One-Punch DxD: NEO

Chapter 50: First Day in Hell

Chapter 50: First Day in Hell

Here's another update y'all! Let's keep this going, and have a good Easter!



Within an isolated forest of the Underworld's wild terrain where monsters roam, a banshee shrieking warcry filled with unbound furry echoed, causing the native birds to fly from the trees and the smaller creatures, such as slimes, to run away.

Boles and splinters of bark shattered as the old monkey leapt from tree to tree, humming and rubbing his chin as his punished student chased him with the fury of a thousand sirens.

"I must commend your reserves of stamina, not many can last this long. Particularly with your altered physique." Sun Wukong commented.

"That sounds sexist and only serves to make me even angrier!" Isa shouted as Sun Wukong and she landed in a glade as Isami used her Awakening Breath.

Sun Wukong watched and parried Isami's chimeric style of an application his ki, all focused on the sole aspect of war and destruction, with Ruyi, feeling the weight of Isami's blows as he went on the defensive.

Isami breathed again, her rage fueled into her fists, as Wukong felt the attack starting to ring through his beloved staff.

"Hoh?!" Wukong retaliated for the first time as he pushed Isami back with a palm thrust at the first opening he saw, sending Isami flying back into a tree, but she immediately jumped back to him with berserker ferocity.

Wukong grinned as he twirled and greeted his student in a second exchange.

This time, he was no longer just defending, pouring some of his ki into his strikes as he countered Isami, his smile growing when she showed aptitude for the gentle style, dancing streams of blue left by her hands as they exchanged counter after counter like two twisting streams that continued to spiral each other.

"I see! So this is how you stood against Kokabiel!" Wukong praised as he flipped Isami's explosive heart straight punch with one end of his staff and, twirling it once, thrusted the other end into Isami's ribs.

Isami coughed as she felt Wukong's Ki penetrating her touki before the impact launched her through thickets of trees.

Isami coughed blood, but it did not deter her fighting spirit as she smirked in return. Her body was a pain in the ass to move in due to the heavy barbells dangling from her chest, but it didn't matter, she will bring down the Monkey King in this bout.

"That's enough for now." Sun Wukong said as he landed before Isami. "While I do wish to indulge in the rush of battlelust, I do have questions and advice to give you regarding your current state."

Isami stared at the Monkey King for a moment as her adrenaline slowly decayed in her system. Like him, she wanted to continue, but this was for her training, not for her pleasure.

"Fine." Isami exhaled the stress. "So, what have you gotten for me?"

Sun Wukong regarded his charge for a few seconds before remarking, "...I guess you have a better hold of your emotion than I expected. Good, that makes things easier."

"I don't have an anger issue. I'm just very, very, very, pissed that I got turned into a girl. Again." Isami frowned.

"Hahahaha. Well, something to consider when punishing Bikou. As for my questions, where did you learn those martial arts? The concept behind them is simple, but the mastery of the application is quite refined, much more than what I'm used to."

Isami then took a seat on a nearby rock in the glade, humming.

"Ah, that. Well, the styles came from my dad's and Uncle Genos' old home. But dad sucks at teaching anything regarding technique, and Uncle Genos only has second-hand information. Worse, uncle is no martial artist, he can copy it to an extent, but he's no master."

Wukong then tilted his head, "In conclusion, you got this far by unreliable sources available to you? I'm not sure if I should be disappointed at the way they taught you, or impressed by how you mastered them to this degree."

"Oh, no, no. Believe it or not, there's actually someone else who gave me better pointers." Isami quickly rectified, "He did not stick around long enough, but he surely taught me enough to reach Here."

"Hoh, he must be quite the master. What is his name?"

"He calls himself Bang, but he's kind of an asshole. His real name is Garou."

The Monkey King remained silent. Isami could see the old youkai frozen on the spot, the atmosphere shifting into a tense quiet for a moment.

"...You know him." Isami accused.

"I" Wukong cleared his throat.

"For an old monkey, you sure suck at lying." Isami smirked a little.

"...It is one of the detriments with age, I admit. I am not acquainted with the man. But I do know his name."

Isami smiled that she finally got a hold of where the bastard was.

"So? How's he doing? Is he eating well? He owes me a debt, and by debt, I mean I'm going to make him complete my training one way or another."

Hearing that, The Monkey King laughed with mirth.

"Ahahahahahaha! Well, that is indeed a great debt! Hahaha but I am afraid that I do not know where he is. However, I do know one place where he has been." The Monkey King admitted. "He is infamous in a famous location in China he managed to enter the one place where many would've fallen trying to reach."


"Hmmmm, telling would spoil the mystery."

Isami threw a rock at the monkey king.

"Oh, fine. Only that it's out of respect that he was your master" The youkai chuckled, after tilting his head to dodge the projectile. "...Shangri-La."

Isami blinked once, twice, "...Shangri-La? The Shangri-La?"

The Monkey King only smiled wider.

"No fucking way, shut up! How'd he end up there? Isn't that place like, mythical and super hard to find?" Isami asked.

"It can be found. It's just that it is thoroughly hidden through both magical and scientific means. There is also a maze that one must brave through. Usually, the only way to reach the sacred place is by invitation with a guide leading the guests, but he is the first man to reach Shangri-La by himself. It surprised the residents there He stayed there for three weeks before he resumed his great journey, or so I've heard."

Isami remained silent while regarding and listening to the old youkai before him, before he chuckled, "...Huh."

"As for your techniques, please, regale me about them. I think I have something that might-"

"Ohhhh, Isamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~"

Isami turned to stone for a moment when a familiar voice joined them.

Wukong looked up.

"Oh, are those your Devil friends?" Wukong asked, pointing at the group of devil girls with their bat wings spread in the purple-magenta sky.

"Not sure how long they can maintain that status at this point." Isami snarked before he shouted at Tsubasa and the others, "How the hell did you find me?! And go away! Aren't you all supposed to be training?!"

She was joined by Rias, Koneko, Akeno, and Ravel.

"Hello, there, Rival."

Isami glared at the one person he swore to kick in the genitals if she saw him with bloodshot eyes.

"...Did you really go out of your way to bring them here?" Isami hissed at Vali.

"Your uncle told me to show everyone where you are. It won't be a punishment if no one you know sees you, he says."

Isame buried her face into her hands, unable to bear the shame as the girls landed around him.

"What? Can't your girlfriend take a small break to see you?"

"That's bullshit and you know it." Isami muffled through her hands.

"Awww. Alright, truth be told, we are your managers." With a cheeky smile, Tsubasa pointed a thumb at the others.

"...My what?" Isami asked venomously.

"We volunteered to oversee you while under punishment." Koneko confirmed.

Isami slowly slid her hands down as she glared at Tsubasa.

This day just could not get any worse. Genos must really really want to make her eat her words.

"Don't worry, we are not escorting you to your hell immediately." Rias giggled with a smile. "We just want to hear what you did in Italy. I heard you've been freed from your curse also, we want to see you train for a moment."

"Is this allowed by whoever is training you guys?" Isami asked, quirking a brow.

"My father is open after some pleading." Akeno smiled. "Also, Azazel visited each of us and told us about you, as well as to take a small break for a day."

"On that note - me, Koneko, Ravel and Vali will make time during our training schedule to 'manage' you." Tsubasa said with a cheeky grin.

"Gods damn it, I really, really, hate you all right now." Isami did not want to believe that this day could get any worse but he was afraid that he would curse himself.

"Aww, we love you too~!" Akeno replied with a giggle.

"So tell us about your time in Italy. Did you bring souvenirs for us?" Tsubasa asked as she plopped down next to Isami.

"...I believe we can take a small break today." Wukong bowed before them respectfully and walked away, making Isami pout.

"Fine" Isami sighed. She decided to take it since she did plunge herself into this rabbit hole. "You girls are a handful, but alright. Where should I start let's begin with Gold owning a fucking Five Star Hotel."

"Hello again, Isami-chaaaaaaaan!" Magical Girl Serafall Leviathan waved at Isami the moment she, and her cohorts, arrived at the studio.

The studio was in the entertainment district of the Underworld city, the building marked and colored by girly pink and stars. Isami glared at the red empress dress she forced her to wear with all of her hate, so much so that he was tempted to get the Monkey's Paw back to curse her.

"Fuck. You."

The Red Dragon Empress gave the magical girl the biggest frown she could even along with a middle finger.

"Tee-hee! No need to be so mad~! Come on, let's give everyone our best this time! Do you know how popular you are as my sidekick? The crowd is chanting your name, you know?!"

"Get a shapeshifter or something to play her if you want to indulge the fantasies of horny teenagers two-fold." Isami almost hissed at her like Stjarna.

