Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 173: Who is the hunter and who is the prey? (2/2)

Chapter 173: Who is the hunter and who is the prey? (2/2)

After they spot their prey, they will slowly form a circle and then slowly close in until they capture their prey.

The drones camera also looked towards the distance, and the scene on the moor was unmistakable, and the netizens could see that in the distance, there were indeed two wolves, running along with Ning Fei.

They were looking for an opportunity!

Oh my! Its wolves again!

Its a grassland wolf! Theyre much more vicious than the wolves in the forest.

Theres nothing to eat in the desert, theyll do anything if theyre hungry for long!

Master Ning, run away, its too dangerous.

Yes, its so dangerous, hurry up and go.

Why are the wolves following this time, didnt they not follow before?

Before, Black Handsomes speed was too fast, now that he has been rushing for some time, his speed has slowed down a little. And the wolves on this side look like theyve been hungry for a long time, and theyre all very thin.

The netizens were instantly nervous.

Natures beasts were always very fierce, and when they appeared in the live feed, the netizens just felt that sense of oppression coming over them.

It was a pack of wolves, and a pack of wolves that treated Ning Fei and Black Handsome as food!

The netizens were watching the live broadcast, which was supposed to be the equivalent of Ning Feis first view.

Looking at it vicariously, it was a pack of wolves coming to round them up.

How could this not be tense?

Master Ning Guan What will he do?

Everyone couldnt help but think of this question in their minds.

Ning Fei rode on the Black Handsome with a slightly serious look on his face, but he wasnt overly nervous either.

The wolves are very skilled at roundups.

If Im really surrounded by wolves, it will indeed be fatal.

So, I need to think of a way to break the situation.

Ning Fei looked around at the growing number of wild wolf figures and said in a low voice.

Break the pattern? How do you break it? The netizens didnt dare to breathe after seeing those wolves.

The wolves hunting tactics were disgusting, after they had surrounded their prey, the wolves in whichever direction the prey attacked would retreat, while the wolf pups in the other directions waited for an opportunity to attack.

The enemy would advance and I would retreat, the enemy would get tired and I would fight, thus exhausting the prey alive.

Faced with such a situation, Ning Fei calmly explained.

Its simple, wolves are pack animals.

To break a wolfs siege, you only need to break one of the wolves.

That would be the wolf king!

If the wolf packs roundup is seen as a kind of formation, the wolf king is the eye of the formation.

Find the wolf king, and the problem is solved.

After saying this, Ning Fei said to Little Falcon again, Little Falcon, go and find the Wolf King.

They want to hunt me, Ill show them whos the hunter and whos the prey!

Hearing Ning Feis words, the little falcon chirped, spread its wings and flew up high.

When the netizens saw such an image, they only felt their brains short-circuit a little for a moment.

It was Master Ning!

Really fierce!

The wolves were hunting, treating him as prey. Instead, he was planning to hunt the wolves!

Not long after, the little falcon flew down from the sky, barked twice in one direction, and signalled one of the wolf shadows.

Looking at the wolf shadow in the distance, Ning Fei smiled and said, Found you!

Seeing Ning Feis expression, the netizens were dumbfounded.

Master Ning said Found you?

A silent moment of mourning for the wolf king in my heart.

The wolves thought they were hunting, they didnt know who they were really messing with.

I wasnt nervous at once.

It was Master Ning Guan after all.

Then, Ning Fei rode his black horse and accelerated furiously, charging straight at the wolfs shadow.

Black Handsome was already unruly and untamed in character, and having been followed by a pack of wolves all this time, he had long been very bored in his heart. After receiving Ning Feis order, he fiercely accelerated his speed and galloped furiously.

The speed of a wild horse was much faster than that of a pack of wolves.

Seeing such a scene, the entire live stream felt their blood boil up!

The pack of wolves hadnt even reacted when they saw Ning Fei charging towards them, and the wolf king tried to run and pull away, but it was already too late.

Ning Fei rode his black horse as if it were a gust of wind, charging straight up to the wolf kings side!

The Black Handsomes speed dropped, and immediately, an unexpected image appeared for everyone.

Ning Fei leapt off the Black Handsome and descended from the sky, fiercely grabbing the Wolf Kings neck from behind with his hand and pressing it to the ground.

The wolf king could not have expected such a scene and tried to break free from Ning Feis grip, but found that he could not even move!

The other wolves also scattered in all directions, not daring to provoke Ning Fei in the slightest, and ran away to look at this side in horror.

The netizens looked at the scene, their faces full of horror.

Ning Feis right hand strangled the Wolf Kings neck, and his left hand struck it three times in quick succession on the head.

Let you follow me! Let you follow me! Let you follow me!

In the live broadcast, the sky was cloudless.

It was under such a scene that Ning Fei grabbed the Wolf King and educated it fiercely.

The netizens who saw this scene were all dumbfounded.

They opened their mouths wide to say something, but they couldnt say anything.

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