Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 184: A million lights in the eyes, but one person's heart is pure (1/2)

Chapter 184: A million lights in the eyes, but one person's heart is pure (1/2)

Ning Fei finished the wooden carving and wiped down the little bit of ash that remained on it.

At this time, Lin Hui returned to the live broadcast room and posted several pop-ups in quick succession.

Master Ning my grandfather said that your wood carvings are very divine, not many in China can do that.

He also said that you should either engage in the carving industry, you can definitely become a generation of masters!

Really, your carvings are very impressive, youll definitely become world famous.

When Ning Fei saw his pop-up, he shook his head and said.

Carving is just a hobby of mine, I wont specialise in it.

Live streaming is fine, I still want to see more exciting scenery.

Hearing Ning Feis words, the netizens couldnt help but follow suit, saying.

Master Nings hobby is something that ordinary people studying for a lifetime may not be able to catch up with.

Can a part-time worker compare to an immortal cultivator?

Yes, we are all part-time workers, Master Ning is an immortal cultivator, its not the same.

What a wood carver, Master Ning knows so many crafts, oil paper umbrellas, sword dancing, ancient paintings, its a waste to do just one.

I forgot to tell you all, now Master Nings short videos are very hot on foreign oil tubes, the number of plays is super scary.

Ning Guan has long been on fire abroad.

Why do you think the Peoples Daily named and praised Master Ning Guan at the time, Master Ning has always promoted the traditional culture of China.

As the netizens discussed, Ning Fei took a look at the sky, it was now around 4pm and it was still a bit early to go back.

He then found a clean piece of grass and lay down on it, with both hands behind his head, intending to rest for a while.

When Little Fox saw his appearance, he immediately jumped onto his body and then nestled in the middle of Ning Feis chest, closing his eyes comfortably.

The little dog also ran over excitedly and barked twice, trying to get Ning Fei to play with him.

Tired, rest for a while.

Ning Fei said to the little dog with his eyes closed.

Hearing Ning Feis words, the little dog instantly stopped playing and looked at Ning Fei, then leaned against his body and got down as well.

It was only after resting comfortably for a while that Ning Fei got up, hugged the wooden sculpture, and walked towards the tribe.

This gift was his best wish to Ma Yao and Li Yan.

At this moment, the tribe was already decorated with lights and colours, and there were beautiful Mongolian decorations everywhere.

For this tribe, it was a very grand banquet.

Ning Fei had never been a fan of hustle and bustle, but he loved being an outsider watching the laughter and vibrancy of the scene.

In his eyes were the lights of ten thousand families, and in his heart was the clarity of one person.

Ah! Ning Fei, youve finally returned.

He had just returned to the tribe when he saw Li Yan rushing over with a face full of excitement.

This girl was rather big-hearted and had a great personality, not so flowery and sincere with people.

So as soon as Ning Fei returned, she immediately ran over and asked.

Master Ning, is this wooden sculpture really a gift for us?

Well, its for you guys, here!

Ning Fei wasnt being polite, and handed the wooden sculpture out directly.

Giving a gift was a token of appreciation, it didnt matter when you gave it, what mattered was whether the other party liked it or not.

Seeing Li Yan so happy, he also felt satisfied with it all.

Ma Yao came out only afterwards, looking rather exuberant, with a very genuine smile on his face despite being busy for days.

The sour smell of these two people being in love, ah. Ning Fei shook his head helplessly, while in his heart, he silently wished them well.

After another moment, Chen Ya also ran out and said in a slightly excited voice.

Diu Lei Lou Mou, Ning Fei, you are on the hot search again. Several of my colleagues want to buy wood carvings from you.

Ning Fei shrugged his shoulders and said, No more.

Then you can carve one for me too, Ill be able to look twice as good when I get back.

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