No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 38: Plans to Raise Labotary Rats

Chapter 38: Plans to Raise Labotary Rats

The worst thing about paranoia is insomnia. I can't remember a single time in my life when I was able to sleep soundly without worry, the feeling that disaster will happen every moment keeps me on my toes which makes me wake up after a few minutes of sleep.

To deal with this I read about polyphasic sleep. People normally use the monophasic sleep system where the recommended sleep schedule is 7 to 9 hours.

The other system is polyphasic where sleep is divided into two or more sleep periods throughout the day, this system is divided into different types.

Biphasic sleep is 4 hours of sleep at night and a 90-minute nap in the afternoon.

Everyman sleep is where you sleep 3 hours at night followed by three 20-minute naps during the day.

Uberman is where every 4 hours you take a 20-minute nap so that at the end of the day you can get 2 hours of sleep.

This was the rest system used by Leonardo Da Vinci, when I read about it I thought it would be a suitable method for me since I could take small naps and continue working or stay alert, however, I cannot spend more than 10 minutes in a row asleep due to the feeling of constant danger.

I also read how Nikolas Tesla slept 2 hours a day which eventually caused him a mental collapse that he somehow managed to overcome and live to old age, but it is possible that the aftermath of this damaged his sanity, which is why he fell in love with a pigeon.

Seeing the severity of my problem, I decided to make my own sleep system. Micro naps of 5 minutes every 2 hours to sleep one hour a day.

So far I have used this sleep system for 4 years. During my research on the brain areas for my brainwash immunity surgery, I also checked if the condition of my brain was adequate.

The result was that I still did not show signs of brain deterioration, but there were regions that were not being stimulated enough, in the long term this could cause me problems with concentration, memory loss, and possible delusions, culminating in an untimely death.

Since I do not have health insurance in my homeworld this would have been a problem if I did not find out in time, fortunately, I did not have to worry since with the use of Hamon I was able to stimulate the brain regions necessary to prevent brain deterioration so I can continue with my sleep system without fear of negative consequences.

I have a theory that this is part of the reason why the infected seem to regain some level of intelligence with the Hamons but that will be an experiment for another time.

What I want to get to with all this is that for me a 10-minute nap is equivalent to a normal person sleeping 6 hours, so after 10 minutes I felt better.

After stretching I looked around and seeing that the pair of students were still unconscious and that the warehouse was kept safe, I checked my condition.

I circulated Ki inside my body to check the state of my body and nothing was permanently broken which was good.

There were parts of the muscle tissue in my arms and legs that were still damaged, but nothing serious, my training sessions have left me in a worse state.

The important thing was that my Ki felt more fluid, resistant, and easier to handle. I configured the system so that it will not send me notifications while I am fighting as it would be dangerous to be distracted by a pop-up screen.

I opened the system and was pleased with what I saw.

[Race: Human (98%)> (97.9%), Lineage unawakened (2,001%)]

My lineage stopped going up even though I kept eating infected during the fight so maybe it was a one-time event eating a different race, I will have to experiment if other races work.

The decrease in my humanity does not matter to me, there was the possibility of becoming a horrible mutant so this result is acceptable.

[Condition: Healthy (77%), Extreme fatigue (15%), Internal injuries (10%), External injuries (35%), In recovery (20%)]

It's not that serious, I'll only take a break when we find a safe area, although the fact that I can't use Hamon to full potential will slow me down to recover, I have to keep that in mind.

[Strength: Superhuman (30%)]

I finally broke the human limit, my strength has been growing in Yami so this is a pleasant surprise, although having such strength suddenly will be troublesome.

Before I continue to strengthen myself, I must control my new power.

[Will: Unyielding (70%)]

Sometimes I wonder if my willpower is really obstinacy and the system gave it another name.

[Energies: Rasen no Chikara (7%), Ki (100%), Hamon (100%), Madness (9%)]

The Hamon has been increasing because I have not stopped practicing it, I was close to reaching 100% so it is nice to see it grow.

The Rasen had stalled at 4% so a 3% increase in a single fight is nice, maybe it's from facing life threatening danger.

Does the Rasen grow when facing death? This is troublesome.

The most worrying thing is the increase in Madness, it seems that my feeding method was more extreme than I thought, I can't repeat it or the Madness will get out of control.

[Missions: Way of the Warrior

Success conditions:

1) Reach Low-Class Disciple level (1/1) success

2) Reach Middle-Class Disciple level (1/1) success

3) Reach High-Class Disciple level (1/1) success

4) Reach Expert level (1/1) success

5) Reach Low-Class Master level (1/1) success

6) Reach Master level (1/1)

Optional conditions:

1) Reach Super Master level (0/1)

2) Reach Advanced Master level (0/1)

3) Reach Legendary Master level (0/1)]

Failure conditions:

1) Give up martial arts (0/1)

2) Death (0/1)

Rewards: Weapon Gacha Ticket x1, other rewards vary according to mission success]

I went from Expert level to Master level in one go! Now I'm on the level of Izayoi and Touchumaru, Shigure's mouse (sounds absurd, but you can't underestimate that mouse).

