despite never having a girlfriend" – Nana was more and more curious about my personal life.

Haru stopped eating and pretended to look away while she concentrated on hearing my answer, on the other hand, Nene had already managed to get over her embarrassment and now she enjoyed eating by my side.

I don't mind talking about these matters as they will eventually come out so I shrugged. – "It is all true, according to public opinion I am what you would call a womanizing bastard or something like that"

"That is not true!" – Haru had an unexpected reaction. – "When the group of unpleasant people bothered my mother, you were the one who chased them away! Whenever a problem arises you help us even though you have your own problems!"

Haru's scream was so unexpected that the dining room fell silent to which I sighed and put my hand on her shoulder to calm her down, but by the act of the plot armor, Chitoge and her group including Kosaki was approaching us at the precise moment when Haru said something troublesome. – "You even hit the pervert who harassed Onee-chan even though she always gives you dirty looks!"

"Haru" - I sighed making Haru realize that she talked too much so she covered her mouth and looked down.

I looked at Chitoge's group and saw that Kosaki had a disbelieving expression, she left her food on a random table and left without looking at me.

"Senpai, context"

"It's not something special" - I sighed internally. – "A year and a half ago there was a pedophile asshole who was attracted to Kosaki and even stole her underwear… Raku wanted to help, but that boy is useless so he asked me to help him deal with the pervert… The body of the pervert is now under the concrete of a road"

"That sounds like a blackmail-type doujin plot" - Arisa sighed. – "Although considering that Onii-chan comes from a blackmail doujin this is not so strange…"

"That doesn't explain why that girl had such an exaggerated reaction or why you kept this a secret" – Tsubaki focused on the important thing despite knowing the answer since she has already seen my memories.

"Kosaki hates me because of her parents' divorce so if she knew that I was the one who helped her deal with the most unpleasant experience of her life, it was likely that she was in a personal conflict" - I watched as Raku was so useless that he didn't even try to follow Kosaki to speak. – "Also, this could make Kosaki develop feelings for me which would be a problem because my boss's son is in love with her… But whatever, if the plot wants me to sleep with the three women surnamed Onodera, who am I to deny the higher forces"

"Luis, you are literally one of those higher forces, if you really wanted you could prevent this destiny from happening if you used Anti-Rasen…" Tsubaki sighed. – "But seeing that that boy doesn't even try to follow the girl he likes, so he can't blame others if that girl ends up being part of your harem…"

"Men who are too pathetic and cowardly to talk to the woman they are interested in deserve NTR" - BB sneered. – "Although obsessive men also deserve NTR, stupid simps"

"You're a simp" - Arisa replied apathetically.

"But I'm a big-breasted, pretty-faced waifu so I can be simp without being disgusting" – BB raised her chest proudly.

While the inside of my mind harbored a stupid argument, the people around me started introducing themselves making my social circle grow in an instant.

Nana demonstrated excellent social skills as she not only managed to become friends with Tsugumi and the girls, she even managed to make Nene overcome her shyness and so she integrated into the group.

I ignored the voices in my head and watched as Tsugumi was dragging a heavy table side by side so everyone had room to sit.

"It bothers you that they talk about your strength and yet you drag a steel table as if it were something normal" - I smiled wryly

Tsugumi snorted angrily, but her expression changed when she saw my lunch box.

"It's the first time I've seen you cook a school lunch" – Tsugumi smiled and ate my food without any shame.

I shrugged. – "I am practicing new dishes, I even got better at baking"

"Aniki's food is too good, I don't think anyone can cook like him" – Raku sighed as Marika treated him like a huggable stuffed animal, he doesn't even have the conviction to tell the girl to let him go.

"Hmph" – Chitoge snorted disdainfully after tasting my food. – "It is good food, but Seiji is much better at cooking"

"Pffffff ahahahahahahaha you are your own rival!" – Navi convulsed with laughter.

Tsugumi and Raku made a great effort not to smile wryly.

"Seiji?" – Nana's curiosity was aroused.

Chitoge showed a fond smile even though we've only been talking on the phone. – "He is a great man and a very good cook, the best of all"

…This is embarrassing and depressing…

Nene frowned. – "Luis is the best"

Haru nodded vigorously. – "It is true, nobody is better than Luis"

"Who knows" - Tsugumi smiled at me mockingly. – "Maybe they both learned to cook just to seduce women"

Chitoge frowned. – "Seiji is not like this womanizing idiot, he is a responsible man"

Am I an idiot or responsible, make up your mind woman...

"Are you talking about Ichijo Seiji?" – Marika asked innocently curious, but I can see that there is a strange interest in her words.

Tsugumi also noticed this and frowned slightly, the problem is that Chitoge isn't that smart.

"Of course" – Chitoge smiled proudly. – "Seiji is the best man there is"

"Seriously?" - Marika smiled slightly. – "My father mentioned that name, although he did not use very nice words to describe him…"

Since some of my jobs for the yakuza caused the police to intervene, it can be said that Seiji and the police don't have a good relationship.

Although I have not personally met Marika's father, Mr. Ichijo warned me that there is an investigative file to put Seiji in prison since the political rivals of the Ichijo family discovered that several of the reforms that have strengthened the yakuza in the last two years were my ideas.

I wouldn't be surprised if Marika is looking into Seiji's secrets as there are several investigators trying to get evidence of my crimes to lock me up.

This will be a headache...

Chitoge and Marika started a futile argument to determine if Seiji is a jerk or a good man.

While the two women argued, I relaxed feeding Nene, this girl doesn't cause me problems which makes her cute.

"It's fun spending time with you" – Nana smiled at me as she enjoyed the discussion between the heiresses of two influential families.

"I'm glad you're having fun, but I'd like a peaceful lunch" – I sighed.

I need to study more Concepts since using the 'Protagonist' Concept is becoming a headache, stupid plot armor that won't let me eat in peace.

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