One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 343

Chapter 343 - System Upgrade Weapon Binding

Invisibility was just like the transfiguration ability Jiang Hao had acquired—it could only conceal his body, not his clothes, which remained stubbornly visible!

As Jiang Hao wallowed in his frustration, the system chimed in with a notification.

“Ding! System experience points are full. Would you like to upgrade?”

A surge of excitement replaced Jiang Hao's gloom at the prompt. He quickly put aside his concerns about the invisibility and transformation techniques and responded eagerly.

“System, upgrade!”

“Ding! The system has been upgraded to level four. The success rate for the Super Deconstruction and Synthesis System has increased!”

With the sound of the notification, a System Panel materialized before Jiang Hao.

Host: Jiang Hao

Level: 4 (0/10,000)

Age: 18

Strength: 48

Agility: 20.2

Spirit: 15.2

Endurance: 7.6

Weapon: Unbound


Lion's Roar Skill Level 1 (0/1)

Dugu Jiujian Level 2 (0/100)

Nameless Fist Technique Level 3 (0/100)

Beat-Dog-Stick Arts Level 3 (0/100)

Lee's Flying Knife Level 3 (0/1000)

Swimming Level 3 (0/100)

God Chef Level 3 (0/1000)

Poison Arts Level 3 (50/100)

Great Yin Yang Five Elemental Needle Technique Level 3 (0/100)

Medical Technique Level 4 (61/1000)

Hacking Level 5 (0/1000)

Basketball Level 5 (0/1000)


Invisibility Level 1 (0/1)

Fantasy Creation Level 1 (0/10)

Super Power Level 2 (0/100)

Poison Immunity Level 2 (0/100)

Eye of Law Destruction Level 2 (0/100)

Thousand Mile Sound Transmission Level 2 (0/100)

Wind Catching Ear Level 2 (0/100)

Undying Body Level 2 (0/1000)

Insect Controlling Arts Level 3 (0/100)

Transformation Technique Level 3 (0/100)

Danger Perception Level 4 (0/500)

Skill Points: 780

Personal Space: Activated

After upgrading to level 4, the experience points needed to reach level 5 had indeed increased tenfold again!

“At this rate, leveling up in the future is going to wear me out!”

Jiang Hao had successfully upgraded his system to level 4, just as he wished.

But the thought of the massive amount of experience points required for future upgrades was enough to dampen his spirits.

Just then, the system notification chimed in.

“Ding! The level 4 system has introduced three new features. Would you like an explanation?”

Jiang Hao, caught off guard, perked up.

“New features added to the level 4 system?”

A wave of excitement washed over him.

“Well, don't keep me waiting—explain!”

The system began detailing the newly added features to Jiang Hao.

“New feature one for the level 4 system: Weapon Binding!

The host can choose to bind a weapon to themselves.

Once bound, if the weapon is within a certain range, the host can summon it back into their space with just a thought!”

Jiang Hao was thrilled upon hearing this.

This feature was the perfect solution to his Lee's Flying Knife skill issue!

No more bending over to retrieve… soap!

Oops, wrong analogy.

No more bending over to retrieve throwing knives!

At that moment, Jiang Hao examined the System Panel more closely and indeed, a new weapon slot had been added beneath his physical attributes.

The ‘Unbound' label next to the weapon slot, however, was slightly irksome.

“System, bind my nine flying knives and name them: Heaven's Inquisition Nine Sabers!”

Jiang Hao, with a flair for the dramatic, chose a rather flashy name for his nine flying knives.

“Ding! Heaven's Inquisition Nine Sabers successfully bound!”

Following the system's notification, the weapon slot was instantly updated with the name “Heaven's Inquisition Nine Sabers.”

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