NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 277: Alright Alright, Back To Business

Chapter 277: Alright Alright, Back To Business

"Wow! It seems the traitors aren't only in the town NPC ranks," Bloom couldn't help but laugh, "system, why can't you take your own words as a proof and let me have my quest done?"

Yet the system of the game totally ignored him as he received other alerts.

"System alert: player has to select at least one shrine to screw!"

"I'll select all of them."

"System alerts: all of the shrines present inside the town are selected. Player's quest will be considered successful if he killed or stole any NPC belonging to one shrine, yet doing this to all will give the player the full rewards without any cut."

"Damn! Are you trying to pull a trick on me here?" Bloom couldn't stand still, "you should give me more rewards not cut some off!"

Yet the system totally ignored his complaints like he said nothing.

"Now it's time to go to that auction," he evilly laughed before exiting the room and started to wander first around the town while revising the plan in his mind.

The biggest obstacle he had was his ignorance about the layout of the town's mayor building. "Should I go and ask her then?" he thought about Anna, yet the next moment he dropped this idea totally.

"I can't arouse her suspicions about me," he sighed, "she is just a nice girl in a very brutal time I should keep her away and let her know nothing about my deeds."

He didn't know where to look for this info. He even stopped a couple of times opposite the mansion and tried to guess the location of that vault.

"should I kidnap a guard and torture him for info?" he glanced over a small group of guards moving out of the mansion, "this isn't a good idea though," he rapidly dropped this as well.

"Let me check the auction again," he still had an hour or more before the time of the auction. He returned to the restaurant supervising over the walls and gates of the town and started to calmly explore the auction.

"Sigh, nothing of value here," he searched thoroughly many pages and found nothing. "Would the search help?" He didn't exclude the possibility of missing such a map in the large number of auctioned items here.

"Map for town mayor's mansion," he wrote this in the search bar and found nothing.

"What is this mark?" he found a glowing question mark beside no result phrase. He pressed it and the next instant a video screen opened in front of his face.

"Welcome dark agent," a very beautiful lady appeared in front of him, "this is Sheral, I'm your helper for whatever you need to buy."

"Impressive," he couldn't help but remark.

"Is it for me or my service?" she playfully asked with a sweet laugh that made his heart palpitate.

"It's for both, but mainly it's for you."

"Thanks sweet agent of darkness," she felt flattered before leaning to the back of her seat and showing part of her upper and exposed chest from her tight dress that seemed to reveal more than it was hidden. "Do you have a question for me baby?"

"Are you free tonight?" he couldn't help but ask and this question suddenly struck him with lightning. 'Damn! I totally forgot my date with Anna!' he muttered in deep shock while his expression was mistaken by Sheral for being totally crushed by her beauty.

"Sorry darling, despite feeling honored by the offer."

"Sigh, another time then," he softly said while trying to think of a solution to his current problem.

"Anytime my dear," she winked and he didn't get her message, "now can you inform your big sis about your needs? Anything you need I will fulfill," she paused when she noticed his lost eyes over her body, "but not that one, hahaha."

Her loud laugh distracted him from his thoughts. "I'm looking for a layout of any town mayor's mansion building."

"Oh you got some courage in your little one," her eyes sparkled the moment she heard his words.

"Mine isn't a little sexy lady," he returned to his nature and winked at her, making her laugh even louder.

"Alright alright, let's stop here before I come to your place and put you under test."

"I'm not the one who is backing off," he laughed before leaning back to his seat, "I'm always open to any test my dear."

"Alright, back to business," she cleared her throat before adding, "may I ask what exactly do you seek?"

"Does it matter?"

"If you want a simple layout then it's easy. I have it right here right now, but" she paused while putting a serious business look over her face, "if you are seeking treasures hidden deep inside the mansion's vault, then this is another story."

"A higher price then? I don't mind paying more to get what I need," he casually said, acting like a true tycoon that partially aimed to impress her.

"No darling, it's not about money," she winked as she got his message, "but someday I might accept such an invitation from a wealthy agent like you one day perhaps."

"I told you my dear I'm always open for any kind of test," and he winked back while she lewdly laughed.

"Alright alright, back to business then" she again cleared her throat and wore a serious working look, "the issue here is that each mayor will have his own preference to hide the vault inside his big mansion."

"Damn!" he couldn't help but curse and she laughed in joy while pointing at him: "I guessed it right? Admit it, just admit I was right."

"Indeed right," he sighed, "and I'm happy you are enjoying this but I haven't got what I want this way."

"I didn't say it's impossible to get such a blueprint," she suddenly said, "I said it will be another case to speak about."

Bloom's eyes shone brightly as he got her hidden meaning. "Tell me more then, and I promise to give you something good if everything goes ok for me."

"I'll hold you to this promise," she chuckled while looking amused.

"I'll always wait for your calls sweetie."

"Alright alright, back to business," she cleared her throat once more, "to find this vault hidden location I'll need the name of the town you are in."

"I'm just curious," he couldn't help but say, "how can you know such secretive info?"

"It happens I know the right people," she arrogantly said while raising her chin high, "and you should know finding such info isn't cheap or easy. My people are so expensive, and I get ten percent fees out of all trades."

"I'll give you double and meet you on a date tomorrow," he joked with her and she laughed as she got his meaning.

"Another time bad boy," she lewdly laughed while he faked his disappointment.

"Alright alright, let's go back to business," and again she cleared her throat, "what's the name of your precious town?"

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