Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Volume 1 - Ch 10

The next day Hegard came back. The round trip to send to priest back to the town of Doritto took approximately 10 days. Im not entirely sure just how long of a rest they took on their way there, but, even if they went at full speed, it would probably take at least 5 days.

Hegard was riding on horseback, but because he had to adjust to a wagons speed, it probably made it a lot slower. The wheel of the wagon was a wooden wheel with a ring of metal in the middle of it, no matter how I think about it, I dont think there would be paved roads in this age of civilisation yet.

Although I thought about a lot of things since last night, I will leave it at this for now. The other important thing is..

I need to use appraisal on my family members.

Hegard Greed/20/8/7422 Hegard Greed/25/7/7400

Male/28/6/7399 Greed Household, Present Master

Condition: Excellent

Age 29 years old

Level: 15


Strength: 24

Agility: 19

Dexterity: 15

Endurance: 23

Hes amazing As expected of someone who is at level 15. However, as I expected his MP is only at 6.

Shirley Greed/8/6/7421 Shirley Tune/24/11/7401

Female/11/10/7400 Greed Household First wife

Condition: Excellent

Age 28 years old

Level: 14


Strength: 14

Agility: 17

Dexterity: 24

Endurance: 14

Umu. Although mothers level is only 1 behind father, her MP value is overwhelmingly more than father. Because she had some sort of special magic skill, the distribution of stats and the bonus points she received towards MP is different.

Even so, her MP was only 43. I am at 28 MP, when I think about it, is this insufficient? No, in comparison with a lot of people in this world, even if I cant call myself the baby with the highest MP, I can still confidently say that I would be much higher than the average.

Fransten Greed/18/2/7423

Male/21/1/7422 Greed Household First born son

Condition: Excellent

Age 7 years old

Level: 1


Strength: 3

Agility: 5

Dexterity: 3

Endurance: 3

Milhaya Greed/26/2/7425

Female/2/2/7424 Greed Household First born daughter

Condition: Excellent

Age: 5 years old

Level: 1


Strength: 2

Agility: 3

Dexterity: 2

Endurance: 2

Both my brother and sister had an expected amount of status points.

Myunerin Tobasu/19/2/7427 Myunerin Saguaru/2/12/7412

Female/29/11/7411 Greed household Tobasu First born Daughter

Condition: Excellent

Age: 18 years old

Level: 2


Strength: 8

Agility: 12

Dexterity: 8

Endurance: 8

For the sake of it I also used Appraisal on Myun to see her stats. Well its not really a big deal.

A little while ago I thought that she may be a little low levelled for the average people of her age, however, it could also be the case that my parents were the abnormal ones. But, isnt it a little weird?

Father, is the town of Doritto far away?

Hm? I guess it is, if you go by horse it will take around 4 days

I see. Lets assume that a wagon can go at approximately 3 Km per hour, then if it took 4 days it should be around 120 Km to reach the town.

Is it about 120 Km away? Thats seems really far doesnt it

Eh? You can do calculus?

Hegard seemed really surprised as he spoke.

Calculation? Ahh If wagons are used in a flat surfaced road, they should be a little faster than an adult person walking, right? But, the road to Doritto is probably filled with stones and gravel, and so I predict that the speed of the wagon would be halved? After eating breakfast, the travel would begin for roughly five hours until reaching lunch. After resting a little at lunch, and eating a meal, you would then prepare to move again for another 5 hours, because the speed of the wagon would be quite slow when moving on rough terrain, after travelling for a total of 10 hours, the distance travelled during the day would amount to approximately 30 km. And because all I had to do was multiply it by four, it would turn out to be around 120Km, is what I thought..

And you are telling me that you have been able to calculate this? You truly are a genius, arent you?

As usual Hegard was speaking to me with his eyes wide open and was very surprised. Although there was a couple of people around here, I was whispering in a voice so that only Hegard and Shirl could hear me talk.

Father, later on I have something really important to say to both of you. Could you please give me some time, perhaps after weve eaten dinner?

Ah? Ahh. Alright sure

Hegard was looking at Sharl with his still surprised look but he still replied in the affirmative. I think they are getting accustomed to my way of talking. The pace is starting to go according to my desires.

I use appraisal whilst eating dinner as usual, and fill up the quota. My brother and sisters were bundled off to the childrens room, Myum was putting them to bed with a lullaby, and in the dining room, only my parents and I were here.

Im sorry, Father, Mother. I have something a little important to discuss I think that I want to start talking after Myun returns here. At the worst case, Elder brother and Elder Sister will overhear us talk but that will be fine, however since Myun is not part of our family do you think it will be alright if she hears about this?

Myun is like family to us, shes not someone to leak out information that shes heard from this household..

Thats true, shes not like that

Both my parents were vouching for Myun. After that, I waited for Myun to return so I asked Sharl various questions in regards to magic to pass the time. Soon after, I confirmed Myuns approaching footsteps.

Now, the performance will start. I can only hope that my acting skills are good enough for this to work.

Alright then, I think I want to start now. Its about my naming ceremony that took place a few days ago. The truth is, I met with great grandfather Samato

Samato was founder of the Greed Household and I was able to know this fact because I obtained the information from my appraisal ability. If I remember correctly he was the Marquiss Webdosus fourth son. Although its a little clich, I wanted to tell them that I was acting under the instructions of my ancestor. Of course before utilising this plan, I already confirmed that my great-grandparent had already passed away. Well lets not say my great-grandfather, even my grandfather has already passed away.

You met him? What exactly do you mean?

Hegard was curiously asking about the situation. Well this is to be expected.