"But that would be boring~ and I know from experience that replacing the main act like that tends to draw questions, so put on your uniform and get to it!" Serafall shoved the uniform into her hands.

Isami frowned as he looked at his 'uniform' for a few seconds, before he sighed - might as well get this quickly done and over with.

Isami then made his way towards his designed dressing room. However, he did not expect Tsubasa to follow him. When he quizzically glanced at her, the girl replied, "I'm to help you dress, in case you don't know how to put your stuff on."

Isami wanted to retort, but he just wanted the day to be over, thus he simply sighed and let her follow her without another word.

The room was simple, a desk with a mirror and makeup tools, drawers, wardrobe cabinet, and a rack of spare uniforms, the ambient light all too common.

Isami stared at herself in the mirror. Her eyes leered at her massive chest Isami's curiosity was sprouting a little as she touched her mound.

"Oh? Curious about the female body, are we?" Tsubasa chimed.

"...Maybe a little." Isami groped herself with both hands and squeezed.

"Mmmf." She nearly half-exhaled. Her chest pieces were quite sensitive.

However, while her eyes were too focused on her knockers, Tsubasa's hand sneaked around her to her surprise and

Isami gasped and nearly moaned when Tsubasa's hands began to feel him up, "Wha- Hey! What gives?!"

"You have no idea how much I've been wanting to try this." Tsubasa grinned as she sniffed on Isami's cheek, "Damn, you smell good"

"Hey, isn't this molesting-Nngh?!" Isami nearly let out a maiden yelp when Tsubasa's maiden hand touched the spot between her legs, digging under her pants.


"Feel that? That is your clit talking to you." Tsubasa said as she pressed her breast against Isami's back as her other hand groped Isami's virgin mounds, rolling it while squeezing the soft flesh.

"Isami you know that Irina took your firsts as a boy, right?" Tsubasa said as Isami half-glared at her through the reflection of the mirror. "Do you mind if I take your firsts as a girl? After all, I am your first girlfriend and since you already finished your business with Irina, well"

"Pass!" Isami jammed his point and middle finger behind, right at Tsubasa's eyes.

Tsubasa yelped when her fingers struck their mark - right on time for her to close her eyes, but Tsubasa refused to relent as she threw Isami to the ground as she laid atop the back of her gender-bent lover.

"Isami~ I am not taking no for an answer. Besides, don't tell me you're not into girl-on-girl action, right?"

"I don't think this is the right time and place to explore this forbidden territory!" Isami retorted as she tried to throw Tsubasa off, but the latter locked her legs around Isami's waist.

"You're not resisting as much, you know? A part of you wants this." Tsubasa blew into Isami's ear, causing Isami to flinch and shudder as Tsubasa continued molesting the resistance out of her.

"No, it's just your legs are ridiculously stronger than I thought! What have you been doing!?" Isami retorted.

"Training my ass down. And boy, did it pay off." Tsubasa was licking her lips in hunger.

The female pleasure was different compared to a male's. Isami could feel the pleasure resonating from all over her being like lightning, something in her stomach tingling with anticipation as her female genital clenched and wet against Tsubasa's finger; and to add salt to injury, the sensation also sapped her strength to fight back any further.

"K-kuh! Ahn~! D-damn you! Ooohhh oh my gods, A-ahhhn! How are you so good at this?!" Isami shouted as Tsubasa nibbled her neck.

"I'm a devil, remember~? This is my bread and butter." Tsubasa playfully retorted as she placed several bites and kisses on Isami's neck. "Come on, if now isn't the first time to take your girlfriend's first, then when?"

Tsubasa pinched both of Isami's nippes and pulled the pink nubs forward, eliciting a yelp from Isami.

"And my gods, your breasts. I'm a girl, and your body is getting me wet. Seriously, you're too damn sexy for me not to eat."

"S-Shut up! I-oh...~!" Isami moaned as Tsubasa continued playing with her body, her hands exploring spots she never knew were her weaknesses, her G-spots, her vagina started to leak liquids foreign to her while her breasts throbbed with warmth.

Isami was feeling it - powerless and tingling as well as something rising inside her core.

"Do you feel it now, babe?" Tsubasa asked with a sultry voice.

Isami simply glared from his position on the floor, with his face flustered, "Like- like hell I do"

However, the sight of her gender-bent boy(?)friend panting, flustered on the floor only served to cause her heart to skip a beat.

"My god, you're actually playing the tsundere, and it's so goddamn adorable! That's it! We're so doing this now!" Tsubasa said as she quickly took her top off.

Isami was about to scream, only for Tsubasa to silence him with a searing kiss.

"...What's taking them so long?" Rias asked as she stared at the door.

They were taking minutes too long for them to get dressed for practice. Isami was still new, so she had to practice her lines and act against her will.

Koneko, however, blinked as her cat ears twitched, "...Something's off."

Rias, Akeno, and Ravel turned to Koneko as the petite catgirl walked towards the door and placed her ears behind it. Rias and Akeno looked at each other before they joined Koneko and placed her ears behind it as well.

They could not hear anything too much since the door was made to be soundproof, and it was reinforced in case an overzealous devil with some knowledge and aptitude for magic decides to crash through.

Serafall had several similar incidents with a few fanatical devil fans.

Koneko scrunched her features as she attempted to open the door, but it was locked.

"...President. May I break the door?" Koneko asked her King.

Rias blinked, "Um, why?"

"Isami-senpai's girl-virginity might be in danger." Koneko simply replied.

Rias and Akeno shared a quick glance before the former nodded sharply. Ravel was simply curious.

Koneko took a few steps from the door, before she marched forward and rammed her sole forward, "Ey!"

The door was immediately thrown off its hinges, allowing those from outside the room to walk in.

The sight was too profound for them to do anything.

"Aaaahhhhh~! Yesss! Give it to me!"

Both of the girls were on the floor. Isami was flustered; half-grunting, half-moaning through her hands covering her lips.

The four devils were rosy red, Ravel the reddest as she cupped her mouth with steaming flying out her ears when Tsubasa was scissoring Isami, both of their crotches locked together, their clothes off as their breasts floundered in the motion as Isami bit down another moan, Tsubasa showing her inner devil as she kept Isami's left slender leg between her breasts.

Tsubasa was even licking Isami's leg, causing the virgin to shudder.

Isami was biting her knuckle, until a few seconds later, her head jerked back as her body convulsed; Isami was rolling up her eyes, clenching her teeth. She let out a strangled cry as fluids started to squirt out of her crotch, some of the clear sex juices flying towards the four girls and staining them as Tsubasa threw her head back.

"Ahhh- YESSS!"

Tsubasa unleashed her own climax as her own sexual juices flew, greeting Isami's release in return with her own, her fluids flying around and staining the room, defiling the room with their debauchery.

Both girls were panting, Isami laying on her back staring at the ceiling - covering her teary eyes with her arms.

"...Well?" Tsubasa let out a satisfied sigh. "Do you like it?"

Tsubasa definitely did.


"Come on, Isami. Don't leave me hanging." Tsubasa was a little worried upon hearing no sound from her lover.

What came from Isami's lips was a hiss and then a whimper.

Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Ravel could only watch the entire thing. When their eyes were fixed upon Isami's defeated and 'defiled' form - something awakened inside the three of them for some reason a hunger they did not know was there.

Ravel was more flustered than anything.

However, the redhead managed to snapped out of it and quickly checked on Isami,

"I-Isami! Isami! Are you alright?!" Rias asked as she checked on her crush.

Isami inhaled and exhaled sharply as she lowered her arm.

"...Can I take the day off?" Isami asked.

"Ummm I don't think that's within my power."

"You can take it."

The girls turned to the familiar voice.

Serafall Leviathan looked at the post-climax form of her recently defiled sidekick.

"Isami-chan I don't know what to say to you. Not even I want to go this far with you but I do know what to say to you, Tsubasa-chan," Serafall glared at the bluenette. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"...I have no regrets." Tsubasa said as she blushed a little, covering her breasts with one arm. "And Isami was so irresistible, also I have first dibs on her purity by right as her first girlfriend."

Her words earned frowns from the other Devil girls, mostly because of her brazen declaration.

"Well, I'll have to handle your punishment myself then. Rias-chan, please escort Isami to her room. And don't make the same mistake this time." Serafall squinted at Tsubasa as her ominous Satan aura started to seep out of her skin.

The devils flinched as they saw Serafall don her Satan persona as she glared down on the half-naked Tsubasa like a dinosaur to an insect.

Rias quickly helped Isami up as she, Akeno, and Koneko left the room, leaving the quivering Tsubasa to her fate.

