NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 299: I'm The Mayor, Not Your Mistress!!

Chapter 299: I'm The Mayor, Not Your Mistress!!

And Bloom just ignored his remark as he turned around to leave. "Make sure you deliver the message in time or else my master will make sure your head will roll on the ground next," he said in a cold tone before vanishing from the stupefied guard's sight.

He went fast to a hotel where he changed his identity back to Hannipal and then he went to the restaurant.

"The regular order please," he said to the waiter who had become accustomed to seeing him here.

"Nice suit by the way."

Just before the waiter could respond, a strong voice came that startled him from his back. "M.. Mayor," the waiter stuttered before stepping aside, "would you like our special dish?"

"As usual," the mayor waved his hand before sitting in front of Bloom.

"What business do you have to come all the way here and annoy me?" he said, yet his tone didn't seem that annoyed at all, instead amused.

"You didn't get the news?" Bloom said.

"Are you at a party? Or crashing into one for a girl perhaps?" the mayor laughed as he was joking and having fun.

"The news of a war," yet Bloom said while glancing at this stingy mayor whom he sold the tail before to.

And the mayor got his face changed for a moment before laughing, "as long it's not related to my town, then why should I bother?"

Bloom knew such an influential man wouldn't miss such an important piece of news. "I'm here for business," he said and before he could continue the mayor stopped him.

"If you thought my love for old things outweighs my duties to preserve the safety of my town folks then I should stop you here and end this talk before it starts."

Bloom wasn't moved by these words as he already was prepared for the shamelessness and greed of this mayor before coming here.

"Just listen to what I have to say first," Bloom calmly said, "before hurrying to reject a very precious chance to gain something great."

"If you think you can bribe me with some old bones to send my dear boys out there to turn into bones then you are mistaken," the mayor said with the same attitude and tone.

"I won't send your boys to their deaths," Bloom said, "and don't tell me you won't accept rich rewards that can bring you double or triple their total numbers and not only the losses."

Bloom's words made the face of the mayor slightly relax before a sly smile appeared over his face. "How much are you willing to pay?" he said before pointing his index finger towards Bloom's face, "but be aware that I only accept gold coins."

"I won't pay for gold coins only," Bloom shook his head.

"I won't accept gears!"

"And I won't pay that."

"Then what do you plan to pay?" the mayor seemed interested before adding, "don't tell me the old and useless bones of that dragon I won't accept it!"

"Why are you rash? Are you in a hurry or something?" Bloom sneered and his words made the mayor realize his restlessness was detected by the player in front of him.

"Then speak up," the mayor returned to his seat and crossed his arms to prevent himself from overreacting anymore, "I'm all ears."

"A part of a fort in the battlefield," Bloom simply said and his words made the eyes of the mayor widened instantly.

"You have a fort in the outer battlefield?!!" the mayor turned suspicious the next moment, "I can't believe that!"

"Currently I have nothing," Bloom nodded, "but I have a way to get one."


"This is my business," Bloom said, "and you only should care about your part of the deal."

The mayor remained silent and from his instant expression from before Bloom realized he would agree.

"How much is my percentage?" the mayor asked, "I won't accept less than fifty percent!"

"Sure, go and get your army and your friends' army and I'll sit here eating the meal while you burn the three towns to the ground and get me their tokens," Bloom casually said as if he was asking him to take a walk.

"Stop being silly," the mayor couldn't help but say.

"And you too stop being silly," Bloom's face and tone changed to be serious, "the highest you can get is only ten percent, no more."

"Forty percent!"

"Fifteen, and one more word and I'll look for another mayor to help."

The mayor glanced at Bloom for a long time before he smiled.

"Fifteen is fine to me, but I ask to have a say in the final call there."

"For fifteen percent? No way!" Bloom suddenly got attracted to this point. This was the same thing Sharel's boss asked before. 'It seems having a saying in the final call there is something great,' he thought while the mayor was hesitant.

"I can't accept fifteen percent without a seat in the upper circle of the fort!" The mayor finally announced his decision.

"A seat" Bloom paused purposely, "is totally accepted by me."

"Good, but you first have to own a fort there," the mayor said, "I won't sign a contract with you without seeing proof of that."

"We can sign the contract on the sole condition of me having the fort before the war," Bloom said, "but how much can you bring with you?"

"Me? Who said I'll attend the war?" The mayor's face was funny at the moment.

"I said," Bloom simply said, "if you don't show up, how can I sleep peacefully at night?"

"I'm the mayor , not your mistress!!"

"But you can send me your worthless fighters and I get nothing in return for this deal," Bloom shrugged, "besides the deal should contain a condition that I must win this war or else it would be called off."

"This" the mayor seemed to be more hesitant than ever, "how in the hell can I guarantee something like that?"

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