Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 179: Surprisingly, the Du Xiang Hua King! (2/2)

Chapter 179: Surprisingly, the Du Xiang Hua King! (2/2)

500,000 is nothing, its a small fortune.

This is an unexpected pleasure.

Ning Fei seemed a lot more calm about the value of the Underwood Ginseng.

It didnt make much sense for him to use the Underwood Ginseng, he didnt need this type of tonic himself, so Ning Fei said directly, Herb merchant, I trust you, you can help me out with this ginseng.

The herb merchant immediately sent a private message, Dont worry, Master Ning, the price will satisfy you.

After saying this, Ning Fei put the ginseng away in his backpack, packed his things, and planned to leave.

He himself hadnt expected that the task the system had given him would be so simple.

It was just to rescue the spirit deer from the pit.

But the reality was that if Ning Fei didnt save it, there was basically no chance of this white antler spirit deer surviving.

Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the quest and gaining the skill: Treasure Seeking Technique.

Treasure Seeking Technique: search for items of the highest value in a kilometre around, including plants, fungus-like mushrooms, jade stones and other items rich in aura. Cool-down time: 7 days.

Hearing the beep, Ning Fei nodded, secretly saying in his heart.

Good luck, earning a skill for nothing.

The cool-down time is a little long, but the functionality is pretty good.

Lets try using it first.

Arriving here first, Ning Fei activated the skill Treasure Seeker.

His phone vibrated, and he took it out to look at it, finding that the map was marked with a plant sign at a location around 800 metres away from him.

Ning Fei shook his head, he had expected a flat map sort of thing to appear in his mind once this skill was activated, similar to the ability of consciousness spying.

The result was an additional marker on the phones map.

A range of one kilometre is still a bit small, for a big mountain or a forest, this skill is not that effective.

I can only say its by luck.

Ning Fei thought to himself, before putting on his backpack and walking unhurriedly towards the markings on the map without riding a horse.

There were treasures everywhere in this forest, and Ning Fei still had some space in his backpack, so he planned to pick some wild mushrooms and wild vegetables to eat on the way back.

Wild mushrooms tasted very good indeed, otherwise there wouldnt be so many people in Yunzhi Nan Province who were hospitalised every year because they had mistakenly eaten poisonous mushrooms.

To put it bluntly, they could not resist the temptation of wild mushrooms.

Ning Fei searched for them on the road, putting them in a bag when he came across good mushrooms, eating two tasty wild fruits to quench his thirst, or turning around and feeding some to Black Marshal.

Before long, he arrived at the location marked on the map.

Before he even got close, Ning Fei had already asked for a rush of floral fragrance.

In the pristine forests of the Great Xingan Mountains, there are seas of flowers everywhere, and among them are three famous aromatic plants, namely Dazi Xiang, Du Xiang, and a kind of thyme.

Up ahead should be the area where the Du Xiang flowers grow.

Ning Fei walked forward and said to the netizens.

Black Handsome wasnt quite used to such an aroma and sneezed several times in quick succession, so Ning Fei told him to wait where he was and walked over alone.

Only to see a large bush flush with his waist appear in front of him, these bushes were filled with small white flowers, and as far as the eye could see, a large area was covered with them.

Its so beautiful here! The netizens marvelled as they saw the sea of white flowers.

Ning Fei continued, Du Xiang belongs to the rhododendron family and likes to gather in groups, growing in large swathes, sometimes all over one side of a mountain or a ditch or pond, and its especially spectacular when its in flower.

It happens to be the time of year when the Du Xiang is in bloom.

Ning Fei looked off into the distance and his mood brightened.

Amongst the flowers, he saw the expensive plant that had been marked by the system.

It was the King of Flowers of the Du Xiang Flower.

The so-called flower king was the core of the dulcimer flowers in an area, from which most of the other flowers were produced, and would be closely united around the flower king.

If the flower king dies, a large number of dulcimers will wither.

There are people in the Chinese market who privately specialise in buying the king of dulcis flowers, offering very high prices, some willing to pay upwards of a million dollars.

A true Du Xiang flower king often represents a large area of Du Xiang flowers, and specimens of Du Xiang flower kings are also highly collectible.

Things are precious by their scarcity, the Du Xiang Hua King is very rare and not found in all areas of the Du Xiang Hua, and the plant is no less difficult to exist than a spirit-level animal like the white antler spirit deer.

Only feng shui treasures like the pristine forests of the Great Xingan Mountains would have such a magical plant.

So its the Du Xiang Flower King.

Ning Fei looked at the most brilliant white flower blooming in the middle of the distance. If one looked closely, one would notice that the stamen of that flower was pure gold, as if it were a golden glaze, and it was very beautiful.

Nature is truly marvellous.

Plants also have this phenomenon of gathering around a certain flower king.

Ning Fei merely watched from afar.

He didnt move any closer.

That Du Xiang flower king was valuable, but if it was picked away, all the Du Xiang flowers in this large area would wither.

Some scenery was rewarding when seen, and there was no need to force oneself to get it.

Ning Fei admired the sea of Du Xiang flowers for a while, before turning around and leaving straight away.

The scent of this sea of flowers still wafted far away.

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