One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2917: As for weapons, you don’t need it

"Never mind."

"It just happens that I haven't done it for a long time, so I will move my muscles and bones as an activity."

Su Lang touched his chin, raised his head, "You decide the location, the time, and I will meet your challenge at any time!"

"It's today!"

Gong Xinghuo stared at Su Lang, "I must beat you to the floor!"

"Where is it?"

"You have to set a place with more people, right?"

Su Lang raised his eyebrows and said proudly, "Otherwise no one would applaud if I won, how boring!"

"I have never seen you so arrogant!"

"Since you are so confident, follow up!"

Gong Xinghuo squeezed his fists with both hands, his killing intent spread out, and he turned and flew away.


"You go and wait first."

"I'll call more viewers here."

Su Lang chuckled lightly, looking disdainful to follow.

‘Aotian you chopsticks! ! ’

Gong Xinghuo cursed wildly in his heart and flew forward without a word.

He was afraid that he couldn't help it, he would do it on the spot!

at the same time.

"This thing has to work well."

"It's time for the parties to come out and accuse Gong Xinghuo's evil deeds."

Su Lang looked at the back of Gong Xinghuo leaving, and a sneer was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards.

He then released the Li Xuanzhou Emperor and others who were practicing in the world inside his body.

In addition to Emperor Li Xuanzhou, many people have been threatened by Gong Xinghuo.

"Master Su Lang!"

Emperor Li Xuanzhou, Du Yanjun and others saluted Su Lang respectfully.

They hugged Su Lang's thighs, received Su Lang's favor, and learned a lot of secrets from Su Lang, and they were all their own people that they could trust.

"Go ahead."

"Shake out what Gong Xinghuo has done, even if it is something that everyone knows, it must be publicized again and again."

Su Lang nodded slightly and gave orders to everyone.


Everyone saluted, and then went to work quickly.

Most of them were people who were oppressed and threatened by Gong Xinghuo, and they had long hated Gong Xinghuo. At this time, they had to deal with Gong Xinghuo and they were naturally extremely enthusiastic.


"We must prepare for Gong Xinghuo."

Su Lang returned to Dongtianfudi and began to prepare his own fighting methods.

He naturally doesn't use his usual trick, which is self-violence.

Therefore, a new secret technique must be used.

As for weapons...not needed!

"Secret technique."

"Just use the recently learned technique to deduce an offensive secret technique."

"At that time, one move to control the enemy will highlight your own strength, and it is also very ornamental, which can greatly enhance your reputation."


Su Lang thought about it, and immediately began to deduct the secret technique of the exercises.

The process is very simple.

It is to lock a part of the exercises with divine mind, set a general direction, and then directly use the function of ‘source of exercises’ to deduct.


Su Lang deduced an offensive magical secret technique called ‘Zhou Mai’s Fragmented Void Seal’.

This magical power is naturally not comparable to'Po Yi Jian', but it is completely sufficient to deal with Gong Xinghuo.

After all, with the combination of stars and clouds, even Su Lang, the top powerhouse of the Nine Universes, is not afraid!

"With the efficiency of Li Xuan and the others, things should be fully spread."

"It's also time for me to show up and step on the stepping stone of Gong Xinghuo."

A light smile was drawn at the corner of Su Lang's mouth, and his heart immediately moved, activated the star-cun-cloud function, and once again merged fifteen avatars!


The combat power of his Xing Cuan Yun He clone has directly skyrocketed to the point where it is approaching the top level of the Nine Universes!

"With this level of strength, coupled with the Zhoumai Fragmented Void Seal, it should be possible to get it done."

"If you still can't figure it out, just merge a few avatars in the middle."

Su Lang thought in his heart, and then took out the treasure hunt flying flying fly, locked Gong Xinghuo's position, and went directly through time and space.

In a natural universe with harsh environment.

A large number of defensive arrays were arranged somewhere in the dead void, enclosing a vast void.


It is the battlefield dedicated to the Xuanyu Alliance to resolve internal private conflicts.

at this time.

Gong Xinghuo was already sitting cross-legged inside the formation, exuding icy killing intent.

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