Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1913 Unexpected Butterfly Effect

It was the future of the Chaos Faction, the creation of the beginning, the cohesiveness, the organization, and the ability to cooperate with each other, and the future of the future.

When the flames of war swept across the entire Other World, the Chaos races that were already blocked and separated from each other were quickly cut off by the elves, dwarfs, and other Holy Light races. They fell into a helpless predicament.

It was not dangerous problem at first.

After all, in the past ten thousand years, the Chaos races had always been like this. They had gone their own way and survived by themselves.

This was because they often occupied barren mountains and rivers that lacked resources. They took advantage of the landscape that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

In this situation, it was difficult for the Chaos races to leave the place. However, if the Holy Light races wanted to invade the lair of the Chaos races, they would have to pay a terrible price.

However, this war between the two worlds had brought about a new situation that no one had ever seen before.

The Dragon City civilization had brought brand-new military technology, killing machines, and war concepts to this ancient and simple world.

War was often the best way for two civilizations to quickly merge.

In the bloody and intense battle with the Dragon City civilization, the military technology of the Holy Light faction had improved at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a new concept of war gradually took shape. They also used mysterious magic to seize a large number of killing machines, from small automatic rifles to medium main battle tanks to large armored airships. There were parts and even intact finished products that fell into the hands of the Holy Light faction.

Since the Holy Light races could master profound and complicated magic, they were definitely not boorish people with well-developed limbs and simple brains.

The modern weapons and military concepts of the Dragon City civilization had long been integrated with the rune system that had the characteristics of the foreign world in order to adapt to the environment with high psionic power. It was only a window paper away from the magic that the Holy Light faction used.

In just a few years, while the people of Dragon City had mastered more and more magic theories, the technology and theories that originated from Earth had also been cracked by the Holy Light faction.

Under the Holy Light Temple's command, there was even a "new knight regiment" that was armed to the teeth with all the seized and copied Dragon City weapons.

Such nondescript goods, if thrown onto the southern battlefield, naturally would not hold up against the original Dragon City Legion.

However, when it was used on the northern battlefield to deal with the Ice Barbarians, ogres, and other simpleminded Chaos races, it had a miraculous effect.

As a result, the allied forces of Dragon City and Picturesque Orchid Lake advanced triumphantly and marched straight into the battlefield on the southern front.

The many Chaos races living in the northern part became the best prey for the Holy Light races who had suffered setbacks in the southern front and were in a bad mood to vent their anger and make up for their losses.

People always picked on the weak. Many of the northern Chaos races became pushovers in the eyes of the Holy Light races.

The victory at the northern front helped the Holy Light faction to maintain their tenacity to fight to the end.

Many of the Chaos races in the north were screaming for help, and it made Meng Chao realize that there was a small problem with his strategy. 

However, it would be far less effective if they wanted to help the northern Chaos races now than if they secretly airdropped supplies and helped them raise their civilization level before the war began.

This was because, after several years of bloody battles, the Holy Light faction had already figured out a set of effective air defense and spatial jump interference methods.

The dwarfs in the Holy Light faction had extraordinary machine-making abilities because they had to dig holes, mine, and smelt underground all year round.

In addition, there were all kinds of Holy Light spells, which were bizarre and mysterious.

They were supplemented by the military blueprints, models, and technicians seized from Dragon City.

Although the defensive effectiveness of the magic anti-aircraft cannons that were pieced together could not reach the level of piercing a tree with a hundred steps, it also made the armored airships of the Dragon City civilization unable to swagger through the airspace of the Holy Light faction in groups like in the past.

It was the same for teleportation arrays.

When the Holy Light faction paid the price of half a knight legion and four grand mages to finally obtain a teleportation array, it did not take long for them to develop a spell that could interfere with teleportation.

Such interference magic did not have to be mature or efficient.

Even if they could only destroy it three to five times out of a hundred teleportations, the officers and strategic resources of Dragon City that were teleported over would disappear into the vast deep sea or the starry sky.

It was enough to destroy the Dragon City Civilization's plan to airdrop supplies and officers to the northern Chaos races.

For the military officers that the Dragon City civilization had invested a lot of resources and time into, it was one thing for them to sacrifice themselves on the battlefield. Every time he stepped into a teleportation array, there was a three- to five-percent chance that he would never return. Every cell in his body would be randomly distributed to a random coordinate on the planet. That was another matter altogether.

Even the most loyal and brave officer would not want to taste the taste of the latter.

In addition, there was already a difference in civilization standards between the Chaos races and the Holy Light races.

The latter would take two to three months to master the modern weapons and military concepts, while the former would usually take a year and a half or even longer to imitate.

As a result, many of the northern Chaos races were suppressed near their nests in the war that lasted for more than twenty years. Their losses were far greater than before.

Such a bleak reality made many Chaos races in the north doubt and even raise objections to the decision of "establishing a Chaos faction."

Only the Ice Barbarians were stubborn and foolish, and they fought against the Holy Light faction without caring about anything.

As a result, the Ice Barbarians became the target of everyone, and they were attacked from both sides by the elves and dwarfs.

No matter how cold the wind in the Eternal Night Abyss was, it could not withstand the storm of death caused by the bullets carved with magic runes.

After struggling for dozens of years, the strongest and most valiant Elk Tribe of the Ice Barbarians finally could not hold on any longer and was completely annihilated.

Under the Elk Tribe, the seventeen or eighteen small and medium-sized tribes that had suffered heavy casualties could only choose to lower their proud heads in the face of their old enemies who had surrounded them from all sides and were eyeing them covetously.

This had happened a month ago.

However, the Holy Light faction chose to block the news of their victory from all sides. They pretended that the main forces of the elves and dwarfs were still fighting against the Ice Barbarians on the northern front.

In reality, these two armies, which had been through hundreds of battles, had secretly moved to the southern battlefield with the might of their victory. They were thousands of miles away from the Holy Light humans, who were entangled with the enemy at the Windhunter Defense Line.

If Meng Chao was still the commander of the Chaos faction, he would definitely be able to smell danger with his experience of escaping death countless times. 

But now, the commander of the Chaos army had once again pulled him down from his position. He was from one of the nine major families and had just ascended to the throne. Hence, he was eager to obtain a glorious victory to give his family a good name.

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