"...How are you feeling?" Rias asked as she helped carry Isami by her shoulder.

They were escorting Isami into her private quarters near the entertainment studio, a high class hotel. It was not the Terra D'oro, but the girls had a hunch that Gold would establish a branch in the Underworld one day.

"...I'm more shocked than tired if you're wondering." Isami pursed her lips. "Do you know the worst thing I fear when I turn into a girl?"

Rias, Akeno, and Koneko had a small idea.

"Tell us." Koneko wiggled her cat ears.

"That I might lose my masculine identity. I read and watched some manga and anime about gender-bent protagonists before, like Kampfer I do not want to end up in a situation where I forget what I am, or worse, get entangled in a disaster scenario with another man." Isami spoke with dead-fish eyes.

The three could only smile awkwardly as they headed into the elevator. There were some eyes attracted to Isami's direction, mostly enthralled by her unique charm.

"So what will you do if you actually fall for a boy?" Akeno asked, pressing the thirteenth floor as the elevator door closed.

"I'll kick him in the nuts and beg Binbougami for the Monkey's Paw to wish these feelings out. Hell, I'll feed his soul to the damn thing if I must."

"And if someone falls for you?" Rias asked with a giggle.

"Same thing only I will beat him until he is a gory mess." Isami answered with conviction.

"Well, I guess that means you are still a man inside." Koneko shrugged.

"...And what will you do if a girl falls for you as you are now?" Rias asked with a hint of hidden intent, blushing a little.

"...I was curious but now I am a bit scared. The female body is sensitive and a little addicting. I think it'll awaken a new fetish in me if this continues." Isami could still feel the tingly feeling between her legs. The parts where Tsubasa toyed with were now sensitive against even the clothing she wore, and she did not know how long it would last.

"Yes, I know that feeling." Akeno nodded sagely, before she threw a suggestive glance towards Rias, "...After all, Rias and I have. Experimented before."

Rias blushed as she ran her hand down her face, "Don't bring that up, Akeno, please."

"...So your Peerage really is your personal lesbian harem." Isami snarked.

"It's not a harem or anything like that." Rias retorted, "What Akeno said just now was. A phase, if you want to call it that."

The elevator door opened and they stepped out into the lavish hallway.

"Now that I think about it, how come you girls never bother to try things with Kiba?" Isami asked. "I mean, ninety-nine percent of the schoolgirls were charmed by his princely looks. How come you girls didn't prey on him since you kept him for yourselves? Unless I'm missing something and you girls have nightly secret orgies in the clubroom"

"Really?" Rias raised an eyebrow, "To answer your question, why don't you think carefully, would Yuuto actually respond to any of our advances?"

Isami gave it some thought for a few seconds before he nodded, "It's a problem if he doesn't, to be honest. I mean it's a complete waste of a face and gives the wrong idea that he might be either impotent or homosexual. Also, it'll only infuriate every boy in school if he doest take advantage of his status."

"Oh, don't worry about Yuuto being impotent or gay. He is a healthy man, alright." Akeno replied before sending Rias a knowing look, "You should have seen his reaction when he, for the first time, accidentally walked in on us taking a bath."

"Then he's one of those characters in the anime that is too afraid to lift a finger against women" Isami concluded as they stopped in front of a door.

"I won't say that he's 'afraid', per se. It's more like he's way more focused on improving his swordsmanship for. Y'know." Rias ended with a slightly bitter smile.

"Ah, his edgelord phase. Well, he is going to have his hands full now. Honestly, Silver kind of corrupted too many girls with his insinuation at school." Isami smiled as Akeno waved the keycard before the sensor, opening the door's lock as she turned the knob and pulled the door open.

"Will you be okay by yourself? Do you need anything?" Rias asked.

"Do you have a spell that can undo this curse and will you give it to me so I can run back to my training?" Isami asked brazenly.

"Not saying there is not, but I'm afraid even my magic has yet to reach that kind of mystery." Rias smiled apologetically.

"Well, even if I do have such a spell, do you think I will use it on you for free?" Akeno teased.

"Har har; and what would you ask for if you did?" Isami groused as Rias let her down, letting Isami walk into her room.

"Oh, nothing as drastic as what Tsubasa did to you, I assure you." Akeno replied with an off-putting smile.

"Har." Isami rolled her eyes. "Well, thanks for escorting me, and I still hate you all for playing along with this bullshit, by the way."

"You're welcome. Have a good rest, Issei... Or Isami." Akeno winked as Isami closed the door.

She turned around and exhaled. She trudged to her queen-sized bed, the room a bit too pink and girly for her taste as she fell face-first into the bed and let out all of her strangled frustration into the sheets.

[Hahahahaha! Consider yourself fortunate enough to be the first Dragon Emperor to experience both worlds of pleasure.]

"Shut up, let me vent." Isami muffled through the sheets.

She closed her eyes for a moment, wanting to forget about the entire experience for now.

However, when she opened her eyes when someone knocked on the door, she took a look at the clock and realized that she had spent over an hour sleeping in bed.

"Yeah, come in!" Isami sat up and rubbed the sleepiness off her eyes.

"U-um, Lord Issei?" Ravel called out as she poked her head in. When her eyes met Isami's feminine form, she walked in with a tray of drinks and closed the door, "O-or should I call you Lady Isami?"

Isami almost wanted to call her out for making fun of his condition, but another look at her nervous tick suggested that Ravel was simply trying to act proper albeit awkwardly.

"...Lord Issei is fine." Isami replied as he relaxed, "What's up, Ravel?"

"Ummm" After she placed the tray of drinks atop the nearby table, Ravel stood beside Isami while fidgeting, her knees pressed together and feet spread apart.

"I-I brought refreshments for you. Do you need anything from me?"

"Not anything right now, unless you have a way to undo my transformation. But thanks for asking." Isami sighed.

"O-Oh. I'm sorry, Lord Issei, but this kind of magic is"

"No worries. Damn it, if only I have that stupid gender bending gun" Isami grumbled as she plopped her face back into the sheets.

"Ah! Wait, I do know where Lord Azazel resides! Maybe he has something that can change you back!"

"Thanks, but I don't think" Isami stopped herself as she gathered her thoughts.

"...On a second thought, are you willing to do me a big favor?" Isami asked as a devious idea raced through her mind.

Isami felt a little guilty deciding to use Ravel like this but she was afraid that if this continued, she would lose her former identity at this rate.

That one sexual experience was enough. She could tell that the other girls had something sparked behind their eyes when they looked at her.

"Um. Maybe it depends on what kind of favor you are talking about?" Ravel nervously replied with a flustered face.

So, in conclusion

She decided to say 'fuck it' and run away.

"...Would you see and find out if Azazel has the stupid invention that made me this way?" Isami requested. "And, if he does would you help me get out of here so I can talk to him?"

"Um. I don't think I should let you out of here, you might have been excused from the film-shooting, but Lady Leviathan expects you to join her photoshoot"

"Please, Ravel? I'll make this up to you." Thanks to his new feminine look, Isami managed to pull off a cutesy look as he put his hands together. "...Please? With sugar on top?"

"I but" Ravel looked left and right, looking unsure.

"I'll pay you back. I'll do anything."

When Isami said that, Ravel perked.

"...Anything?" Ravel asked with a bit of hope.

"Anything." Isami felt he had not thought things through, but getting back his real identity was a priority at the moment.

Ravel looked like her wings were fluttering for a moment there as she fidgeted.

"Um I want" Ravel looked left and right and then at the door. "...Will you share what you did with Tsubasa earlier?"

"...Come again?" Isami blinked.

"Um, sorry. I mean I want to go on a date. The one you humans go with your loved ones."

"Oh" Isami could handle that.

"I can do that." Isami smiled. If Ravel meant the lesbian sex thing, then Isami might've taken it if she was honest as a form of practice to get back on Tsubasa in case she pulls something like this again.


"Yeah. Though if you want motivation" Isami said as she got off her bed.

Ravel blinked when Isami leaned forward and pecked Ravel on the cheek.

"Will you take this as a down-payment?" Isami smiled at the younger girl, whose face was now completely red and could have caught fire at any second.

"I-I-I-!" The girl was stammering.

Isami giggled before she leaned forward again and closed the deal.

Ravel was panicking, her eyes widening when Isami's lips locked in with Ravel's.

Isami's experience with girls flowed into Ravel, Isami's tongue dancing into the pure girl's mouth as she took her first.

When Isami pulled back, saliva connecting their tongues, Ravel looked at Isami in a new way with a dazed, enthralled gaze.

"...I hope that will suffice." Isami said.

