No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 218: Teacher's House

Chapter 218: Teacher's House

After relaxing during study time, the night finally came so we ended up with private lessons.

"Put your things away, I'll walk you home" - Mafuyu spoke seriously to try to hide her tiredness.

Now I pity this woman, tutoring Fumino and Ogata is more exhausting than tutoring an entire classroom since both girls seem to have a brain injury that makes them unable to learn subjects outside of their areas of talent.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is like trying to give piano lessons to a horse, I am surprised that both girls managed to get to this point without failing the previous years, or maybe they failed, but the administration of the school did help them since both girls are prodigies in science and arts.

Both girls were downhearted and tired so their expressions were downcast as they lowered their gazes.

I smiled slightly. – "It is nice to study with you, I hope we can continue meeting like this"

Both girls raised their eyes and when they saw my smile they managed to calm down a bit.

Even though Mafuyu sincerely cares about the future of both girls, they perceive her comments as direct attacks that make them feel like idiots so they are currently mentally vulnerable.

Seeing a person who treats them kindly without berating them for their poor academic performance made both girls feel slight comfort.

Mafuyu is a good teacher in theoretical aspects, but she lacks the fundamental empathy and tolerance in the teaching process.

The four of us left the school and walked to the parking lot to go to Mafuyu's car, but both girls seemed terrified at the thought of getting into the teacher's car.

Arisa was entertaining herself so she started talking. – "Onii-chan, Mafuyu drives like a street racing driver"

I see.

"Anything else I need to know about these girls?" – I asked the brat that was eating ice cream.

"The girl with small breasts has a trauma with violent men since she received a slap from her father when she was a child... If she hears the rumors about you then she will start to fear you" - Arisa answered nonchalantly, for her this is similar to watching an anime

I see, that gives me an idea.

I sat in the passenger seat and both girls sat in the back. As soon as the doors closed, both girls hurriedly put on their seat belts as if in fear for their lives.

Before Mafuyu started the car, I used a small portion of [Anti-Rasen] to seal the car's energy.

Mafuyu frowned when her car wouldn't start even though the gas gauge indicated the car shouldn't have any problems.

I smiled wryly. – "Should I call a mechanic?"

Mafuyu sighed. – "It is already late and it is bad that you return home late…"

"We can walk, I think we don't live very far from the school" - I smiled kindly as if I was trying to comfort Mafuyu.

Mafuyu turned to the girls who nodded quickly, they were relieved that Mafuyu wasn't behind the wheel.

We start walking towards Fumino's house since she lives closer.

We were silent at first, but Fumino seemed to want to break this awkward atmosphere so she smiled at me. – "You mentioned that you have only lived in Japan for three years, but you speak very good Japanese"

I smiled wryly. – "My mother is not good at English so she always spoke in Japanese… Although I can speak the language well, I still have difficulties with some kanji and the history of Japan"

"Still you seem to know a lot of things" – Fumino began to relax while Ogata and Mafuyu remained silent as both girls' social skills are limited.

I smiled. – "Reading and cooking are my hobbies"

"Oh, that's unexpected" – Fumino looked surprised. – "You seem like someone focused on sports or music"

I smiled wryly. – "Well, I can play guitar"

"Seriously?!" – Arisa yelled in my mind. – "I didn't know you played guitar!"

"As a child, I stole a homeless man's guitar and learned to use it to earn some coins" - I sighed internally. – "I am not very good and I only know four songs, although with my current muscle memory I can learn to play any instrument in a matter of seconds… And no, I am not going to learn to play all the instruments just to show off, that is stupid"

"Tch, you lack the attitude of a cocky protagonist" - Arisa sighed.

I kept answering Fumino's questions and asked her some questions about her likes.

As the pretty girl and I started to become friends, I focused my Destiny Energy on my Concept to power up my plot armor.

At this time of night, many of the workers have already left their offices and started drinking to forget about work stress.

In Japan, the culture of drinking consists of drowning yourself in alcohol quickly in order to pass out quickly so that you can wake up early to continue working.

That is why it is not strange to see men in suits asleep in the streets since some of them do not even manage to return home.

Unlike the drunks in other countries, the drunk in Japan is normally harmless as even when they harass women they only do it verbally without daring to touch them.

Of course, as in all things, there are always exceptions, cases of sexual assault are hundreds every month.

The problem is that these cases are not registered since the victims do not report the aggressors out of fear and shame. Here the public image is more important than health and dignity for both men and women.

