One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 268

Chapter 268 - An Accident

Jiang Hao was already on his way to Soong Wan's house, driving with a sense of purpose. The issues with Jia Renyi didn't faze him in the slightest. The Jia Family might have wielded more power than the Qin Family, but Jiang Hao was a changed man—no longer the naive Wu Xia or Ah Meng of the past. He was beyond the control of others, and anyone foolish enough to cross him would soon learn the consequences.

Before long, Jiang Hao pulled up to the Soong family manor. After a brief exchange with the security guard and a quick confirmation call, Soong Wan herself came out to greet him. But today, her usual cheer was absent; her expression was troubled, and her eyes were red and swollen, betraying recent tears.

Concerned, Jiang Hao couldn't help but ask, “Wan'er, what's wrong?”

?At his words, Soong Wan spun around and buried herself in Jiang Hao's embrace, sobbing uncontrollably. Jiang Hao, taken aback, gently patted her back, trying to offer some solace.

“Hey, hey, it's okay. Can you tell me what happened?”

With Jiang Hao's comforting, Soong Wan managed to steady herself a bit. “My mom fell ill out of the blue yesterday. She was shivering, constantly saying she felt cold. No matter how many blankets I piled on her, nothing seemed to work. My dad brought in a renowned TCM practitioner, but even after a thorough examination, he couldn't figure out what was wrong. They're discussing it with several experts right now, but my mom… she's just getting worse.”

Her voice broke as she spoke, and tears welled up again. “I'm scared, so scared,” she whispered before collapsing into Jiang Hao's arms once more.

?Jiang Hao's brow furrowed with concern. “Wan'er, stop crying. Let's go see your mom. I might have an idea of what's wrong with her, but I need to check to be sure.”

Hearing this, Soong Wan quickly wiped away her tears, a glimmer of hope lighting up her face. “Really?”

?Jiang Hao met her gaze earnestly. “Yes, really.”

?Grasping onto this newfound hope, Soong Wan was eager. “Then let's not waste another minute. I'll take you to her right away!”

?Soong Wan, brimming with excitement, grabbed Jiang Hao's hand and they sprinted together!

In no time at all, Soong Wan led Jiang Hao to the doorway of a room.

Before Jiang Hao could step inside, he overheard the ongoing discussions.

“Mr. Soong, has Mrs. Soong come into contact with anything unusual recently?”

“Not at all! My wife cherishes her peace and quiet. She barely does anything all day, just reads books and enjoys looking at the flowers and plants.”

“But she's always been like this. We've never encountered anything like this before!”

“Well, we've used the most sophisticated equipment to examine her, but we haven't detected any anomalies.”


At that moment, Soong Wan entered with Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao, upon entering, fixed his gaze on Soong Wanzhong and spoke with a stern look.

“Uncle Soong, think back—around ten years ago, did Auntie experience something similar?”

Jiang Hao's abrupt interjection caused a ripple of displeasure among those present.

When they realized that the one interrupting was just a young lad, their irritation grew.

These were individuals who were typically esteemed guests of the rich and powerful.

This youngster had burst in without a trace of courtesy, cutting off their conversation.

Had it not been for Jiang Hao having the Jade King's daughter at his side, they would have rebuked him by now!

“Excuse me, but who might you be?”

At that point, one of the young doctors inquired.

However, Jiang Hao ignored the question, his eyes locked steadfastly on Soong Wanzhong.

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