
Chapter 60: The Forbidden Dominion [3]

Chapter 60: The Forbidden Dominion [3]

Then finally, they discovered the way to cross to the other side. The reavers. The demon gods had laid their hands on some forms of teleportation talismans. The seals were given to the reavers to try out. Many reavers died from the trials. But after thousands of failed trials, they had found a way to perform it.

A reaver had succeeded in teleporting to a region in the ground area under the walls of energy and burrowed over to the other side where it laid a teleportation array that it had on a secret place. From then on, the reavers could teleport to the region under the energy and burrowed their way to the other side.

A huge sigh of relief to great beginning of good tidings.

For many years, the reavers had been mining the transparent demon-dust peacefully and secretly, untill the arrival of the banished immortals. That made things extremely complicated and dangerous for them. Mining began to come at a greater cost. Whenever they had burrowed their ways to the void terrain of Ogonia to mine the demon-dust, they would be hunted and killed for their cores which contained Chi. Although the cores of the demons contained more Chi than their body in a thousandfold, they were not enough to satisfy the greed of the banished immortals.

They started thinking of harnessing the bloodline of the reavers despite knowing the reavers were not primordial beasts or divine beasts. The banished immortals commenced using the method they learned from the primordial beasts to harness the essence of the demons. The method which inculded the demonic cores which contained the demonic energy. Gradually, they started to capture more reavers for various trials to have more powerful bloodlines.

After thousands of years, their trials started to yield results. They began to develop dangerous bloodline powers. Totally different from the original thoughts of their utmost leader. They also began manifesting various changed traits. Their physical bodies were undergoing mutation. A terrible mutation. Their forms were being distorted to the point of not resembling immortals anymore.

But they didn't stop.

They continued in their pursuit of ultimate powers.

Then one day, everything changed again. One of the reavers from the demon worlds had discovered a hove of transpsrent item, the Lucent Phantom stones. But it was captured before it could escape with the information. On the verge of being killed, the reaver had told revenants about the phantom stones he recently discovered.

The Lucent Phantom stones contained different powerful energies.

With the lucent phantom stones, their mutation took another dangerous turn. Their bodies started to loose physical manifestation, and began to be transparent in appearance. Neither reflecting nor absorbing light.

From the reavers in captivity, the revenants started to learn of the ways the reavers had been transporting themselves from the Nether plane to the void terrain of Ogonia. It had taken the demons hundreds of thousands of years to find a way. So, the immortals knew it would be a while before they would be able to do the same. If they could at all.

But most importantly, they had learned the method and its concept.

As time passed by like flowing river, their power slowly increased. Secretly, the banished revenants embarked on the journey of sending powerful immortals into the nether plane to continue hunting for cores..

Gradually, they began to enter the mortal plane.

They would enter the mortal planes then killed as many mortal cultivators as they could before disappearing into the thin air. Those acts of killing innocent cultivators made them the mortals grave enemies. The revenants had learned when to stop a particular attack to avoid the attention of the celestials and the divines. As long as there was a reasonable balance, higher attentions wouldn't be drawn.

The grand-elder looked at the elders around him with sadness and shook his head.

"Some of you were here when a certain revenant entered our world. But for the new elders, I'll tell you about it. The revenant that entered our world that day, was a very powerful one. From the looks of things, he would be at the immortal ascension level and was displaying extreme powers. He also appeared to know about this world from his spoken words, which meant he had been coming here before. On that day, he had already started killing cultivators before he came into the premises of the Last-Sages sect."

Tinge of sorrow was showing in his voice as he paused in his recollection of the events.

"I was only a senior elder at that time. At the middle stage of golden core formation while the other elders were mostly at the early stage of the golden core. Our sect's young patriarch was already on a journey of oneness outside the sect premises, deep into mortal civilization. And the grand-patriarch was undergoing his immortal ascension's heavenly trbulations at that moment."

With a heave of sigh, the grand elder slowly continued.

"Only the former grand-elder was available. And we were fortunate he was around. If not, all of us could have died before the grand patriarch arrived. After the grand elder, luckily, discovered the revenant, he had immediately engaged him in a terrible combat. The old grandelder who was at the peak stage of Jindan, had fought bravely but couldn't hold up to the revenant who was as powerful as a peak-stage nascent soul. The Grand elder came to realize that his mystical art as a water cultivator, had no effect on the superior revenant. So, on the verge of defeat which would have meant death, the old grandelder used the ancient forbidden technique in order to use our supreme martial move. The Final Edge of Divinity."

The new grand elder, who was lost in his own memories, had his eyes looking back into the past.

"He had used the forbidden heavenly technique to power the Final Edge of Divinity. The forbidden technique from the primordial time that belonged to our sect not to be used under any circumstances. But he had found it necessary to do. The millions of years he could have spent in life was wrenched from him and pushed into the ultimate move. This supreme Last-Sages move had made his sword passed through the revenant, causing the revenant to turn into ash instantly, body and soul."

The grand elder paused for a moment before continuing.

"The grandelder too died on the spot. A bitter taste in my mouth. I couldn't help but only watched. Then, after the revenant's death, we found his spatial sac. Since he was a revenant, he couldn't make use of spatial dimension. Anyway, we checked his spatial sac and found many items including the Sinnughar core."

The grandelder flicked his hand and produced a big transparent core, vibrant with chaos energy.

"The Sinnughar core."

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