Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 374

Excited Aji suddenly jumped out of his seat and got up. I opened the door to the outside and stepped out onto the deck.

The wind blows hard. The golden ship moved as it did then, dissolving everything it touched under its feet. Thanks to the disintegration, not the crushing, the movement of the golden ship was quiet. Can this ship go to the sea… No, it would be impossible. What kind of sea is the sea? Boats are used on lakes and rivers.


Aji has already put her feet up on the side of the deck and is staring at the scenery outside. If you’re going to stare blankly, you’re alone. I don’t know why you brought me. No, more than that, whenever he gets on a ride, he puts his front paws on the window and sticks his head out. Can it be a habit?

I was grumbling in my heart, but Aji blankly started talking to me.

“Humans fight each other.”

“It’s because there’s no one to fight with other than the same person.”

“It’s bruised. write down animals So humans fight each other.”

The military government organized the military department and immediately carried out an operation to eradicate harmful tides. In the meantime, many people died, but they achieved considerable results, and there were almost no dangerous animals in the inhabited areas of the military country. The nations were a strange country where the golden goblet that they drank was wandering around, so the animals lost their place to live. Except for a few animals that are good for pastoralism, such as horses and sheep, they all left the land.

Aji said weakly.

“…So bruising. i can’t help Because you are human.”

But that is also part of it. Beasts still inhabit the southern part of the kingdom, or in lands as wide as these Mist Mountains. More than anything.

“Not necessarily. There are wolves.”


As if comforted, Aji turned his head again and looked into the distance. Why do you keep looking at what there is to see? I’ll see. Putting my hand on the edge of the deck and looking away, I finally knew what Aji was looking at.

“Are you Claudia? We are almost there.”

Certainly, it’s hard to take your eyes off of that scenery.

Clouds are pouring down like waterfalls from the sky. Clouds that fell from high in the sky broke into small pieces as they approached the ground, and spread out like the hem of a country girl’s skirt. The clouds are watery, but they block the sunlight. Thanks to that ambiguous grace, only low grasses grow thickly on the ridge where the cloud falls reach. Such grass becomes supper for sheep and goats. A herd of white sheep wandering over the green table is indistinguishable from the fragments of broken clouds.

It is an awe-inspiring landscape just to look at, as if God were real.

The old people looked at that scene and gave it a name because it was a heavenly road or a stairway to heaven, but that cloud waterfall was born because of purely topographical conditions.

The Sea of Mischief beyond the Misty Mountains. Sea monsters live there. The ancient sea that humans cannot even touch. Monsters swim in the deep and distant abyss that humans, who can only see the surface covered by one layer, cannot dare to fathom. The reason why humans, who are said to be the rulers of the land, never went to the sea.

The king of beasts in the sea took no human form. Humans are the dominant species on the ground and cannot have any influence in the deep sea. Do those behemoths wandering the far-off sea live peacefully in that sea?

However, in the relatively shallow waters of the sea, the seahorse is clearly visible. Occasionally, a tsunami created by a harbinger is pushed in, and the shadow of the harbinger is shimmering in the distance. There are no days when the water fog doesn’t go well because we use the vast sea as a bathtub and splash around in the water. The rising fog has two futures. Either it sinks again and becomes part of the sea, or it rises and becomes a cloud. Most of them choose the former path, but the rest is enough to create a cloud.

It does not reach the sphere of the sky, but those low clouds that make it dark overhead ride the wind and head toward the continent. The wind embracing the clouds hits the curtain of the earth, stagnates for a moment, and then flows down through a gap in the middle.

That place is the village of clouds. Claudia.

It must be a village of humans hiding in the pouring clouds.

“By the way, Aji. What is that?”


“What’s on the waterfall? What is that?”

There is something in the cascade of clouds. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked back at the massive, moving structure.

“…A waterwheel?”

It looks like a giant waterwheel. It seems that someone put into practice the reckless idea of installing a waterwheel on a waterfall instead of running water. If it was water, it would have been broken by the pouring weight of the waterwheel, but fortunately, the water of that waterfall is in the form of a cloud. The watermill was fine.

In other words, there is not enough power to turn the waterwheel. Clouds may not be weightless, but they cannot be compared to water. There is no way a waterwheel that big can turn around.

But the waterwheel turns. Thunder strikes from the clouds. Crackling lightning strikes at the interface between the waterwheel and the waterfall. It’s not even a layered cloud, but an ominous energy threateningly rises and then sinks. It’s just like static electricity, but at that scale, it’s no different from thunder. Every time the light flashes, something different from the clouds flows along the waterwheel. It is not the clouds that turn that wheel, but the lightning that held its breath in it.

