One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 348

Chapter 348 - The Elders Who Arrived Late!

Jiang Hao set aside his playful mood and waited in silence for the riffraff of Nether King's Hall to show up.

The night deepened into stillness.

Yet, there was no sign of anyone from Nether King's Hall.

As resentment began to bubble within Jiang Hao, he suddenly sensed something and his gaze snapped to the roof of a nearby building.

The flicker of impatience on Jiang Hao's face vanished, replaced by a slight smile.

“A bunch of nobodies, they've finally arrived!”

True to his intuition, shortly after his remark, three silhouettes materialized atop the roof.

Unbeknownst to them, a figure had been seated in the attic below, watching them intently all along.

One of the trio spoke up in a hushed, mocking tone.

“Old Seventh, where's this so-called expert of yours?”

The target of the mockery was about to respond when he was cut off by the one in the middle.

“Enough, no more bickering!”

“We'll go straight to Soong Wanzhong and demand the Baiqi Killing Sword!”

“I've had my eye on the Lv Family, and their lack of action is puzzling.”

“But regardless, we cannot afford to lose the Baiqi Killing Sword!”

The man commanded respect; his words instantly quelled the dispute between his companions.

All three were members of the White Tiger Hall within Nether King's Hall.

The first to speak was the Eighth Elder, the one he clashed with was the Seventh Elder, and the one who chided them both was the Fifth Elder.

In Nether King's Hall, the Ten Great Elders were ranked by strength, with a significant gap between the top five and the latter five.

It was just one tier, but the disparity in their combat abilities was vast.

So vast that the Fifth Elder alone had the power to suppress the combined forces of the latter five elders.

This was precisely why they didn't dare talk back to the Fifth Elder's scolding.

Typically, the top five elders wouldn't be stirred to action without good reason.

However, the circumstances were exceptional this time; the Hall Master of the White Tiger Hall had issued a direct command, and the presence of the Fifth Elder served as a stark warning to the Lv Family.

After encountering Uncle Hai, the Seventh Elder realized he lacked the necessary strength, prompting him to seek reinforcements.

Upon learning of the situation, the Fifth Elder initially intended to call upon the Eighth Elder for assistance. However, he soon discovered that the Lv Family appeared to have withdrawn from the contest for the Baiqi Killing Sword.

Consequently, he abandoned the idea of intimidating the Lv Family and chose to join forces with the Seventh Elder. Together, they aimed to secure the Baiqi Killing Sword swiftly and return to report their success to the Nether King's Hall.

That's what brought them here.

Subsequently, the trio set out towards Soong Wanzhong's location.

But just then, an unexpected voice pierced their thoughts.

“Since you've all made the journey, why not come down for a chat?”

The abrupt arrival of the voice caused the Nether King's Hall elders to freeze momentarily.

Yet, they quickly regained their composure.

Forming a defensive triangle with their backs together, they scanned their surroundings with grave expressions.

Despite their vigilance, they detected nothing.

Jiang Hao, witnessing this, could hardly believe it. Was he really so easily overlooked, despite his imposing presence?

Resigned, Jiang Hao rose to his feet and stepped out from the pavilion, deliberately clearing his throat with a cough.

“Cough, cough!”

It was then that the Nether King's Hall elders finally took notice of Jiang Hao.

They eyed the transformed Uncle Hai with caution.

In a hushed tone, the Seventh Elder quickly briefed the Fifth Elder.

“Fifth Elder, this is Soong Wanzhong's old butler, the formidable guardian who has been by Soong Wanzhong's side!”

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