Anyway, this city is relatively peaceful since most of the sexual aggressors are now in the reincarnation cycle, but there are always men frustrated with life who lose control of themselves due to excessive stress and alcohol.

Mafuyu is a beautiful woman and despite her intimidating expression, anyone with eyes can tell that her body is amazing.

Fumino doesn't have flashy curves, but her attitude and face make her as beautiful as a celebrity.

Ogata has the expressiveness of a stone, but her short stature combined with her big breasts give her a combination of sex appeal with cuteness.

When I wear a school uniform I don't look like a delinquent anymore and I'm just a slightly athletic normal kid so I don't pose a threat to drunken idiots.

As we walked we saw several people lying on the street who were fast asleep.

Mafuyu sighed and came closer to us to protect us while she made sure we didn't get close to those people.

Although some drunks were looking at the girls' bodies, they still stayed away so I had to increase the energy in my 'Protagonist' Concept.

When we passed a street with few people a group of five men was talking while staggering. They seemed to work in the same office and were leaving an obligatory social gathering.

Although I don't know them, I can recognize an impulsive idiot from a single glance.

The leader of the group was a handsome man with the body language of a conceited person. Judging how other men have servile and pathetic attitudes, this man must be the boss or have an important position.

Mafuyu saw the men and was about to back off to take another path, but due to the effects of my plot armor the man who seemed to be the leader of the group turned to look at us and when his eyes landed on Mafuyu he showed a nasty smile.

The man walked towards us while the other 4 idiots followed them. When Mafuyu noticed this she stood in front of us like a mother cat protecting her kittens.

This woman deserves more respect from her students...

"Hello lady" – The idiot man smiled at Mafuyu like a kind gentleman. – "Why is a beautiful lady like you in the streets at this hour? Do you need me to help you go home?"

"Senpai, hit this idiot or I'm going to vomit"

"Hey Listen! He has a wedding ring! Find his wife and fuck her in front of this jerk!"

Navi wasn't the only one who noticed this, Mafuyu saw this, and her already serious expression turned angry.

The man didn't seem happy to see Mafuyu's look so he changed his expression.

"Why don't you come over for a minute? Let's just talk" – The man got closer to us until he was an arm's length away from Mafuyu.

Mafuyu seemed a little scared by this, but she was adamant about protecting her students.

The man reached out to grab Mafuyu's shoulder so I stepped forward to protect Mafuyu and reached out to grab the man's hand.

"Nice to meet you sir" - I spoke with slight disgust. – "My teacher had a busy day so we have to go"

Unlike Seiji who smiles while threatening people, Luis is more direct and aggressive, but I have to maintain the image of someone who only uses violence to protect others so that Fumino doesn't think I'm a violent man, but a kind man who uses force to protect the weakest.

The man narrowed his eyes angrily and tried to squeeze my hand tightly to intimidate me.

The man was a head and a half taller than me as well as had a strong body so he seemed able to easily crush me.

I allowed the man to hurt my hand causing my bones to make slight unpleasant sounds, but I didn't try to let go of his hand and just frowned.

"Sir, I think you are being a bit violent" - I spoke with slight anger making the man show a smug smile.

"What are you talking about child? It's just a handshake "– The man put more force in his grip. – "Although if the lady behind you agrees to accompany me for a moment I can forget about this matter"

Mafuyu started to panic and it seemed that she was about to accept the stupidities of the man in order to protect me, but before she spoke I took out my cell phone from my pocket.

"Sir, I don't think that's possible" - I showed the screen of my cell phone which marked an emergency call to the police.

The man opened his eyes and became furious to the point that he tried to break my hand and then take my cell phone, to which I remained calm. – "Sir, you can argue that you are not bullying my teacher, but breaking a student's hand will certainly be a problem for you"

The man quickly let go of my hand to which I sighed and moved my fingers slightly as my hand had turned red. If I were still a normal human this would be an injury that would take two weeks to heal.

The man glared at me, but he didn't dare to stay here so he turned to leave.

The group of idiots behind him had been anxious ever since I took out my cell phone so they hurriedly followed his boss.

"You didn't use violence to solve a problem… I'm proud of you" – Tsubaki spoke happily.

I'm sure that idiot will try to cause trouble for me since before he left he looked closely at my uniform to identify my school, but hey, I memorized his face too so I'll look into him.

I sighed and put my phone away, then looked at the women who were silent in fear.

