Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 25: Scanning for Jade

Chapter 25: Scanning for Jade

Li Mo intervened.

In this life, he wasnt evil, but there were plenty others out there who were. He wasnt too interested when Bai Jiesheng was gambling, he had only himself to blame for his impulsive actions.

Li Mo acted because Xiangjun and Momo were mentioned.

Only allowed on

Zhao Xiangjun and Bai Feifei were a pitiful mother and daughter pair. The past Li Mo met Zhao Xiangjun as Su clan leaders Su Mingyuans mistress, a mistress in name only. With no status to speak of, Su Mingyuan passed her around like a plaything. 

Zhao Xiangjun was with Su Mingyuan for around six years, until her daughter, Bai Feifei, matured. Su Mingyuan had the sudden urge to have Bai Feifei, despite the mothers intense pleading not to. Fortunately, on that night, Bai Feifei escaped, and Su Mingyuan sent Zhao Xiangjun as a gift to Bai Wudi.

Since that night, Bai Feifei wandered the streets, begging for a living. Destiny had it she would meet Li Mo one day after he returned from his and Du Feis campaign. Li Mo was gravely injured when he came to a strange alley. 

And Bai Feifei just happened to pass by.

If not for her, Li Mo wouldve been a goner.

From that day, Li Mo and Bai Feifei became acquainted, her becoming his disciple. The master and disciple pair fought side by side for two centuries, until Bai Feifeis untimely encounter

Bai Feifei was the only one Li Mo recognized as a legacy disciple. In his past life, he never met Bai Jiesheng, and had no recollection of him now. But Xiangjun and Momo were etched deep in his mind.

Momo was Bai Feifeis early name before she met Li Mo. But because this name sounded so similar to desert, she changed it to Bai Feifei, in hope to spread her wings and fly in freedom(T/N: fei means fly).

He vaguely remembered how Zhao Xiangjun mentioned her husband killed himself after losing in stone-gambling that led to the collapse of her family.

If he were a stranger, Li Mo wouldnt have intervened. But that didnt include his beloved disciple Feifeis parents. 

I owe the company more than three million. I have no reason to live and might as well just die.

Bai Jiesheng wailed.

Li Mo walked before Yu Boyan, Elder Yu, what is the most valuable and precious jade?

Yu Boyan said, There are many high grade types of jade, but the most valuable is without a doubt royal green and the recently discovered violet green never seen in history and outrageously valued. To my knowledge, the royal green and violet green are worth at least a hundred million.

How expensive!

One jade is worth that much?


It caused widespread shock.

Li Mo nodded at Yu Boyans assessment and turned to the rocks.

He opened Celestial Eye and scanned the jades that not even the most advanced tech could pierce through. 

Li Mo surveyed for a long time and Yu Boyan as well as the crowd noticed him wanting to join the gamble.

Kid, this isnt a game suited for children. You should be in school at your age.

Yeah, yeah, youd be better off having your nose in books than among rocks.

What does a child know about stone-gambling? The older one gets the more experienced he becomes. Yet this kid is looking to appraise rocks. Ha-ha, he is so funny.

Yu Boyan also smiled, but only Bai Jiesheng was in dismay, collapsed lifeless on the ground in tears.

Li Mo saw through each and every rock and was disappointed to find no violet green. 

As for other jades

He did find a few.

Li Mo pointed at the last three rocks, as big as footballs, picked by Bai Jiesheng. 


Laughter broke out, and even Bai Jiesheng lifted a corner of his mouth.

Bai Jiesheng was penniless. If he had money, hed have used them on the same stones.

Kid, this is Wei Jis stone-gambling stall, not a playground. Go, shoo, or youll upset Boss Wei.

And here I thought he was a master, ha-ha-ha, how amusing.

If Mister Bai had money, hed open the same stones, ha-ha-ha

Yu Boyan smiled, Young friend, stone-gambling is all in the details, of having a piercing sight, not randomly pointing at a rock.


The crowd laughed louder.

Yu Boyan was hinting that these ball-like rocks werent promising.

What was it, 150,000 for the rocks? With expenses, that makes it 160,000. Here.

Li Mo gave his card.

Boss Wei waved it over to the POS device and the pay was confirmed.

Boss Wei added, Stone-betting is fair to all ages, to the oldest of men and the youngest child. All that come to Wei Jis Jade Stall are customers.

Boss Wei cupped his hands to Li Mo, Young friend, we can begin whenever you wish.

Li Mo waved, Open!

Boss Wei shouted, Cut!

There was no mention of scraping and grinding, skipping to the final cutting stage.

Old Yu was watching in amusement, What good will it do?

Boss Wei didnt trust others, and not even Yu Boyan had his complete faith. But he believed in his clans expertise as an appraiser expert. Before taking them out on display, these rocks were carefully inspected by a Wei clan appraiser.

He checked them before buying them and again before showcasing. Regarding value, these stones here werent the best, but not far either.

At Boss Weis word, Li Mo didnt stop him.

Why would he, when scrapping would make him waste more money.

The first ball was split in two and the result was almost entirely nothing. It went just as that Wei appraiser surmised.

Boss Weis smile froze.

Then an item plopped out of a half.

That was a dark green pearl, small as a fingernail and perfectly round.

This is

Is this jade?

A natural jade pearl?


A natural royal green pearl? Yu Boyan was stunned.

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