Actually, this is not surprising as the Lower Class Master level represents the assimilation of the martial way.

The Expert level is the growth limit for those fighters who are not willing to risk their lives in real combat, although it is not necessary to be an assassin to improve, you must have the mentality that someone stronger can kill you which helps boost growth.

The Lower Class Master level represents the abandonment of humanity. This does not mean becoming a monster, but that now you no longer belong to common humanity.

Life expectancy is lengthened by Ki, strength improves to extreme levels, and senses are polished. At this level is the step where you leave ordinary humans behind, only those with the will and resolve to accept loneliness can rise to this level.

Sure you can find other martial artists to deal with loneliness, but knowing that you are different from 90% of humanity and that they could even classify you as a monster is what prevents the growth of various martial artists.

And in case you cling to the idea of ​​being a monster that does not need humans, you will develop an internal demon that at some point will drive you crazy. I am sure this is the case with Jenazad.

The Low-Class Master level separates the true masters from the experts so it is easy to beat that level as long as you have strong willpower.

Now that I am at the Master level I can have a little more confidence in my plans to conquer this world. Even so, I must be careful as if the mutants are part of a biological weapon that arose at the beginning of the infection then it is possible that stronger creatures appear with the passage of time.

Battles stimulate the growth of martial artists so I will have to face more dangers if I want to improve.

It would be stupid to jump to my death just to strengthen myself so I will fight mutants in controlled situations that will also allow me to improve my image before women.

I just hope that the person or group that caused this disaster does not do something stupid like launching nuclear missiles around the world, if I control my strength I will be able to face a small scale military regiment, but a bombardment will kill me instantly, only a Super Master could face to a regiment with heavy weapons, as far as a nuclear weapon I don't think even Hayato could withstand it.

My biggest flaw is that my specialty is assassination rather than direct combat so I will give up stealth tactics and have to focus on head-on combat or in the future I will find enemies that I will not be able to face.

This world is suitable for that.

A reliable hero is one who takes the first step to protect the weak. Strong and brave, that is the right model to attract women so even if I form a harem there will not be many complaints as I am risking my life to protect everyone.

To prevent the perfect hero attitude from killing me with disgust, I will act as if the pressure of the environment is polishing my temper by becoming more determined and violent in order to protect others.

A violent and cruel tyrant can be a hero to the people he protects as long as he is not abusive to his subjects. If I use that to my advantage I will be able to avoid shitty politics and only use the best argument to deal with the discussions when establishing a government, the violence.

I will have to think about this carefully, but it will be later as now I have to deal with a couple of students who are still unconscious on the ground.

I could leave them here to their own luck, but the boy is interesting. When I used the Intimidation skill the boy was able to resist at first so I had to increase the pressure to pass him out, although this made the girl convulse a bit before urinating.

This type of mental pressure should only be bearable by warriors hardened by near-death encounters so it is possible that the weft armor protects it.

This raises two possibilities:

1 He is a protagonist just like Takashi.

2 It is important to the plot.

Not only are the protagonists and heroines protected by the plot armor, but relevant people like irreplaceable friends, family, and future teammates also have a certain level of protection which is why I tried to get along with Kenichi to be protected by his armor plot.

Just in case I'll take it with me to check. I want to gather as many protagonists and people relevant to the plot as they will not only serve to protect me, they will also be helpful in studying how plot armor works.

Concepts like luck and destiny are too confusing for me so I need some guinea pigs.

As for the girl, she is cute and her butt does not look bad, maybe I caused her a trauma so I will take an aggressive approach while using a kind attitude to confuse her feelings, little by little I will change that fear for dependence and thus I will be able to generate her Stockholm syndrome.

Deciding what to do with these two, I carried them under my arms like sacks of potatoes, kicked the door of the warehouse, approached an infected one, and with a kick to the stomach sent him away.

I put a large amount of Hamon in that blow so the infected would attract other infected giving me a free way to return to the women who were waiting for me.

Outside the school, the bus was in an open space so that it could escape if the infected approached. I watched them from the entrance of the school while hiding in a corner.

I decided to wait a little longer to increase the mental pressure on the women who were waiting for me, in this way their need to be with me will increase so it will be easy to become indispensable to them even though we do not know each other.

I also cleaned my wounds so that they would not think that I was bitten or scratched as it would be difficult to explain to them why I am immune to infection, that will be for another time.

I cleaned my wounds and made sure to look tired but healthy, their hearts will be moved to see the danger that I went through to protect them at the same time that they will feel safe because despite the danger I was able to get out safely.

Bringing in two survivors while escaping will give me extra points as a hero willing to risk himself for others, I just have to avoid being seen as a complete idiot who would die sacrificing himself as I can tell that the girl named Chikage and several of the female students would not form a relationship with a suicidal idiot with a hero complex for fear of being left without her lover if I died.

I have so much to do, it is troublesome, but it will be worth it when I get my hands on the beautiful women I have collected.

The greater good is not so bad.

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