Mafuyu hurriedly took my hand and clenched her teeth harshly, but quickly calmed down as my health was more important to her.

"We have to go to a hospital to check if you're okay" - Mafuyu seemed to want to take me to the emergency room.

I smiled wryly. – "I'm fine, I'll just put some ice on it and the swelling will go down"

Mafuyu wasn't convinced so I moved my fingers. - "You see? I'm fine, besides its already night and it's better to go home "

Mafuyu sighed and nodded. – "Okay, but if necessary tomorrow you can skip class to go to the doctor"

This woman worries too much… I don't dislike her.

Although Ogata was slightly scared, she was able to calm down when the men left, but Fumino seemed to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown as her body wouldn't stop shaking and at any moment she would start hyperventilating.

Mafuyu was still holding my 'injured' hand so I used my free hand to pat Fumino's head. – "Don't worry, those bad men are gone, you are safe now"

I didn't have to use any special skills to calm Fumino down, I just needed to give her a sense of security.

She closed her eyes for a moment and in a few minutes she managed to regain her calm.

"Thank you…" - Fumino muttered under her breath with weariness and deep gratitude, there were even subtle hints of affection in her voice. It wasn't romantic, but it's a good start.

I smiled kindly. – "Don't worry, a pirate is not afraid of villains"

Fumino smiled slightly feeling calmer so I removed my hand from her head. – "Well, I think you should go home before another unpleasant situation occurs"

The women nodded, not wanting to run into another drunken idiot again.

Since the situation turned out the way I wanted, I stopped increasing the power of my Concept so we don't find any more idiots.

As we walked Mafuyu seemed to think of something. – "Did you really call the police?"

I smiled awkwardly and took out two cell phones from my pocket. – "I called my other cell phone, if I really called the police we would have to give an explanation and I don't want you to have any more problems"

Mafuyu frowned to try and hide her smile. – "It is bad to deceive others… But I will accept it this time, also, do not use the cell phone during classes"

I nodded and we continued walking.

"Why do you have two cell phones?" – Ogata asked me a question for the first time.

"One is to talk to acquaintances and another is for emergencies" - I smiled with a slight bitterness.

"Emergencies?" – Ogata seems like the kind of person who isn't happy until she fully understands things, maybe that's why she's so obsessed with understanding people's feelings.

"If a problem occurs at home, if an acquaintance has problems or if my boss needs something" - I continued to respond calmly.

The school accepts students with money and low-income students, so the school administration allows students to have a part-time job as long as their grades are not affected and the student's parents give their consent.

Mafuyu frowned slightly. – "A student should focus only on studies"

I smiled bitterly. – "Knowledge cannot be eaten and school supplies are not free"

"..." - Mafuyu understood my words so she looked down. – "I am sorry for my comment, I understand that each person has their circumstances…"

Fumino and Ogata seemed surprised that Mafuyu apologized since they seemed to see the teacher as an authoritative woman.

I smiled slightly. – "No problem, you are only worried about my future, thank you"

Mafuyu sighed lightly.

We keep walking and leave Fumino at her house first. She said goodbye with a friendly smile without displaying the same gloomy attitude she had at the end of private lessons.

We then headed to Ogata's house which turned out to be an udon restaurant.

The restaurant seems to be in service until late as her father greeted us with a smile and invited us to eat.

Mafuyu at first politely refused saying that it was already late and she should take me home, but at that moment she rumbled her stomach from hunger.

I smiled wryly. – "Sensei, I would like to have dinner since it is late and I have no food at home"

Mafuyu sighed and nodded. – "I will invite the food…"

"Thanks" - I smiled and we took a seat.

Ogata began to help her father serve food.

I offered to help but the father refused saying that I am a customer so my only duty is to enjoy the food.

We were originally going to eat quietly, but in Japan alcohol is a fundamental part of a worker's life, so Mafuyu accepted a beer while I received tea.

Did I mention that I hate green tea?

I want an Irish coffee...

I discovered something new, Mafuyu has no tolerance for alcohol and after a single sip of beer, she was already drunk.

"If you don't tolerate alcohol you shouldn't drink" – I sighed, but Mafuyu just breathed peacefully while she slept.

Ogata's father approached us with a wry smile. – "I did not think that your teacher would fall with half a beer… Do you need me to call a taxi?"

"I'll take her to her house" - I sighed and took out my wallet to pay for the food. – "Do you happen to know Kirisu-sensei's address?"

