Path of the Extra

Chapter 24: Aeliana Crimson

Bringing the cup of tea to his lips, Azriel felt his taste buds dance with delight as the rich aroma and delicate flavors swirled together.

'Why is the tea in this world so much tastier than in my previous one?'

Seriously, it tasted heavenly.

Azriel really wanted to order another cup of tea.

Unfortunately, he had to keep face.

Sitting on his right was Jasmine, while Ragnar was sitting opposite him with Thomas on his left.

They were currently inside the same coffee shop where Azriel had previously taken Solomon's pancake tower and devoured it while following his sister to the park.

Azriel quietly listened as Jasmine was talking to Ragnar and thanking him for returning him home safely.

' feels a little embarrassing.'

Not that it was a bad feeling.

He had missed such feelings.

'Though now I am the youngest of the family...'

That annoyed him a little.

Just a little.

"...You will have your reunion with your parents earlier than expected, Azriel."

Looking towards Ragnar, Azriel looked at him questioningly.

Before he could ask, Ragnar continued.

"An emergency has happened, so the heads are going back, as are we. Communication with Europe resumed a few minutes ago, except for Western Europe. Reports are coming in that all the military bases in France..."

Azriel was getting a bad feeling hearing Ragnar's words.

He was right.

"...have been wiped out."


The days had turned into a blur since Azriel's passing, each one melding into the next with a monotonous ache that refused to dull.

Aeliana often replayed moments of his childhood, the sound of his laughter echoing in her mind like a haunting melody.

She remembered his first steps, the way his tiny hands clutched her fingers, and the endless questions he would ask with a curiosity that knew no bounds.

Every memory was a sharp pang of regret.

Aeliana often pondered the nature of loss and the cruel finality it imposed. To lose a child was to lose a part of one's very soul.

It was a pain unlike any other, a grief that seeped into the marrow of her bones and settled there.

The world seemed darker, colors less vibrant, and the laughter of others felt like a distant echo from a life she no longer recognized.

She wished she had hugged him tighter, listened to him more intently, and told him every day how much she loved him.

The realization that those opportunities were now lost forever was a bitter pill to swallow.

Till this day, she doesn't understand why Azriel wanted to go to that military base.

What was he thinking?

What reason did he have?

Looking at herself in the mirror, she admired the elegant black dress that hugged her figure perfectly.

Her blond hair was intricately tied into a bun, each strand in place, adding to her sophisticated aura.

She was planning to look at least presentable for the guests they were having today, but some sort of emergency happened an hour ago that required them to go back.

So now...

She and Joaquin were planning to head out together.

'I can't stay like this forever...'

Losing her youngest child had hurt Aeliana a lot.

But it's been two years now.

She can't wallow in depression forever.

Her heart ached again as she thought about her daughter.

Their relationship had become strained.

'It's my fault. I am a terrible mother.'

If only she were strong enough to support her daughter.

But she wasn't.


Suddenly, Aeliana slapped both of her cheeks with her hands.

'It's not too late!'

Even though her family has become like broken glass, there is still a chance to mend things.

'But first, I need to fix myself.'

Going out on a date again with Joaquin was the first step.

Then she will have to try her best and make up the relationship with her daughter.

No matter what.

Checking herself once in the mirror, she nodded and headed out.

The servants all bowed their heads whenever Aeliana passed by.

Arriving downstairs, she planned to sit on the couch, waiting for Joaquin.

Until she noticed he was already waiting for her on the couch.

"You look as gorgeous as ever."

Joaquin rose from his seat, his approach gentle yet confident, a small, genuine smile gracing his lips.

His neatly tied-back hair framed his face, adding a touch of refinement to his appearance, clad in a sleek black tuxedo.

His face was flawlessly smooth, devoid of imperfections, his features defined with a natural grace that drew the attention of the nearby servants effortlessly.

Her heart fluttered at the sight.

'D-dammit! Here I promised I wouldn't fall for it this time!'

He always manages to catch her off guard.

Joaquin barely showed any emotion on his face most of the time.


When he is with his family.

Even after spending so much time with him, she can never get used to that smile of his.


It really was unfair.

Finally calming her racing heart, she was about to leave with Joaquin when they suddenly heard the door open.


Turning around, they saw Jasmine entering the living room.

'...she's back?'


Aeliana had honestly thought Jasmine wouldn't return home until late at night, knowing she wouldn't have gone to the academy without at least telling them.

Joaquin looked just as confused.

When she tried to ask Jasmine, the words caught in her throat.

They didn't meet her eyes with the usual icy detachment that had become their norm over the past two years.

There was still a hint of coldness, but it was softened now.

And then, unbelievably, a small smile played on Jasmine's lips.

Ba... Thump!

'Why is she looking at us like that...?'

Aeliana and Joaquin didn't have to wait long for an answer.

A figure entered the room, each step echoing loudly in the tense silence.


The sound reverberated, drawing the attention of nearby servants who paused in their duties to glance toward the door.


Standing beside their daughter was the last person Aeliana had ever expected to see again.

Her vision blurred with tears as she took in the warmth in his smile and the way his gaze lingered on her and Joaquin.

The person standing there, next to their daughter, was...

her youngest child.


"It's been a while... Mom, Dad."

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