Not your typical baby mama

Chapter 153 Coming In Prepared

Zach joined them at the door as he stood behind her. He sighed at the two, "What are you doing here?"

"I brought the report you asked for", George responded with a push of his glasses up his nose as he flashed a tablet in their face.

"And I'll be making dinner", Xavier raised the bag of groceries with an excited smile playing on his lips.

"Go home", Zach growled. He didn't want any interruptions between him and Amy.

"My name is Xavier, Zach's younger brother, and this is George, our brother from another mother", he patted George's shoulder as he spoke to Amy, completely ignoring his brother's glare.

"It's nice to meet you both. I'm Amy, please come in", she moved but was blocked by Zach. She had to push the grumpy man inside to let the two men in. Of course, he hardly put up resistance when he felt her hands on his chest.

"Wow! Thank you! You're kind and also very beautiful! Which planet are you from because earth doesn't seem to be it?" Xavier flushed her his best smile.

Amy chuckled in amusement, "You're quite funny."

"And you're quite modest! For that, I'll make you a nice hot meal", Xavier said enthusiastically.

"And you'll leave afterwards?" Zach asked as he crossed his arms against his chest. He looked at Xavier who pretended not to see or hear him, then he turned to George.

"You need help prepping the ingredients, don't you?" George hurried to Xavier's side.

Amy followed them to the kitchen and settled on the stool while the two men made themselves comfortable in her kitchen. So George wasn't just Zach's second in command, he share a close relationship with the brothers. 'How sweet', she thought.

Zach, who had been ignored by everyone including his wife, sighed as he walked over to settle next to her with his arm hanging around her waist. His thumb caressed her side as he relaxed in his seat. Amy's heart was doing summersaults from that little action and her face blushed red.

George helped Xavier take out the food stuffs and placed them on the counter.

"So how are you and the baby doing?" George asked.

"Yes, I didn't check with Zach this evening on how you guys are doing", Xavier added in curiosity.

Amy straightened her back as she subconsciously rubbed her belly. "We're doing alright."

"What about the sex?" Xavier asked.

"Not for the next two weeks", Amy grumbled out in complaint.

Everyone: "..."

Zach but back a smile as he watched her face reddden in embarrassment when realization dawned on her. She shieled her face with her hands and tried to get off her seat only to be pulled into Zach's arms where he buried her face in his chest.

"Really? Tell me more!" Xavier said with amusement in his tone.

"That's not what I was trying to say", Amy complained.

She heard the sound of Zach's laughter reverberate from his chest. He failed to suppress his laughter as he patted her head.

"I doubt it. That sounded like a genuine complaint!" Xavier jabbed at her.

"Leave her alone", Zach's said with a bit of laughter.

He found Amy to be cute. So she was as bothered by the doctor's order as he was. So much to the point of letting it slip in front of his brothers. Amy groaned in his chest, how did that slip out of her mouth? Now they'll think she's a pervert who only thinks about doing that with Zach. Well, it was half true but they didn't have to know.

"It's okay baby", Zach said soothingly.

George's mouth fell open. Amy was really the woman who brought out this gentle side of Zach.

"You survived four months without him, two more weeks is nothing", Xavier added in good humor.

"Xavier", Zach warned him with a glare.

"Anyway, so, about the baby's gender?" Xavier rephrased his question in clear amusement.

"It's going to be a surprise", Zach answered.

"Nice! Sister-in-law, have you started shopping yet?"

Amy finally released herself from Zach's embrace before tucking away stray strands behind her now red ears revealing her reddened cheeks. She shook her head, "No, but I'll start soon. And you can call me Amy."

"How about sis? I've never had a sister", he bargained.

"Well, I'll address you as Madam when the occasion calls for it, but if you allow it, may I call you sis as well?" George asked.

"Sure, why not?" she shrugged.

A small smile made its way onto Zach's lips. He was pleased with how easily Amy and the boys interacted. He thought it would be awkward especially since it's their first meeting. He could guess his mom would go bananas if she found out that he not only has a woman in his life, but a baby on the way too.

"Sis, pots?" George asked.

Amy pointed at a cabinet drawer and he went to get them. Xavier had his back to them as he walked over to he cooker.

"Ooh!" He said as he used a serving spoon and took some pasta to place onto his palm. He threw his head back as he threw it in his mouth. Almost immediately he started chewing, he grunted in disgust and looked for a napkin to spit out. "It must have gone bad while you guys were at the hospital."

"Or maybe not.... ", George had an inquisitive expression as he looked between the couple. Zach's expression was impassive and so was Amy's. She was not going to expose him. But George was good at reading people. He pointed a finger between them before it stopped on Zach. "Did you try to cook?"

He had known Zach long enough to know what he was feeling most of the time. And sure enough, Zach's expression turned into that of annoyance making the two men laugh. Amy couldn't help but chuckle as she rubbed his thigh in a soothing manner.

"Aren't you going home?" Zach glared at the two.

"Hey, come on! I sacrificed my time to make dinner for you, and he spared time out of his busy schedule to personally bring you a report you asked for. Are you really going to let us travel back so late at night? Sis?" Xavier gave Amy a pitiful look.

"Um.... I would let you stay but the spare room doesn't have a bed, unless you can take the couch", she said truthfully.

"Don't worry, we came prepared", Xavier assured her a little enthusiastically.

As if on cue, a knock was heard. He left George to start cooking as he rushed to get the door. He opened it wide and two men, in blue working suits, came in.... carrying a bed. Amy and Zach turned to watch the unexpected show.

"Be mindful of the door frame", he told them.

Amy and Zach's mouths fell open at the scene before them. Was this really happening?

"Sis, where's the room?" He asked.

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