Ravel then snapped out of her reverie, took a deep breath and walked towards the door. She took a quick look outside, ensuring no passers-by or eavesdroppers, before she closed the door carefully and returned to Isami.

"I will see what I can do." Ravel caved in to her dark side with renewed determination.

Isami noted her female-slaying charms and how to use them next time.

Accomplice: acquired.

"Isami-chaaaan ...~ Are you alright in there? It is time for our photo shoot, you know?" Serafall knocked on Isami's door.

"Go away. I don't feel like it."

Serafall pouted as she tapped her foot, throwing a vengeful sidelong glare at Tsubasa.

Tsubasa looked away while blushing covering her new uniform.

It was a skimpier version of Isami's red magical girl uniform, shorter skirt, tighter stockings and high heel boots, and the cutout cleavage was showing a lot of her breasts. Her punishment for now was to take Isami's place.

"...Go away, I don't feel like it."

Serafall then threw a concerned glance at Tsubasa who only shrugged in return.

"...Alright, I'll give you another extra break time, okay? But please at least come out when we check up on you again."

As Serafall walked away with Tsubasa in tow - the latter gave the room one last worried glance before following the former, neither did they know that the voice that replied them was merely a recording - a combination of several spells performed by Ravel per Isami's request; echoing in an empty room upon receiving a guest.

Isami - or Isami herself, had left her room via jumping out of the window, and was currently walking through the street of the main Capital of Lilith; clad in a simple shirt and long fitting jeans, which she was more accustomed with. Much to his chagrin, however, the shirt was a little too tight around her chest area, forcing her to leave a few buttons loose, revealing some of her cleavage in the process. Regardless

"Man, for the Underworld, the outside air feels so good" Isami spoke to herself as she enjoyed the sights.

She had caught a glimpse of the Underworld during her quick trip to the Astaroth territory before in the Diodora incident, but seeing the capital of devils threw his previous notion about the Underworld to the gutter - the brimstones, sea of flames, undying worms and maggots, monsters etc.; none of them existed here.

If anything, it was barely any different from the human world, only with some of its residence barring some heteromorphic features and their designs might have been one or two decades behind modern human trends.

Still, he could not help but wonder where God got his ideas about demons and what hell looks like was it baseless propaganda?

[I am not judging you for your actions but I should remind you that there are consequences at the end of this path.]

"I'm not staying one more day in girl form after what Tsu and I did. And you saw it in the others. There's no way I'm letting them prey on me when they get the chance."

Ddraig remained silent at his response.

[That's I didn't take you for one to be concerned about your chastity, but I cannot argue with that. Good luck in your quest, partner. I pray to the departed wish-granting corpse-hand that you'll make it.]

With the Welsh Dragon having said his piece, Isami then began to see what the concrete jungle had to offer.

The grumbling of her stomach demanded her to try devil cuisine as the quickie with Tsubasa left her quite hungry.

She spotted a small vendor that sold local street food; looking a bit like the hot dog stands in New York.

"Hey, lass. What can I get you?" The kindly devil man asked.

"What do you recommend?" Isami asked back.

"Try the devil king kebab special, that is if you can handle the flavor. Special deal, if you survive, you'll get the meal free, but if you fail, you'll pay me six times the price."

"Hoh?" Isami knew that there was a catch, but she still had Gold's credit card and some bits of gold he managed to smuggle during her crusade in Italy.

"You accept barter in gold?" Isami asked as she realized that she had no actual devil currency. Actually, she had no idea what the devils use as currency.

"You're not going to ask what's in the kebab?" the vendor asked in return.

"It wouldn't be half as interesting if I did."

The man smiled and laughed with mirth.

"Bahahahaha! Alright, lass! Don't say I didn't warn ya!"

The stand the man operated had grills, various sliced, well done meats roasted on the conflagorating metal. He flipped some over with a tong and sprinkled a very red, literally glowing powder over the meat before placing them in a wooden skewer.

There were three black jalapeno peppers in between the meats. Isami did not like the look of the color.

"If you can eat it all within thirteen seconds, it's free. Actually, if you eat it in six, I'll give you another freebie!"

Isami could only smile a little at the dare. Reminds him of the haunted house dare long ago.

"Ready my next freebie, old man." Isami took the skewer and immediately wolfed down all of it in one go, gulping the kebab piece by piece to the man's shock as she swallowed with a sense of victory.

Before the victory burned into agony.


It was the first time Isami felt like she could spit fire without magic in her life as she stopped, dropped, and rolled as phantom fire danced on her tongue.

She then became a coughing fit as the hellish spiciness traveled down her throat. Thankfully, the vendor dropped a bottle of water on her.

"Well, you still won the bet. Here's something to cool you down, missy."

Isami instantly unscrewed it and gulped the bottle empty in one go.

"FWAAAAAAH! What the hell was that?!" She shouted as she fanned her seemingly glowing tongue.

"Tartarus Pepper and Narakan Spices, imported from Greek and India. Not even a Devil King can withstand the flavor. I know because I gave one to Sirzechs Lucifer himself, you know? Also, here." The vendor then offered a large wrapped tortilla covered in paper, steaming with juice-slicked meat and other commodities like cheese.

"Something to remember me by."

Picking herself up, Isami accepted the treat and gave a nod, "Thanks, old man. It was fun. I'll come back again with my friends sometime."

"Banking on it. I want that gold you promised me, girl."

Isami snickered as she gave him a two-fingered salute before she sauntered off. She bit into her free snack, her sensitive tongue still stinging from the hellish spicy agony, but the flavor was more wholesome and delicious.

Humming with a giggle, her eyes wandered, her vision exploring the city architecture, the shining glass reflecting the dimensional purple sun in the sky, the cars driving in the streets beside her, and the roaming traffic of walking devils walking past her and on the other side of the streets.

It honestly felt like she was on another version of Earth instead of a magical world if she had to give her opinion.

"A bit too much unoriginality" Isami concluded as she nibbled on her treat.

Then, something - or someone suddenly stepped in from the corner of her vision.

By sheer reflex, Isami backed away mid-motion just when some rough, unkempt punk taller than her stood in her way, changing direction just when he was about to bump into her.

On purpose, most likely judging by his face, showing that he did not expect her to move back so suddenly.

They were now in a staring contest, one unamused and the other looking like he lost the opportunity to make himself presentable in an interview.

"...Do you mind? I have places to be." Isami asked as she looked around and soon found herself facing a group of eight men sharing similar get-ups - tattoos, piercings, spiky and unkempt hair.

"You T-That's all you have to say after nearly bumping into me?!" The hooligan pointed at Isami.

Isami spluttered.

"PFff! Seriously? You're actually continuing this charade after your pathetic fail? Move on, chump, you ain't impressing anybody." Isami smiled wryly as she waved her hand as if shooing him away.

"You!" The hooligan was inflating like a balloon ready to pop.

"Alright, how about I impress you with this?!" The man immediately shot his hand forward, reaching out towards Isami's shirt - particularly at the unbuttoned chest.


Sairaorg Bael smiled heartily as he waved goodbye at the elderly-looking couple whose luggage he had helped carry into their small apartment in the city. It had been his regular routine to take a walk around the Capital, taking in the sights of the society's recent developments, whenever he was on break from training.

As he made his way through the capital, he received several greetings and well-wishes from a good number of the locals, which he returned in kind.

A commotion was ahead.

Sairaorg saw a bunch of hooligans confronting a girl with long brown hair reaching down her waist.

He widened his eyes when the punk reached out for her breasts.

His feet moved, about to intervene, but they stopped the next second when he saw the girl hopped aside and punched the molester in the face so hard, everyone in the vicinity heard the impact as she slammed him into the hard, cold concrete.

"Whoa!" The other hooligans sharing the man's fashion scheme were surprised by the peripeteia.

"You asshole!" The girl then started kicking the living stuffing out of the guy she knocked out. The prone bastard coughed and wailed from each kick.

"Hey, you bitch!" The others shouted as they ganged up on her, charging at her from one side.

While the crowd was gathering around them, Sairaorg readied his fists and feet to intervene once more


Then a person arced over the crowd towards him, spinning like a flipped coin. Sairaorg casually caught him by the face and inspected his It was the first time he saw someone's face caved in like that, teeth, nose, end eyes painfully sucked in.

When he looked back, the sight was a mesmerizing sureality.

With a crepe in one hand, the girl was fending off her attackers with surprising martial grace, her free hand flowing in unpredictable streams as it deflected the rugged fists of her attackers one by one.

"Stand still, you slut!" One shouted while throwing a right hook.

Sairaorg was stunned when she slapped the punch away right into his fellow compatriot's face instead.

