One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 425

Chapter 425

Chapter 425 : Hell Mode! Four down! The only seedling……Great Desolate Army

The final of this year's exchange tournament had……attracted countless eyes!

Especially this year also appeared the Xinghe Academy and the Yaoguang University, both of which were five mythical super top teams.

Considered by many people.

Able to fight with those top sects and top dynasties!

All the time.

Although the thirty-six super top schools were also notorious.

But at the highest level.

It was difficult to compete with sects or dynasties!

And this year's Xinghe academy and Yaoguang university……

Let them see this hope!

So that was the attention of this session.

A few points more than before.

One by one, school leaders, teachers, students.

Including those who were already eliminated from the thirty school teams.

All gathered in the viewing room.

Watching this final!


Many powerful existences were also paying attention.

“It's a pity for Yaoguang. If they didn't meet Xinghe in advance, the final would be the peak battle between the two, unlike now… Xinghe is fighting with Bei Dou? What else is there to see?”

A teacher of other schools watching the battle shook his head. A trace of regret appeared on his face.

It wasn't just this teacher.

Many teachers, leaders, and students all thought the same way.

The original expectation in their hearts was ……

Xinghe Academy and Yaoguang University in the final …… The summit showdown!

The fierceness of Mars hitting Earth!

Didn’t want to see a one-sided match.

“We are …… shame.”

In the host team of Yaoguang University.

-The team member said helplessly.

“If we had played Bei Dou University in the semifinals, we should have been able to solve it, even though Jiang Fan’s plane was very powerful.”

Another team member also agreed.

“A loss is a loss, luck is also part of strength, no need to mention it”

The captain of Yaoguang University spoke up, “Let’s see the final, there won’t be any weaklings who can make it to the final!”

“The strength of these two sides is still too much different.”

A team member shook his head and said, “This side of the Xinghe Academy is a five-myth formation. All five are at the Great Myth level!”

This is the main reason many people think that the Xinghe Academy could rival those top sects!

All five players were at the Great Mythic level!

Although Yaoguang University also had a five-myth formation!

But only three were at the Great Mythic level.

The other two were at the Minor Mythic level.

Big mythical level and small mythical level ……

The difference was still very obvious.

“And this side of Bei Dou University ……”

This team member couldn’t bear witnessing it, covering his face with his hands and said, “Only Jiang Fan is a Great Mythic level, a legendary level, and the other three are actually still Epic levels!?”

“How dare you believe it!”

“All relying on Jiang Fan alone is holding up. His plane is indeed somewhat powerful.”

“But unfortunately …… Ran into the Xinghe Academy!”

“Fatty, does Bei Dou University really have no chance at all?”

Zhongda Academy’s side.

A team member asked Fatty Luo.

“The match hadn’t even started yet. It was impossible to say that there’s no probability at all about anything.”

Fatty Luo shrugged his shoulders and said, “But …… Xinghe Academy’s lineup is too perfect!”

“There’s output, there’s defense, there’s melee, there’s long-range.”

“You saw the semi-final just now, right? In fact, they also configured Yaoguang University in the same way, but the depth and thickness of the lineup is not as good as Xinghe Academy.”

“Five big myths are worthy of five big myths, they can rank this lineup in history. This year they should take the championship!”

And on this side of Bei Dou University.

Su Jicheng and other coaching staff were all frowning and thinking hard.

Including the vice president and school leaders.

One by one, they all came around.

For the next final, to come up with a plan.

But think about it.

There was no good strategy.

“The Xinghe Academy lineup was very well rounded, basically there was no weakness.” Su Jicheng shook his head somewhat helplessly and said to Jiang Fan’s team, “In that case, in the final, continue to follow the previous strategy and focus on defense!”

“Wait for the Xinghe Academy’s people to come and attack!”

After a few explanations.

Jiang Fan, Lin Youhe and the other five walked into the battle room.

“Go for it!”

Before the match, all five of them had their hands folded together.

Cheering each other on.

Although Xinghe Academy was unprecedentedly powerful.

None of the people outside were optimistic.

But Lin Youhe and others would not easily admit defeat.

There was a look of dissatisfaction in all of his eyes!

We have gone all the way through, and eliminated four powerful teams one after another!

Thus ……

Made it to the final!

In this.

There was not a trace of luck!

No fight with Xinghe Academy at all?

No one would be convinced.

“According to the previous strategy, the terrain of the competition venue this time should not be any special either, you guys come in and lean directly towards my side.” Jiang Fan also briefly arranged!

To the opponent of this final …… Xinghe Academy.

Jiang Fan did not dare to be careless.

The strength of the opponent was indeed very strong.

The lineup was very balanced.

Unlike the previous …… all had obvious weaknesses.

And in the Xinghe Academy’s sparring room.

Five players were watching the video projection of the previous games of Bei Dou University.

Focusing on Jiang Fan’s airplane pilot.

As for Xiang Zhifei’s Demonized Man or Jane Ziqiang’s Maze puppet, etc.

They didn’t even bother to care.

“The only threat we have is the brand new race Jiang Fan created …… pilots.”

The captain of the Xinghe Academy was also the tactics maker.

A tall young man pointed at the projection and said, “The output is very high. The 100,000 heavenly wolf pack of Sirius Academy and Zhongda Academy in front of them were both defeated by these planes.”

“The speed is also very fast.”

A tall and beautiful girl nodded slightly and said, “The flight altitude is also very high, if it is the Yaoguang University, I guess they have nothing to do, but ……”

“Meet us at Xinghe Academy!”

The tall girl smiled gently and said, “We just have weapons to deal with such high speed airborne creatures.”

“And did you guys notice?”

This girl pointed to the image on the projection and continued, “The biggest killing power of these planes is a small projectile shot out, but to launch these small projectiles, swoop down and the altitude will be very low!”

“This way, we can take advantage of these planes flying at low altitude and shoot them down!”

“That’s right, that’s probably the tactic.”

The tall young man, the captain of Xinghe Academy, took over, “I will take care of Jiang Fan’s plane and Mo Yao personally, and you guys will quickly take care of Jiang Fan’s other four teammates!”

“Is there any problem!?”

“Of course not.”

The white-clothed boy smiled and said, “Jiang Fan’s four teammates in his place, to be honest ……”

“We only need to put out two to be enough to solve it, and three would be more than enough.”


The tall young man nodded in satisfaction and said, “Although the other side is not an enormous threat, we should not be careless. Remember that the lion fights the rabbit, but also needs all its strength!”

“This is the final and our school’s upcoming third consecutive championship, so everyone gives it your all and shows the world your strongest strength! Take this third consecutive championship!”

Time passed little by little.

Finally!Th.ê most uptod/at𝓮 n𝒐vels a/re published on n(0)velbj)n(.)c/o/m

The much-awaited final of the exchange competition officially began.

The Great Desolate Army didn’t hide this time.

It came straight up with ……

Twenty rainstorm warplanes all go out with the army!

Of course.

The forefront was still using drones.

Looking for the teams of demonized people, water cannon turtles, maze puppets and goblin chiefs.

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