"I think my daughter knows" - The father smiled kindly at me. – "Boy you do not need to pay, consider it a thank you for accompanying my daughter home"

I smiled wryly. – "Fine, thanks for the food"

The man smiled and gestured for Ogata to come over to us. – "Do you know the address of your teacher?"

Ogata nodded and gave me the address.

I carried Mafuyu on my back and headed to her house.

It's amazing that no one felt suspicious that a guy would take a beautiful woman drunk, but well, a society that is too peaceful tends to lower its guard.

Mafuyu lives in an apartment building so I went upstairs to take her to her house.

Mafuyu was sound asleep and I don't know where she has her keys so I took out a small wire and opened her lock with ease.

Once in the apartment, I took off my shoes, put on some guest slippers, and thought I'd take Mafuyu to her bed, but when I saw the apartment I wanted to sigh, this is a disaster

Clothes and documents were everywhere, it seems that a small tornado destroyed this place.

I sighed and put my backpack on the floor and carried Mafuyu to her bed to sleep.

I took off her shoes to make her sleep more comfortable, but I left the rest of her clothes untouched so as not to have a misunderstanding, although I carefully removed the light makeup from her face.

After settling her on the bed I thought to fix this dump, but Mafuyu clung to my hand.

Mafuyu had opened her eyes slightly, but she was still sleepy and drunk so she is not aware of her own actions.

"I... Am I a bad teacher?" – Mafuyu showed a vulnerable and depressed expression.

Mafuyu doesn't show it, but she is constantly concerned with her own performance as a teacher. She seems to be self-conscious about her own abilities and worries that she is not performing well.

I smiled gently and leaned down to look closely into her eyes as my hand held her hand. – "You are a good teacher… You have things you can improve on such as your empathy and understanding of the feelings of your students, but you are a good teacher"

Mafuyu squeezed my hand. – "I… I don't know… My students seem to hate me… I try hard, but they don't improve… Nobody seems to appreciate my effort… I don't know if I'm doing a good job…"

With my free hand I caressed her face. – "You are doing the best for your students, although not everyone appreciates your effort, there are those who value your actions… And if you are still worried about what your students think of you, you just have to learn to look at things from the perspective of your students, I'm sure you can be a wonderful teacher that students respect"

Mafuyu closed her eyes. – "Can I really be a better teacher?"

I kept stroking her cheek. – "Today you protected your students without hesitation, you may not have noticed, but the looks of both girls changed, they genuinely looked at you with gratitude"

Mafuyu managed to show a small smile.

I stood up, but Mafuyu lightly tugged on my hand. - "Stay…"

I smiled wryly. – "Well, if my fiancée wants me to stay then I have no choice"

"Who... is... your... fiancee..." – Mafuyu fell asleep with a calm expression without the worries that invaded her mind.

I sighed and used acupuncture to make sure Mafuyu slept peacefully to get rid of all the stress on her.

I let go of her hand and quickly cleaned the apartment since seeing this mess is giving me something close to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

After cleaning the apartment I took out my cell phone since while cleaning the apartment I received a message from Ichika.

{Ichika: Hi honey~ I miss you~

When will I receive my wedding ring?

Today I helped you with something troublesome so I deserve a reward☺}

"That emoji means senpai's testicles are in danger" – BB spoke with false fear.

I sighed internally, this girl is looking for more attention since we started a formal relationship. Well, this is kind of nice.

{I'm coming. I won't be able to stay all night}

After replying to the message I took out a change of clothes from my Rasen Dimension and put on something casual.

Then I left the apartment and before I left I covered the place with [Anti-Rasen] or it will be a headache if some idiot tries to break into my future wife's apartment while I'm not there.

At this rate, I'll need more subordinates...

The heroes I recruited in the magical world are currently under investigation by the Guardians of this world so in two or three days they will be allowed to enter Gaia as my subordinates.

Normally if a returnee returns to Gaia they will be put under a week of investigation to check mental health, skills, the influence of other entities, and potential dangers.

I was able to avoid this thanks to the System Goddess registering me as her 'love slave' in addition to the support of the Ichijo family since being the heir to the Ichijo legacy is something that assures me of Alaya's favorability since that entity seems to have a particular taste for Heroes.

Despite that, she sold my information to Paradise… What a headache.

I sighed and headed to Ichika's house, I just hope she doesn't do something absurd when I give her a wedding ring...

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