"Agh! The fuck, dude?!" The other guy grabbed his nose.

Before the other could respond, the girl twisted her body and threw a clean reverse roundhouse high kick, slamming that person's head into the other who he just punched in the face and sent them flying into a car, one crashing through a window the the other flew to the other side of the street.

"Who the fuck is this girl!?"

"Did we just piss off a noble?!"

The remaining few stepped back, intimidated, as she bit off her crepe before she dashed towards them with profound speed and backhanded all of them, teeth and blood flying as they rolled across the concrete, knocked out.

With all of her attackers down, the girl sharply inhaled as she turned towards the one that tried to molest her. He was attempting to crawl away, but she stomped towards him and started kicking the living stuffing out of the guy as the crowd watched with disbelief.

"You think you can just walk up to someone and molest them because they're pretty, hmm? Do you want to die? Do you want me to smash that thing between your legs to paste?! Actually, I think I will!"

The girl sounded absolutely livid as she bit into her crepe and then she brutally stomped the part between his legs that all men must protect.

The male side of the audience flinched and 'ooooohhhh'ed while the victim howled to the Underworld sky.

"Eat shit and die!" She shouted before she kicked the poor bastard so hard, he crashed into the wall deep enough for his lower half to dangle out uselessly.

The way he looked reminded Sairaorg of his time with a certain baldy

"Woooooooo!" The female side of the audience cheered and clapped their hands in applause for the girl's display of female empowerment.

"That one's for all you ladies out there!" The brown haired girl raised one hand with a peace sign while taking another bite out of her crepe.

Sairaorg felt something stirring inside him something hot, like a piece of hot iron was searing in his chest.

"Bravo! Bravo!"

Another voice boomed, accompanied with an applause.


When Isami turned towards the familiar face, she could not help but to freeze for a moment.

Oh, no What's this guy doing here?!

Riser Phenex was clapping his hands at her, his face was grinning from ear to ear. Behind him was Yubelluna, as well as one of his Rooks - Isabela.

The two girls did not look amused by Riser's attempt to rope in another girl into his harem peerage. Isabela was almost pouting while the Queen harrumphed with her arms crossed beneath her large breasts.

"I thought today would be another fine, mundane day when I took my lovely servants for a date But to find an unexpected diamond in the rough, truly an auspicious day this is." Riser approached her while still applauding.

"It's Riser Phenex."

"One of the Seventy Two Pillars!"

"I can't believe we're seeing one this close outside the Rating Games!"

The devil onlookers chattered with awe.

Isami, on the other hand, was mortified.

"It was truly the most splendid display of martial prowess and beauty you have shown me, o' my fair lady." Riser began, putting on his most charming smile at Isami.


A chill ran down Isami's spine as she stared at Riser's blue orbs.

"I'm sorry but"

"Oh, please don't be shy. I am quite interested in you. May you at least grant me the privilege of your name, madam?" Riser insisted as he held her hand.

"N-No, no, I really have to"

He was starting to become irritating. That irritation started to swell when Riser kissed her hand.

Beside the shudder in her spine, Isami felt extremely annoyed when Riser attempted to pull off the pretty boy noble look on her. She blanched as she inhaled.

She started eating her crepe, wolfing it down as Riser and the others stared at her in confusion. They watched her chew very fast in an unladylike manner and swallow before she exhaled.

Then she sharply inhaled as she grabbed Riser's head with both hands.


"Hm?" Riser was confused by her action. His confusion died along with his head and the rest of his upper torso when she smashed her forehead against his face.

Everyone lost their train of thought when Riser's upper half literally disintegrated from the impact, the blowback blowing Yubellena's purple hair and Isabela's orange brown hair.

Everyone stared at the lower half of Riser's body as the flames slowly reformed his upper half.

Riser was blinking at Isami. Meanwhile, Sairoarg felt something in his chest stirring.

"I'm not interested." Isami scowled at him before she walked away.

The crowd slowly parted a path before the mysterious girl as she stomped out of the scene.

"...Who is that girl?"

"I don't know, but she" One devil was actually blushing by Isami's boyish personality and demeanor. "She is very cool."

"I wouldn't mind getting her number." Another girl added.

It was blatant that Isami wooed the female audience more than she intended.

Sairaorg stared at the girl's departing figure before he turned to Riser.

"...My Lord?" Yubellena asked her master. Normally, she shouldn't be concerned since she was used to his ability to repair himself from almost any injury, but

"...Yubelluna." Riser's gaze was still affixed to Isami's figure. "I must find out this girl's identity. I must make her mine at all costs."

"...Eh?!" Both girls were shocked.

"But! I admit, she has a certain style, but why?" Isabela asked.

"...I believe I am in love."

Sairaorg also shared Riser's interest as he followed the girl. He swiftly caught up with her, hearing her mumbling to herself, sounding very livid.

"Excuse me, miss?" Sairaorg called out.

"What?!" She snapped at him with a glaring scowl.

"Um sorry but-"

"If you're one of those guys that likes to pick up girls, know that I will grind your balls to paste." She warned. "No, I will rip it off and stuff it in your ass."

The poor first impression aside, Sairaorg steeled himself.

"Forgive me for my lack of manners, miss. My name is Sairaorg Bael, and would you be so kind as to spare some time? I want to talk with you over a cup of tea," The young devil placed his hand on his chest politely.

"...Excuse me?" Isami stared at the masculine Devil, "Are you hitting on me? Really?! Why in heaven and hell would you think What is it about me that you like?! Is it my boobs? I'll crush the thing between your legs into paste if you say it!"

Sairaorg stuttered upon realizing that his experience with the opposite sex was nonexistent. At least regarding those that did not look up to him.

"I-I did not mean to offend yo-"

"Lower your gaze from my eyes and I'll crack your skull like I did the other guy!" Isami warned threateningly.

"I I understand. However, I swear upon the Bael Clan's name that I bear no ill will towards you." Sairaorg Bael said with a placating tone. "I only wish to ask where you come from. I have never heard of someone like you before. I am interested in your technique."

Isami did not really want to continue this conversation. He watched Kampfer and a few other manga involving a gender-bent male with Matsuda and Motohama. There was no way in heaven and hell he would tempt this route and encounter his female side.

He would not awaken to this stupid fetish.

"Read a manual, dude. I'm not interested." Isami asked.

"But" Sairaorg ended up replying awkwardly.

"No 'buts.' Listen, like it or not, I am-"

"Isamiiii-chaaaan~ Where are you?"

"Come out, come out, wherever you are, Rival! You cannot hide from me forever!"

Every cell in Isami's body turned into a statue when she heard them. She immediately walked backwards and peeked around a corner. Serafall's goons were here.

Isami's eyes turned bloodshot. The Edgelord bastard along with Tsubasa were leading the search party.

Sairaorg peeked around the corner, staring at the person in white dragon knight mech armor.

"Is that Devil wearing a Sacred Gear?" Sairaorg asked.

"...You said you are a noble right?" Isami asked as she slinked back out of their sight.

Sairaorg turned to the girl.

"Yes? I am a member of the Bael House. I am Sai-"

"Ub bub bub bub!" Isami pressed a finger on Sairaorg's lips, "You want to invite me for something? Fine, here's your chance. Just take me to your place now, and I'll show you what I can do personally."

Damn - that actually sounded dirtier through her lips; judging from Ddraig's snickering in her mind.

Sairaorg looked were his cheeks turning red?

Shit, I might have to get some pepper-spray ready.

That, or kick him in the balls to deter him from any notion towards that route.

Sairaorg took her hand and then led her away from Serafall's goon squad.

"Walk faster." Isami demanded.

Sairaoarg looked awkward as they walked faster.

The guy probably felt very awkward inside. Isami felt guilty but it must be done.

The guy would have to deal with it until she swipes the genderbending gun back from Azazel.


Isami exhaled as (s)he tied the belt around her Go.

Wrapping the big mounds on his chest together was harder than it looks. Why the hell were his melons so damn big?

He could feel Sai's eyes on his chest every now and then and when he could, his ass. It was extremely uncomfortable.

"Alright, big guy, how do you want to do this?" Isami asked as the big man stood on the opposite side of the ring.

"I believe that we can use standard tournament rules." Sairaorg suggested.

"That's it? Alright, hope you can take it."

Boosted Gear was out for good reason.

As for her martial arts, maybe the Exploding Heart Release Fist? That might end the fight quicker, but he was not sure if his current muscle mass was suitable for the style.

For now, his best option was to stick with the Water Stream Rock-Crushing Fist.