It’s something I’ve never seen before… I’ve read Maximilien and Memories of Peru. It was not difficult to guess the identity.

“That’s a whirlpool.”

The wheel that Maximilien introduced to the nations. The source and the huge power that moves Claudia. The cloud village that raised sheep hidden in the clouds in the old days… It seems that after some challenge, it has gained tremendous power.

After admiring the scene for a moment, I noticed a series of groups approaching. It was closer to us than Claudia’s, and at this speed it looked like we’d be there in a few minutes.

“There is no time for admiration. It looks like it came from over there.”

“bruise! Here it is!”

“It could be an enemy, so why are you so excited?”

Well, if it’s Aji, all humans are friends, so it doesn’t matter.

The troops from Claudia were not like the nations. This means that it is well organized and well organized. The number of troops that could be called an army runs through the plain in front of Claudia in line with Oh. On the body, which looks several times larger than other automatic wagons, there are thunderbolt-infused wheels spinning fiercely. It was so fast that we couldn’t see the bumps. One of the people standing tall on top of the wagon glared right at us.

The most impressive thing is the bright yellow hair. She tied her long hair down to her waist in a single strand. Hair also has weight, so it is normal for it to sink under the force of gravity, but for some reason, the loosely knitted hair is floating along with the wind. If it was simply long hair, it wouldn’t have left much of an impression. However, the curious thing is at the ends of the hair.

Between the ends of her hair blowing in the wind… a small spark was flickering.

As soon as the distance got closer, she kicked off the carriage and ran.

Due to the great attraction of this land, all objects that have fallen from the ground move in a parabolic arc. As long as you don’t fly with the wind, the type of curve doesn’t change.

However, Thunder’s movement was different. She floated up and pulled her arm in the air. Then, as if tying a thread to a golden box and pulling it, her new model jerked. Soaring in a curve close to a straight line, she landed on the deck of the golden ship at once. The deck rang with a thud. Static electricity ripples between the soles of your feet and the deck. Tapping his dry, lifted hair, he asked the only human on the deck.

“This ship belongs to Jannokhoeju. Are you a guest of Jannokhoeju?”

That was me. With Claudia’s ruler and the strongest of the nations in front of me, I swallowed my saliva and answered.

“yes. He is passed out in the cabin.”

“I heard from a messenger sent by the Lord of Oppression that the Golden Scenic is headed for Claudia. Where is the golden mirror?”


“What do you mean?”

To the thunderstorm’s question, I answered by pointing my finger below the deck.

“It’s long to explain, but Jannokhoeju blocked the golden mirror. However, in the process, the oppressor lord died and there was a lot of noise about the peace agreement, so I’m heading to Claudia to solve it.”


“If it was a lie, you would have been receiving the golden mirror instead of us by now.”

‘The estimated arrival time has passed, but I didn’t see the golden mirror nearby. The shape of the land remains as it was last… Then. That must be true.’

The ruler of a city, Wu Lehuiju, showed her ability without fail. After taking a quick look around, she finished her judgment in an instant and opened her mouth.

“Looks good. that ghost.”


“What is the god of alchemy? Even though the specter that couldn’t even find it was just wandering around the country. Hmm, now that he’s gone, it’s going to be a bit like a country.”

When it was judged that there was no attack by Hwanggeumgyeong, the urehoeju relaxed and vomited out the true feelings that had been stored deep in the heart. While standing there, not knowing how to respond, Woo Rae-ju raised her right hand. She muttered as she raised her index finger and thumb together.

“Thunder Catcher.”

The moment she clicked her fingers with a click, a flash of lightning struck her hand. It was as if flint stones the size of houses had collided with each other. Branches of lightning surged above the thunderbolt as if holding thunder in one’s hand.

“Whoa! Whoa, whoa!”


While the two beasts were running amok in confusion, Ureaju shook the thunderbolt he was holding and said.

“No surprise. It’s a hand signal sent to the subordinates.”

“It’s a hand signal, and it’s scary because it’s lightning!”

“Then I can’t help it. you are patient I can’t not use my abilities, can I?”

Below decks, thunderstorm soldiers can be seen spreading in all directions. Upon receiving the signal, it stopped fighting and shifted to search. It is a one-size-fits-all situation that is not typical of nations.

After completing the order to his subordinates, Lord Urea stretched out his hand. I didn’t even push it directly, but as if against her hand, the iron door to the cabin opened wide. Turning, she walked down the cabin without hesitation.

“Ah. Let us go down.”

