Paintings of Terror

Chapter 263: Qinggong Water-Walking

Chapter 263: Qinggong Water-Walking

Ke Xun put on his clothes and furrowed his eyebrows in contemplation.

There were already two methods, swimming across and floating across on ice. What other way could there be to cross the water? Unless he really would need to fly? What kind of laws allowed people to fly? Upward lift from spinning? This wasnt Doraemons Bamboo Copter. If machines for flying were needed, he would have to know the corresponding laws. 3i62uc

What other methods could there be?

Time passed by or, in this chaotic painting of distorted time, several hours might have passed already. Every next second could potentially be the end of the night here.

Whenever he thought about this, Zhu Haowen felt frightened. He looked at Ke Xun, who was squatting by the pool lost in thought, and couldnt help but shout, Ke Xun, keep calm. Ill figure out a way!

Ke Xun raised his eyes, looking over, his face showing no signs of anxiety. Instead, he even gave Zhu Haowen a dog-like smile, No rush, take your time thinking. Im also thinking of things. Ive even thought about getting across on a flying sword or using Iron Palm to walk on the water! 8j6J0t

Seeing that he still had the mood to make jokes, Zhu Haowen also quieted his mind. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration crossed his mind, and he couldnt help blurting out, Iron Palm water-walking Ive got an idea.

What idea? Ke Xun heard it with his sharp ears and shouted over.

Non-Newtonian fluids shear-thickening property! Zhu Haowen said.

Ke Xun: Y7sFjr

Ke Xun: What happened to Newton?

Zhu Haowen looked at him and for some reason, felt like lifting up the corners of his mouth, Dont worry about that now. Just do as I say. If the law passes, open up the item box and request cornstarch.

Ke Xun followed his instructions. The law was approved, and he got cornstarch. Following Zhu Haowens instructions, he poured a large amount of it into the pool.

The items provided in the item box had no quantity limits, and thanks to Ke Xuns superhuman stamina, he continued pouring cornstarch incessantly, something an ordinary person would have collapsed doing from exhaustion. v89qOu

While he was pouring, Ke Xun suddenly received a help request.

Huh? Who could it be? Someone actually sent a help request to him.

Ke Xun clicked on the light bulb icon and saw that the pop-up dialog box displayed Mu Yirans profile picture, with a text prompt beside it: [Profile Picture] has sent you a help request, accept or reject?

Ker Xun was startled and quickly clicked to accept. 75aibO

Mu Yirans face appeared on the interface.

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