Isami then took a deep Awakening Breath, shifted his footing and moved his arms to prepare his stance, with Sairaorg watching with curious eyes.

"Come at me, big guy."

Sairaorg smiled as he picked up a classic kick-boxing stance. He bobbed up and down on his toes before he immediately closed the distance between him and his opponent, jumping and driving his sole forward as an opening act.

In response, Isami moved a second before the sole could have made contact - he parried the kick with his left and drove his right palm straight into Sairaorg's guts, sending him rolling to the floor.

Sairaorg then attacked again, this time throwing a superman punch, which Isami responded by grabbing the offending limb, and used Sairaorg's momentum to throw him over his head, slamming his back to the floor.

Sairaorg quickly returned to his feet, and watched Isami resume her stance once again. Instead of charging in again, he opted to play things by ear. He closed in again, this time with more cautious pace, before he threw several punches, which Isami parried and dodged flawlessly.

When Sairaorg also threw up his legs for several kicks, the young woman did not only parry them, but she also went low and swiped at Sairaorg's pivoting leg, shifting his center of gravity - resulting with him spinning in the air before hitting the floor, as soon as she defended herself.

Nonetheless, Sairaorg returned to his feet and continued his onslaught.

As the battle went on, Isami could not help but scowled slightly at Sairaorg - strong, fast, tough, and apparently had a good head on his shoulders. Defeating him with his current style might take longer than he liked, assuming he could maintain the current flow in his favor.

On the other hand, when the heir of the Bael clan ended up overreaching and was sent stumbling to the floor again, his mind came up with one word to describe his current opponent.


It was Sairaorg's first time to encounter such a graceful martial art - an elegant mixture between offense and defense. He felt like he was being caught in a river stream; one moment he was being led around by nose through calm water, the next second he was struck through constant turbulence.

It made his curiosity of the woman grow more and more; who is this woman? What is her style called? Did she invent the style herself, or did someone else teach her?

On the other hand, Isami would have usually used more powerful strikes to counter the man, but again, physical and situational limitations.

Either way, absorption and redirection, though Isami found Sairaorg as a great practice reference as he struck his throat, his nose, and his solar plexus three times before swerving under a heavy right hook, swooping low and karate chopped his dominant ankle.

Sairaorg grunted as Isami danced around him and struck his chin when he turned with a reverse roundhouse kick.

The damage was a critical hit as Isami jumped and landed an elbow strike to the taller male's head, rattling his consciousness and vision.

Then with an elbow to the chin, Isami grabbed Sairaorg's arm as he turned around from the impact and jumped atop his back.

Sairaorg twisted, spun around to throw Isami off him, but she jumped with great timing and landed back on her spot. All he did was twist his arm even further to the snapping point as she wrapped her legs around his throat.

She tightened her slender, deceptively strong legs and pulled.

Sairaorg gagged as he grabbed her ankle with his only free hand, but her hold was too tight and his air was low.

[You do know your vagina is pressing against him, right?]

Ddraig snarked.

"Please, I doubt he actually cares about that now!"

"Come on! Yield!" Isami shouted as she pulled harder.

Isami wanted to finish this so he could find a way to swipe the genderbending gun from Azazel. Sairaorg was a strong opponent, but Isami would prefer to spar with the guy under less stressful circumstances.

After that, she shall break the gun no, she shall turn Serafall into a man and then break the gun in front of her face with malice.

There would be no greater vengeance than to ruin her and her show, at least for a while.

However, Isami's muse was interrupted by a constant tapping on her leg. She looked down and found Sairaorg, gagging, tapping out.

Isami sighed with relief as he let the guy go.

Sairaorg wheezed back to life as he held his throat, taking in huge chunks of air.

"Satisfied?" Isami snarked.

Sairaorg sighed with relief as he looked back at Isami.

"Hah you are stronger than you appear. And are you a reincarnated devil perchance?"

Isami wondered if he should lie - actually.

"As a matter of fact, I am a human."

Taking in Isami's answer, Sairaorg got into a sitting position as he exhaled, regaining his bearings. Looking back at the recent events - he wondered, it might have only been a friendly spar, but how long had it been since the last time he was defeated so soundly, by a woman, no less?

"A human?" Sairaorg asked with a slightly bewildered look.

"Yep." Isami shrugged.

In response, Sairaorg's mind went a mile for a moment, before an eager smile formed on his lips.

"...I see." Sairaorg nodded, "What are you doing in the Underworld, then? Are you perhaps a contracted magician?"

"I am not an exact 'magician', but I am contracted." Isami replied on the spot.

"May I know the name of your patron?" Sairaorg asked again.

"...Serafall Leviathan."

She uttered with spite.

"Lady Leviathan?" Sairaorg did not expect one of the Four Great Satans to come up. Then again, considering Isami's skill, he was not that surprised either. "How did you manage to get her attention?"

"It's easier than you think, and not what you believe. I made a bet with her and I lost, so here I am."

Sairaorg stared at Isami with eyes that spoke of confusion and a need to ask questions.

"Don't ask, it's not the best time of my life." Isamii concluded with a hint of finality. "And since you're being hospitable, I'm going to bunk here for a while. Are you alright with that or do you want me to pay rent or something?"

"Hmm. Not that I mind letting you stay for a while, but.. Personally, while I don't know the context behind your pact with Lady Leviathan, I believe it's unbecoming not to follow your end of the deal regarding a pact with a Satan." Sairaorg commented with crossed arms.

"Oh, trust me, I did. She is forcefully extending terms against my will." Isami scowled with the biggest frown she could make.

Sairaorg stared at the young woman before him, until he softly exhaled a few seconds later.

"Would you like to meet my peerage?"

Isami stared at him owlishly as Sairaorg smiled with kind greetings.

"It's just an introduction, nothing more." Sairaorg immediately held his hands up placatingly. "Considering you don't want to return to your comrades any time soon. I think we might as well spend the time with something more productive rather than isolating yourself from the outside."

Isami rolled her eyes around, contemplating over his options.

Thinking it over, there was absolutely no way she could explore without anyone knowing who she was. Hiding the area in disguise would prove difficult, and she had absolutely no idea on how to fit in, and there was no way she would turn herself into a devil.

On the other hand

Hiding in the Bael's territory under this guy's supervision? She might have to be creative to find a way to Azazel's mansion and sneak in, or find someone to do it for her.

Maybe she could sway some of the Fallen Angels there as well ish.

"Alright, why not? Show me your harem." Isami gestured.

In response, Sairaorg only snorted in amusement, "I am afraid I am not that kind of Devil."

"...Don't tell me you're gay."

"Ahahahahahahahaha!" Sairaorg bellowed with raucous laughter. "Well, I am certainly interested in the opposite sex, but again, they are my comrades. I am not sexually engaged in any of them, even if I do have some females in my Peerage."

"Whaaaaat. Shut up and take me to them. This I have to see." Isami demanded with a small grin.

"Of course. But before that" Sairaorg offered his hand, "May I know your name?"

Isami ended up feeling embarrassed, having not introduced herself since the beginning. Regardless, she eyed the offered hand before she took it and gave a firm shake.

"Call me Isami."

Back in the mortal world.

Murayama and Katase - also known as the Two Flowers of the Kendo Club, had spent a majority of their summer vacation with homework and family-time. With their remaining time to enjoy the break, they believed the Test of Courage was a great idea to close the Summer.

It was not just a dare to enter haunted territory, they were to go and perform a way to contact the Supernatural, ghosts in fact.

Aika Kiryuu - one of the guests, brought an ouija board. Katase once suggested the Bloody Mary trope that originated from America, but Murayama preferred a more native approach.

There was an abandoned building somewhere around Kuoh's most notorious murder, the beheading of an unknown individual, the murderer yet to be found.

"Whoa. It looks scarier than I expected." Aika whistled at the morbid aura the building was exuding, dilapidated doors, dreary walls worn black and gray by age, and wooden boards boarding the windows

"Yeah, it's scary alright."

"If there's a ghost, don't worry! We studied all of the Omnyoji trivia on exorcism! I even prepared some Ofudas and Katashiros!"

Motohama and Matsuda exclaimed as they immediately rummaged through their bags.

"...Remind me again why you agreed to bring them?" Aika asked the Kendo Duo.

"All of our friends were busy and they look like they'll be possessed first, honestly." Murayama explained their intentions.

"...And they agreed?" Aika asked.

"Of course they did. They're perverts. They probably will use ghost-possession as an excuse to chase after some random girls on the street." Katasa sighed.

"I can imagine that. Alright, who wants to go first? Actually, hey, any of you boys want to go first in the maidens' stead?" Aika asked the boys as they already took out the items, the ofuda and katashiro.

