Not your typical baby mama

Chapter 195 A Close Call

"Noah?" She nudged him, feeling uncomfortable at his dazed expression.

"Ah! Sorry. Get in. Get in", he moved to get the door for her.

Victoria smiled when she saw his reddened ears as she got into the car. He quickly jogged to his side after helping her in and drove off. They hardly conversed as they were both nervous though for different reasons. They would start small talk and quickly fall quiet drifting to their thoughts.

When they arrived, he jogged over to her side and got the door for her before handing the keys to the valet. She looked up at the name of the restaurant: Renée. His hand fell on the small of her back making her feel butterflies at the same time self conscious. An older woman with a younger man, she didn't want to know what others thought of her.

While the couple settled into a V.I.P booth, a certain man in a navy blue suit and dark shades walked in and found a table. He got settled a few tables away from Victoria and Noah but where he got a clear view in the dimly lit restaurant. It gave such a romantic vibe he hated it.

"May I take your order, sir?" A waitress came over, blushing at Xavier's beauty.

"The first meal on the first page", he said absentmindedly, keeping his gaze peeled on the couple.

He could not believe his mother. She was really doing this. The waitress left in disappointment. The first page consisted of meals that were a couple set. The restaurant had become famous for such affordable but sumptuous meal sets. He must have a date tonight. The good ones were always taken.

Xavier watched as the couple were served their meals and they happily ate. Noah was being such a gentleman, paying attention to all of Victoria's needs. This just annoyed Xavier even more, he was sure Noah had bad intentions especially knowing the name Victoria carried: Frost.

"Here you go, sir", she said while setting the table.

"Thank you", he said without looking at her.

Meanwhile, a black sophisticated car pulled up at the entrance. The person threw their car keys over the shoulder at the valet as they stormed their way in. Their anger was evident on their face as they quickened their footsteps.

"Excuse me! Do you have a reserva-"

"Out of my way!" They barked making the attendant freeze on the spot. They stopped to look around and zeroed in on their target and quickly walked over.

"I'll call security if you don't cooperate", the attendant held their arm only to be shrugged off.

They watched in fear as the person practically run to the table and tapped on their target's shoulder who turned to look at them. The attendant and security stopped when they saw who they were here for.

"So this was what was important?" They asked in anger.

"Nicole, I..... How did you know I was here?" Xavier asked in shock.

"The question is what are you doing here? You cancelled on me only for you to come to the same restaurant I suggested we come to just to dine with some cheap whore?" She roared.

He quickly stood up and confusion laced on his features. He looked at the table and saw the meal had been served as though he was having it with someone. He shook his head and tried to hold her arms.

"I promise it's not like that. I'm not here with anyone", he answered calmly, looking over his shoulder hoping the couple would not catch onto the commotion as the rest had done.

"Then who are you here for and why?" She looked over his shoulder to see what he was constantly looking at with that worried expression. "Who are you hiding?"

"No one! Keep your voice down!" He whsiper shouted in frustration. "I'm not hiding anyone. I'm here because I'm spying on my mother."

"Bullshit! I need to see for mys-"

"No!" He held her back when she moved. "You'll expose me if you do."

"Let me go if you've got nothing to hide!" She struggled to loosen his grip on her arm.

"Can you calm down and listen to me?" He spoke into her ear through gritted teeth whilst keeping a watch on his mother.

"Let me go", she growled back.

"Why won't you believe me?" He asked in clear desperation.

She scoffed and roughly pulled her arm out of his hold. "Believe you? Have you met yourself? If you were me, would you believe you knowing your history?"

He opened his mouth to speak but clammed it shut. There it was, the bitter truth slapping him in the face. The closest onlookers watched curiously as they overheard her statement, giving him judging gazes. He looked down then back at her, she could see the hurt in his eyes. Attacking him where it hurt most was a low blow but the words had already escaped her mouth as she breathed out in rage. Seeing as he was not answering, she moved to go to the direction he had been anxiously glancing at.

"Nicole", he held her back once more.

"Let me go!"

As the couple argued, someone walked into the restaurant and was just getting shown to their table when they quickly made a u-turn upon seeing the couple and left. Xavier saw the familiar back but refocused on calming down his girlfriend. She was proving difficult and with the attention they were drawing, he flung her over his shoulder and walked out leaving a fat tip on the table.

"Put me down this instant! Put me down!" Nicole shrieked.

His car was brought up, he threw her inside and quickly jogged over to his side and drove off into the night. A bodyguard of Xavier's appeared from the shadows and came to the valet as soon and drove her car home. That person who had disappeared earlier watched the couple leave in the dark from their car that was parked a few feet away from Renée's. They patted their chest and breathed out a sigh of relief.

"That was close", Henry said to himself.

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