One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 324

Chapter 324 - Did I Let You Go the Secret of the Baiqi Killing Sword?

“Did I give you permission to leave?”

The moment Lv Yingyu witnessed the scene unfold, her body tensed, and the fleeting sense of relief in her heart vanished.

A bitter smile crept into her thoughts.

It seemed she was destined to meet her end in this desolate wilderness today.

Who could have imagined that such a young child would turn out to be a high-level martial cultivator?

Surely, even the most secretive and noble families couldn't produce such talent, could they?

In that instant, Lv Yingyu's face twisted into a pained smile. She bowed deeply to Jiang Hao, her voice laced with anxiety.

“Senior, if you have further commands, I beg you to make them known.”

Jiang Hao glanced at Lv Yingyu before speaking.

“I have a few questions for you. Answer them obediently, and I'll allow you to leave.”


He didn't get to finish his sentence before Lv Yingyu and her followers let out a collective scream, collapsing to their knees.

Clutching their stomachs, their complexions turned ghostly pale as beads of cold sweat streamed down their foreheads.

They felt as though invisible hands were mercilessly twisting their intestines from within.

Jiang Hao's voice cut through the air once more.

“How does it feel? The agony of your liver being shredded inch by inch isn't pleasant, is it?”

Gritting her teeth against the pain, Lv Yingyu couldn't help but lift her head to look at Jiang Hao.

It was now painfully clear to Lv Yingyu and her companions that the mysterious affliction tormenting their bodies was Jiang Hao's handiwork.

But when had he administered the poison?

How had they failed to detect it?

What kind of monster had they stumbled upon today?

A youth with not only exceptional martial arts skills but also a master of such advanced poisoning techniques!

Jiang Hao's response only confirmed her suspicions.

Ignoring Lv Yingyu's astonished gaze, he began to explain nonchalantly.

“You've all been struck by my exclusive poison: the Ten Days Heartbreaking Powder.”

Ten Days Heartbreaking Powder: Ingesting this poison subjects one to ten days of excruciating pain, culminating in a violent death.

“So, what do you think of the Ten Days Heartbreaking Powder's potency?”

Hearing this, a chill ran down Lv Yingyu's spine.

The pain, though brief, was enough to make her yearn for death.

If she were to endure this for ten days, she might as well beg for the mercy of a swift sword.

Jiang Hao could tell that the warning had served its purpose, so he spoke up.

“Answer my questions obediently, and you'll receive the antidote.”

Upon hearing this, Lv Yingyu turned to Jiang Hao, enduring her pain with a bitter smile.

“Senior, please ask away. I shall spare no detail in my answers!”

Jiang Hao was quite pleased with Lv Yingyu's response.

“Let's hope so.”

He then tossed a small vial to Lv Yingyu.

“This contains an antidote that can suppress the agony of a shattered liver for ten days. Take it.”

Lv Yingyu eagerly caught the vial and quickly downed a few of the pills. The antidote worked wonders; the excruciating pain began to subside almost immediately and soon vanished entirely.

After distributing the medicine to her followers, she approached Jiang Hao with respect.

“Senior, I am ready for your questions.”

Jiang Hao gave a nod, foregoing any further preamble.

“Why are you contending for the Baiqi Killing Sword?”

“What secrets does the Baiqi Killing Sword hold?”

Clutching the Baiqi Killing Sword, which could kill without a drop of blood, he posed the two questions that had been troubling him.

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