Yes, he came out towards me in a dream that night. And great-grandfather told me You three siblings have a talent for magic. You need to train to your limits in magic during the day and after reaching your limits, you should get enough rest before training in the way of the sword. You need to begin this training as soon as possible, at the worst case, you should continue this way of life for about 10 years, is what grandfather said Another thing is, he told me that I should talk in this kind of manner

Hey, Sharl. Have you ever talked to Al about our grandfather Samato?

I havent

Is that so And, is that the end of the message Al?

No, there is still a continuation

Continue then

Yes, the next thing great-grandfather said was There is still room for this town of Bakuddo to grow. Alein, after doing magic practice and sword training, you must go around with your father to search for any avenues of growth and development within the territory, is what he said


Father was starting to get angry. But, this behaviour was already within my predictions.

Father, there is still a continuation. I will give you the knowledge to do so, using this piece of information, I order you to make Bakkudo prosper and help out your elder brother as his counsellor..

After that, I just spouted some vague bullshit.

Hegard seemed to be angry at the fact that it looked like I was going to take over the Greed family estate and jump over Farne, because for aristocrats, it is a tradition (That the eldest child takes over as head of the family).

Nevertheless that is not my intention at all.

After meeting god a spark started to grow within me.

Considering these three factors, being content at just being in the position of a local lord is impossible. Furthermore, aside from the fact that I am a person who transmigrated and the fact that I have inherent skills, I have already made a promise to myself with self-determination to be a better person.

All of those who came here are from the present age of Japan. Meaning they are from a modern Japan..

At my advanced age Japanese people probably didnt grow up receiving any special military training. They are probably not informed in matters of battle strategy, and it is unlikely for them to have any experience fighting a war. In our present world which seemed to be around the middle ages, 8 or 9 cases out of 10, people will resort to violence in order to obtain what they want. The fact that creatures such as goblins exist in this world, increases the important of individual fighting power even more. For a world like this where weird living creatures are rampant, its an important factor to have military prowess, I am sure of it. Not only this, most people would not have the knowledge to truly get a military force organized, give them training and make them submit to a code of discipline.

I dare say, that they wouldnt understand the structure of a gun in order to make various arms and weapons. Even if a person were to have a small amount of knowledge in these matters, at best they would be amateurs. Additionally, although the raw materials of gun powder may be famous, the correct amount of mixture and how to make the gun itself using metal working is not general knowledge and therefore it is unlikely for them to know how to do it. In this world I am quite sure that there is no full-fledge smiths with the ability to create high quality weapons and or guns. Using Hegards sword as an example, whilst it may have been forged to a certain extent, it looks like for the most part it has just been merely sharpened using a whetstone. If this is the quality of the metal being used on the gun, at best you will be able to fire 1 round of bullets after which, the guns aim will decrease substantially.

Whilst I may be in a small province, my father is the local feudal lord of this city and this is the type of equipment he is forced to use. Just like god has said previously, the current level of civilisation is akin to the 15th century. Another thing to keep in mind is that if there are goblins wandering around town, there is no reason for people to not want to advance their weaponry, and yet it hasnt been done. Therefore, it is obvious that they do not have the sufficient knowledge to do so. I must say that the level of civilisation is truly quite low. Moreover, in terms of city development it seems that they havent even reached the full potential of the 15th century. Right now, other than parts of things being comparable to Europe in the 15th century, they havent really caught up. For instance, because of the existence of healing magic, the people have been inhibited from researching medical science and development in this area might have been obstructed because of this.

If this was the present earth, it wouldnt be realistic to start your own territory or build your own castle, founding your own country is also just a wild pipe dream that someone may have whilst joking around with their friends. The reason for that is simple. Civil rights and human rights have been established and a large majority of the people in the present earth are an advanced nation who adopts some form of democracy, not only that but, the academic level of most people are quite high. Also, with the development of guns and weapons of mass destruction it is impossible for developing countries like Africa to want to fight with such overwhelming technology. However, if you compare it to the world I live in? Almost nobody is educated, and I have yet to see anyone carry a gun.

In any case, my plan is to create my own country. Well the quickest way to accomplish this would be to make Bakkudo village my stronghold and start a conquest of all of Webudosus territory, however I have no just cause to do so right now. Especially if I had to force my elder brother to disinherit his first born right and if I had to take over Bakkudo by force, this wouldnt look good for my image. Although usurpation may not be viewed as a negative thing in this world, but in any case, I have no qualms or hatred with my family so why would I ever need to do such a thing? In fact, when Farne and Mill tried to protect me from the goblins I felt really grateful. They were truly caring siblings. Therefore, I decided to try and help them out by potentially increasing their MP.

Once I become an adult, I plan to leave this village and make a name for myself, this would be a much better alternative. Apparently according to this earths standards, when one reaches the age of 15, they will be considered an adult. Until that time, I should work hard for Bakkudo to repay their kindness. I wasnt able to be dutiful to my parents in my past life, however in this life I plan to be as helpful as I can. After all, I am a man with four parents. Just from the fact that I was loved by all four of my parents, makes me feel like I have been blessed and I am really happy about this fact.

After helping out this city, I plan to go to a big city in order to make a name for myself. If I just think about this calmly, and train diligently till I become an adult, I should be able to be quite strong when that time comes. Not only do I have two inherent skills, I also get the huge bonus from levelling up. Moreover, because I have sufficient knowledge, if I make something which doesnt yet exist in this world, money wont be a problem for me. In the worst case scenario, even if I am unable to establish a kingdom of my own, I will at least be able to become a full-fledged merchant due to the amount of economical knowledge Ive built up from my past life.

First things first, I need to learn the inner workings of this new world, and everything will start from there.

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