"I do!"

"No, me first!"

The boys masochistically agreed as they marched towards the entrance while pushing each other away.

"...So, want to make a bet on who the ghost will eat first to make things interesting?" Aika asked with a cheshire smile as she watched Matsuda push the other down and ran into the building.

"For all we know this might just be an empty, scary-looking building." Katase shrugged.

"We brought the ouija board for a reason, you know?" Aika reminded as they followed the boys into the building. Said board was in Murayama's bag. "Although what will happen if we run into thugs?"

"Don't worry. I have a katana for that." Murayama smiled.

"...An actual katana?" Aika asked as they entered the building.

There was no light inside, the darkness within inspiring their brains to form all forms of tragedies that would beset them if they venture further.

The boys immediately put on their headlights and turned it on. It was some sort of lobby, with a spacious floor, several dusty tables and chairs around.

The girls took out their flashlights and turned them on.

"Are you serious about the katana? Aren't they illegal?" Aika asked Murayama about her supposed 'contraband'.

"We didn't choose Kendo just so we will not use actual swords." Murayama scoffed as Katase giggled.

"No way. Show me when we find a good room to summon the ghost."

Murayama smiled as they ventured into the darkness.

Mold seemed to grow on the walls, dripping of leaking pipes rhythmically banishing the silence in the halls of peeled paint and rustic doors.

They found the elevator, but immediately ignored it as they chose to go through the stairs.

The staircase was even more eerie, complete and total darkness outside the cone of light shining from their tools.

The girls were already scared, Murayama constantly looking as if watching out for any ghouls or any other monsters to jump from the shadows and eat their souls alive.

"Okay, this is scarier than I thought." Aika admitted again as they walked up the stairs.

None of them encountered this level of isolation from the outside world before in such darkness.

Each stepped creaked rusted metal. Everyone jumped when something groaned behind them, most likely the building making unnecessary noise.

They swiftly made their way to the highest floor as they entered what looked like the office floor.

They made their way to what looked like the director's office and immediately took out their camping gear, an eclectic lamp to set up and light up the room as Aika prepared the ouija board.

Murayama and Katase took out their katanas, the weapons shaking in their grip even after they drew their blades.

"Are those actual stainless steel blades?" Aika asked as she pushed her glasses up as she moved in close to inspect the metal.

"C-Can't we just hurry up?" Murayama begged.

"Pff. Alright. Come, it's time for the ceremony."

The Kendo Duo slowly inched back towards the executive desk as Aika placed the ouija board down.

The Kendo Duo blinked when they looked at the board.

"Where did you get this? It looks old." Murayama asked, pointing at the board.

It looked old, very old, dark brown wood with ancient English letters, some of the letters worn off but still readable.

"Oh, I got it from a pawn shop." Aika smirked.

"You didn't buy it online?" Motohama asked.

"Please, that would be boring. It's more fun to see if the spirit board is cursed or not. Now place your hand on the planchette so we can start this."

Everyone did not argue as they finished setting up. They took a deep breath as the all touched the planchette, the heart-shaped wood hovering the letter A.

"...How do we start this again?" Motohama asked.

"I hmmm. Oh great spirits that are listening to my call, hear our pleaaaaa!" Aika started with a dramatic, cliched opening. "Come to us so we can chat with you on matters of the afterlife and stuuuuuuff!"

Everyone stared at Aika for her ridiculous opening.

"...That's your call to invite ghosts?" Murayama asked.

"I thought you would know when you suggested this. Besides, I just can't seem to find out how to who is moving the planchette?"

Everyone turned their eyes to see the planchette. Being moved by some kind of invisible force. They even retracted their hands, only to see it moving on its own.

"...Oh, fuck me." Matsuda whispered in both excitement and anxiety.

[Hello, kiddies.]

The board answered.

The Kendo Duo drew their swords again, this time shaking more than ever, their legs refusing to stop trembling. They were no different than living human vibrators at this point as they frantically searched the room, their faces pale with horror.

Aika immediately peeked under the desk.

"...Oh shit." There was no elaborate device that could fake this. Just pure empty space. "This is real." Aika stood up.

"W-What should we ask it?" Motoyama asked.

"I don't know! I didn't think this would happen Alright, uh, hello Mr. Ghost! Uhhh, care to tell us about yourself? Uhh and please tell us you're not the kind of ghost that likes to kill and eat people's souls." Aika asked nervously.

The planchette moved erratically, forming another sentence.


Everyone could not help but glance at each other quizzically - did the ghost just laugh in their faces?

The planchette moved around again, forming more words.

[No, nothing like that. Call me Mr. X - your friendly neighborhood spirit.]

Everyone exchanged glances again. The Kendo Duo were trembling less.

"Uhhhh so Mr. X I'm not sure if this is a sore topic for you, but how did you die?" Motohama gathered the courage to ask.

[Honestly? It's a boring story, really. I only remembered walking around, minding my own business. The last thing I recalled before everything went black was a flash of light and Pew! Yeah, I barely remember myself. Anyway, what about you, kiddos? What's your story?]

The others felt more relaxed.

"We're, uh" Aika looked around, only to find the others were looking at her expectantly.

Scolding herself inwardly for opening her big mouth first, Aika pushed through, "To be honest, we didn't expect for anything to happen at all. We're actually doing this for fun quick question, is the ouija board actually cursed or magical?"

The spirit answered.

[Oh, it is magical. You have good sense to pick an acuaal ancient ghost-summoning artifact, girl. By the way, you want to see a ghost trick?]

"...Yes?" Aika answered, unsure.

Murayama and Katase yelped when their katanas were yanked from their hands, floating in the air.

"Holy shit!" Motohama and Matsuda leapt out of their seats and took a quick step back as soon as the swords were flying, with the others following suit.

One of the swords unsheathed itself, putting everyone a little bit on edge. A few seconds later, the blade was returned to its sheath and both swords were dropped on Murayama and Katase's hands.

Aika looked back at the board for a while.

[Need some work on my side. Anyways, nice talking with ya! Imma head off! Oh, wait, do any one of you know a certain pretty boy with blonde hair? Like prince charming kind of pretty?]

Everyone glanced around themselves - when they thought about the ghost's description, a certain Prince of Kuoh came to mind.

"Um. Maybe?" Katase was the first to answer.

A few seconds later, the planchette moved again.

[...Okay! Thanks for the info! See ya!]

Another wind blew, and the room fell into a complete silence.

"...Mr. X?" Aika called out, only to be greeted with the same silence.

"Is he gone?" Murayama asked, clutching her katana tightly.

"...I think he's gone." Motohama replied, looking around and opened a nearby window, allowing a fresh night breeze to flow in.

Motohama stared outside for a moment. He scratched his head.

"Is something wrong?" Matsuda asked.

"...No, nothing's wrong. I just feel a little itchy up there."

"Try getting a haircut." Aika suggested.

"...I'll do that." the bespectacled boy merely shrugged.

"Um.. I need a toilet break after that fright earlier. Do you there's a restroom with running water here?" Katase meekly raised her hand up.

"I think I saw a women's restroom on the way here. Come on, Katase, I'll go with you." Murayama offered, before she glared at the boys, "You two behave, okay?"

Matsuda and Motohama gave Murayama a dry look, before the former replied, "No offense, Murayama. But after what we saw earlier, even perverts like us are not really in the mood to enjoy any porn. What we need now is a goodnight sleep."

The girls stared at them.

"...Go ahead. I'll keep an eye on the boys. Then I probably need to either burn the ouija board or hire an appraiser to make sure that it won't summon anymore ghosts" Aika morbidly drooped her head.

"Yeah. We'll be back!"

The Kendo Duo immediately went out.

Katase quickly entered the women's bathroom while Murayama stood guard against the dark hallway.

Since there were no toilet papers, Katase had to relieve herself while standing on her legs a little as she urinated. A few minutes later, she was refreshed with relief as she tried to flush the toilet. To her surprise, the water was still running as she could hear the toilet's flushing noise. She stepped out of the stall, looking around.

She wondered if she should wash her hands in this place. Katase walked up to the sink and inspected there was no soap.

"Hah..." She sighed as she looked up.

However, she gasped with her eyes widened in shock when she saw something in the mirror's reflection - a vicious grinning smile.

She turned around, then everything went black.


Meanwhile, Murayama checked her watch for a second time - Katase surely took her time in the restroom.

"...Katase? Everything alright there?" the girl called out to her friend while knocking on the door a few times.

When no answer was heard, Murayama grew worried and carefully opened the restroom door, "Katase?"

She looked around and was surprised when her eyes saw the unconscious form of her best friend, laying on the cold floor.

