NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 295: Treason!

Chapter 295: Treason!

Bloom's clones shared the same set of skills, titles, and gears with him with fifty percent effect.

Yet that didn't prevent them from demoting the guards to a level equal to them and that made them all be affected by their skills like any normal player.

Yet Bloom didn't hold back and didn't even glance for once at the massacre at the back.

He only ran towards one direction, the main route that would lead outside the town territory.

"That damn ban affects the entire area under the control of the town," he was already furious about this backstabbing, yet he knew this came for his favor.

"So she took her time to negotiate with the captain and made a deal with him?" Bloom thought before laughing, "yet she ended up losing everything That's the price of being too greedy."

Just as he entered the road, he didn't hurry to execute his perfect escape plan yet. He kept running before his clones all caught up with him and gave him the gears they salvaged off their enemies.

"Go back, scatter at town gate and block anyone trying to leave it," he gave them his final order before selecting something from his inventory.

And the next moment a dark monster appeared just next to him.

"Kneel," he gave the order before climbing over his back. It was nothing else but a flying angel dark monster. "Go forward, never stop for anything."

The monster roared before starting to run fast while flapping his wings to increase his speed to the max.

It was his pet, controlled by the bow. Despite being a dark monster, he was his pet and he could do anything he wanted him to do.

And the most amazing fact was that his level was thirty-five, one of those rare highest pets he ever caught during leveling up solo. His speed was much higher than Bloom and he could even rival the speed of horses.

As Bloom was very sure that his enemy would come running at him on horses.

"If I assumed her treason was just recent," Bloom muttered while being on the back of the monster, "then I suppose she ran away safely, right?"

He couldn't know the answer and didn't have a means to contact Anna directly. So he opened the chat with Antoan and sent a new task for him.

'Do it in less than ten minutes,' he ordered before adding, 'and be ready, we might have a war soon.'

'War?' Antoan sent, 'with monster tide?' he asked.

'No,' Bloom didn't give him any more data, 'tell Nara to start amassing players here. Any player fees will be held by me when I return.'

'When do you plan to return?'

'Just gimme an answer and I can return after.'

Bloom closed the chat and kept thinking about his next move. As his enemy was alive and after losing his precious gear, a war was a logical answer then.

"If you think I can be beaten this easily in my home then you are gravely mistaken," Bloom changed his face to show a ruthless expression, "if you are an NPC then I'm a player, and our numbers are much greater than yours. If you think you have connections and enough wealth to hire others then I'll match this with much more wealth then and a large army of players."

Bloom took this quest to another level, and he wasn't exaggerating as this would be the logical path his enemy would take. "Provided that she managed to escape," he sighed before thinking again at the timeline of events.

"If that damned boss did what I asked for once I told Sharel, then she must have reached the town by now."

He waited patiently for the answer of Antoan, and before five minutes passed he got what he wanted.

'She isn't here yet.'

This answer made Bloom hesitant. "Is she still in town? On the road? Or" he paused before sighing. "I hope she is on the road or else this war would be an offensive not defensive one."

He knew he didn't have the ability yet to attack a system town. Yet while he was lost on thoughts, he found someone running fast on the far horizon.

"It's her!" he couldn't help but shout the next moment, "Anna, stop it's me."

His shouts reached her yet she didn't stop for a second. He realized his voice was different and that was the reason why she didn't recognize him.

"It's me, Bloom," he shouted again and this time she stopped, turned around and glanced strangely at him.

"I had to do that to escape," he simply gave her this reason and the next moment she heaved a deep sigh of relief.

"I was" she paused and didn't continue while recalling what she said to him at the party.

And her face showed a tinge of redness that wasn't even suited with the situation they had just now.

"Worried about me?" he couldn't help but laugh. He was happy to see her safe, "come, I'll lend you one of mine," he said and the next moment another pet appeared and he ordered him to kneel.

Yet she was a little hesitant.

"There is no time," he urged her, "he is my pet and will follow all my orders."

She sighed before climbing over the pet's back. "Who exactly are you?" she couldn't help but ask.

"An agent to the light camp," he simply said before resuming the escape again with her on his side.

"An agent of the light who can tame and control dark monsters?!" she didn't buy his reason, "and what was an agent of the light doing in my uncle's mansion? What was your purpose there?"

He glanced at her with obvious hesitation. Yet he knew she was already involved and he had to tell her something.

"Your uncle was a traitor," he simply said that in a very serious tone.

"T... you said was?" she paused before noticing the way he described her uncle.

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