But Aji didn’t follow. When I turned around for some reason, Aji’s hair was floating in static electricity. In the sense of dog hair, it was originally dog hair, but now it has spread in all directions and is completely dog hair.

“Woof woof. my fur! My fur!”

“It’s because of static electricity. It will be better if you wash it.”

“bruise! no time! Let’s go quickly, bruise!”

“You’re not even a cat, so why do you hate washing?”

Clapping my hair with my hand to hold my breath, I followed the thunderstorm down to the cabin.

Ureahoeju went down to the cabin and woke her up after checking the face of Jannokhoeju. Peru has not yet fully recovered, but Wu Lehuiju decided that it was more important to hear the truth from the mouth of the person concerned. It was the same in Peru. Peru explained what she knew, even in the midst of pain.

“…With their help, I stopped the golden mirror from running out of control.”

Hearing the story, Ureahoeju nodded his head.

“Good work, Jannok Hoeju. No, should I say the next golden week? All citizens of Claudia will admire your bravery. There was no chance of winning even if we used up all the power of the Urea, but thanks to that, we didn’t lose our base.”


“A truce? It doesn’t matter. The Plain of the Bottomless Pit, which is directly opposite Claudia, is none of my business… Follow the Golden Lord’s judgment. but.”

Uraehoeju glared at the regressor and Hilde with sharp eyes and said.

“If the military side makes excessive demands in the process, I will immediately stop them. Because the nations are not defeated, and even if the nations are defeated, Claudia will never be attacked. whatever you’re aiming for As long as I am, I will not give up easily.”

As if responding to Uraehoeju’s words, strong energy lingered in her arms and legs. The remnants of the thunderbolt that spread in all directions indirectly showed her power. Elkid, the greatest Lord of Thunder and the ruler of Claudia.

Steel has the qualities of being a path through which lightning strikes. The more steel made through alchemy, the better its properties, and it is said that an alchemist who has reached the extreme can carry a thunderbolt at all times. a select few. Those who have special properties and their own magical powers are reborn as the strongest human beings with lightning.

Elkid, Lord of Thunder, is a human chosen by lightning. An existence that can be borrowed and used with the power close to a god, limited to Claudia, who is the strongest lord of the nations and is always bombarded with lightning.

Ahead of such a thunderstorm, the regressor…

“Oh! I’m not really on the side of the military, and I don’t intend to be hostile to you either! No, I’ll give you a present!”

He showed a friendly attitude as if he wanted to get close. As no one tried to resist, the futilely tousled hair gradually sank.

‘What is it? I tried my best not to look down on you. A messenger from a military country would try not to be pushed back in a battle of strength, right?’

Thunderstorm, who had calmed down with his hair, asked suspiciously.

“…gift? Nothing is impossible for Claudia. I don’t know what you’re suggesting, but I don’t think it’s particularly necessary.”

Thunderstorm still does not raise its guard. However, among us, the regressor, who was more wary than anyone else, was surprisingly completely open to Woorehoeju. Something unfair. Your charm is that you don’t give in to anyone. Why didn’t Woo Rae-joo want to cut off his right arm?

‘Elkid. It’s the first time we’ve met so quickly. Until now, after obtaining the Jizan, I came to visit him to dwell with the Thunder God. This is what Elkid looked like when he was a few years young.’

Chet. School ties are delayed, and blood ties are not enough. Is it because of previous lives? This is why people without a relationship are sad, so how can they live? It’s sad to think of the old days when my right arm was almost cut off. The regressor said confidently.

“no. You will need it.”

“Apart from what it is, what does it want?”

“There is nothing. It’s a sign of friendship. If there is at least one thing, I hope the armistice agreement goes well.”

“A gift given without a price is more suspicious. What is it that makes you so confident?”

Although she was still suspicious, the regressor who had a close relationship with her in the future had already built up a bond with her. Thunderstorm, always an ally in the previous round, was no longer the enemy of the regressors.

‘Still not relaxing. But it’s okay. Because this condition will never be ignored by the Lord of Thunder. Even the golden mirror was dealt with, so if you get rid of the god of thunder, he’ll be my reliable ally in this episode as well. I can be of help to Elkid.’

Even if the memory of that time is in the future that hasn’t happened yet, the regressor spoke to gain favor again.

“Isn’t Claudia the city where the lightning thief hid the stolen lightning?”

“Learning isn’t short enough to have to hear the history of Claudia from outsiders.”

“Listen to the end. The first thunderstorm catches the lightning thief and returns it to the sky, but the thunder god, who almost disappeared, periodically descends on the clouds and attacks Claudia as a way to vent his anger. Right?”

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