"Katase!" Murayama hurried over to check on the pinkette. "Katase?! Wake up! Can you hear me?!"

Fortunately, a few shakes later, the unconscious girl slowly fluttered her eyes open, "...Huh? Wha? Murayama?"

"Oh, thank goodness!" Murayama hugged Katase, "You scared me! What happened!? Why were you lying on the floor?"

"I I don't know. I thought I saw something and" Katase slightly winced and rubbed her forehead. "Ugh, fuck - my head.! Feels like shit."

Murayama blinked at the profanities that slipped out of Katase's lips, but she brushed it off as the pain and stress doing the talk.

"Okay, come on. Let's get you home, okay? I think we've had enough for tonight." Murayama said as she helped Katase up.

"Y-yeah, yeah Thanks. Sorry 'bout this, Murayama" Katase took a deep breath as she steadied herself, allowing Murayama to lead her away.

As the group of Kuoh Academy students walked out of the building - they did not notice since Motohama walked behind them; the eyes behind his thick glasses were leering at Katase's back, glowing demonic red in color.

To be Continued..

Omake: How to Train Your Rover

It was another day for Serafall Leviathan to take another shot at her acting as the Magical Girl Miracle Levia-tan.

"Okay I'll ask again. Are you really sure you want him in on this one?" Black, one of the crews behind cameras, pointed at his companion on stage.

His companion was sitting on his rear, panting, and looking up at Serafall with his six red eyes.

"Yep~!" Serafall nodded with confidence.

"Okaaaay... Why exactly? I brought him to track down Isami at your request, but still I don't know if he is actually aware of the profession called acting. Are you sure you want him to what is he playing exactly?" Black asked.

"Oh, nothing complicated, just have Rover to follow his cue written here, and we will be good to go." Serafall handed several sheets of paper stapled together.

Black took the papers and read the contents.

"...You want him to play the villain? Really?" Black looked up, frowning.

"If it means anything, there is a redemption trope for him in the middle of the story." Serafall added.

Black took another look and flipped through the pages, before shrugging.

"...Alright, but a fair warning - Rover is a bit hard to control when it comes to strangers. The only girl I know that can befriend him instantly is Asia, so I don't know about you. I'll be here to manage him, but be sure to bring some high-quality meat around you. I'm gonna have a small talk with Rover first."

Black said as he waddled to his monster friend. Serafall watched as Black whispered something in Rover's ear.

Rover tilted his head, making a little noise from its maws as Rover nodded before it panted.

"Rover wants to be paid in dragon meat for some reason."

"Uhhh I don't know about Dragon Meat since it is illegal to poach dragons here. How about I give it some premium steak made from minotaurs?"

Rover barked.

"The dog accepts. Good luck. I'll leave you to bond with him then." Black waddled away as Serafall and Rover stared at each other.

"So, I heard that you can grow. Will you show me?" Serafall asked.

Rover just continued panting, remaining small.

"Hmmm do I need some meat already?" Serafall mumbled as she turned around. She saw another crew member.


The devil member jumped and ran towards Serafall.

"Yes, Lady leviathan?"

"It's Levi-taaan when I'm at work, you know? Anyways, I need you to do something."

Little did Serafall know that Rover grew big behind her back and silently sneaked up behind her.

"Uh" The male devil watched as the giant dog approached Serafall from behind and slowly opened his mouth.

"I need you to fetch me some meat. The best you can find, money is no object."

The dog was slowly closing his mouth on Serafall while she was not noticing.


Serafall turned around. Rover instantly shrank and looked up at Serafall, wagging its tail. She then turned back to face the intern.

"So, if you need money, you'll need my card. Don't you dare waste it~" Serafall winked as she fished out her card.

Rover instantly turned big and tapped her shoulder, then shrunk and waddled around Serafall when she looked back - this time feeling a little confused, as she could have sworn that someone was playing pranks on her.

Then again, she also knew that there should not have been no one behind her. Except the dog that was still panting and looking up at her.

She stared at the dog for a few seconds before she shrugged and returned to address the intern - who was visibly acting awkward and nervous.

"Anyways, here!" Serafall handed the intern the card.

"I I"

The dog was large again. It was standing on two legs. It was mimicking Serafall's posture.

How could a dog like that be so sneaky that not even a Satan could notice it?


It was now rehearsal time, Serafall was standing on stage - microphone being held on a pole hovering above her, as she held the script to practice her line.

"Tsubisa-chan! You can do it! Believe in yourself as a magical girl!" Serafall practiced a cliched line. "You can defeat the monster's dragon dog if you have faith!"

The Leviathan then paused, imagining the next few lines until her turn arrived again, "Kuh! How dare you?! Come at me, you beast!"

Suddenly, the Overgrown Rover suddenly barreled into the stage, to the point that he knocked Serafall over upon skidding to a stop on the stage. While Serafall was busy recovering from her fall and mild shock, Rover was attracted to the sight of microphone dangling above him and took a small leap to bite on the equipment and chew it in his maws.

"Um, sorry. Can we backtrack a bit?" Serafall called out to the staff as she patted the dust off her person, "...Is Rover supposed to knock me over?"

However, before the crews could have replied, Rover was suddenly distracted by something else, as he abruptly turned around, swinging the pole-microphone until it impacted against Serafall's body, knocking her down once more.


Serafall was now standing in front of Rover, whose size was easily over twice her own height.

"...Now, prepare to be vanquished! Hyaah!" Serafall read out her script while raising her magic staff, as if taunting the giant dog over.

The said giant dog only tilted his head while looking around quizzically.

Noticing the dog's confusion, Serafall dropped her stance, "Look, Rover. You're supposed to leap on this mark on the floor-" she pointed at the X sign drawn on the said floor, "...When I said, 'hyaah'!"

Then the dog suddenly leapt onto the aforementioned mark, too close to Serafall's comfort as she took a step back.

"Nope, nope, go back a bit." Serafall instructed, which Rover followed.

"I'm just explaining the cue to you, okay? Jump to this mark when I said 'hyaah'..." Only for Rover to immediately leap forward again excitedly, much to Serafall's chagrin.

There were a couple of snickers from the cameraman, the others smiling in amusement as Serafall asked for a small break.


Serafall was seen walking around the stage with Rover following dutifully behind her. However, the staff was slightly worried at the scowl on her face.

"Sheesh, why's everyone so on edge today? Is it because of my face?"

Serafall asked, as if she was conversing with Rover - who actually responded with some light growls.

"...I'm just pondering why Sona-chan is not answering my text messages."


Serafall once again rehearsed her lines, "Tsubisa-chan! You can do it! Believe in yourself as a magical girl!"

Tsubasa was there this time, practicing, in her very, very revealing blue magical girl uniform that would inspire the internet to draw their fantasies about her.

However, Rover proceeded to knock Tsubasa away from his path, before running off-stage. Then, in a fit of excitement, Rover began to chew on a power-line lying right before him.

"Rover! No! No!" Serafall quickly intervened, warning the dog with her pointed finger, "Put it down! Put. It. Down!"

Rover looked at Serafall for a moment. Then the cable snapped in his jaws. There was a power outage as the lights turned off just when Tsubasa picked herself up.

"Agh, damn it, Rover, really?!" Tsubasa groused as she looked around.

Their devil eyes immediately adjusted to the darkness as their night vision turned on. They saw Rover running away out of the studio. The way the dog moved so silently was kind of impressive now that Tsubasa saw it.

"...So, do you regret hiring Rover now?" Tsubasa asked the Satan.

"I thought the dog would be manageable since he's Isami-chan's dog." She pouted.

"Yeah, it is Isami's dog. You'll have better chances getting Rover to do stuff with Isami here, though." Tsubasa snickered.

One of the interns ran into the studio.

"L-Lady Levia-taaan! The dog broke into the kitchen! He's raiding the food storage! And the fridge!"

Tsubasa recalled a similar flashback regarding the dog's antics whenever it was hungry or gluttonous.

"Oh, shit!" Tsubasa quickly ran towards the direction in which she remembered where the kitchen was.

Serafall followed her as they ran down the halls, but Rover, larger than ever before in the spacious studio, ran with the fridge in his mouth.

Tsubasa and Serafall stared at the dog and then at the direction it came from.

"...I should've hired Behemoth instead." Serafall grumbled as she stared at the hole where the doors once stood and the frightened staff members inside the wrecked kitchen.

Meanwhile, Rover ran into an empty room where one of the Blacks was waiting as he waddled inside.

The dog dropped the fridge as Black smiled.

"Good job. Black cackled as he opened the fridge. "This job will be a hoot by the end of this."


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