Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 341

Chapter 341: Parting Gift.

Eun-sun remained in a daze as she continuously stared at the papers in her hand. She had read it over and over, but she was still in shock. She couldn’t shake off the feeling of disbelief.

Eun-sun was too lost in thoughts that she didn’t notice when the door opened and someone walked into the house.

It wasn’t until she saw the pair of brown shoes in front of her did she recognize the presence of the person who had just entered the house. She lifted her misty head, slowly trailing the pair of long legs covered with an ash gunmetal trousers till her gaze landed on his face.

“Dan-Han?” She gently called with a broken voice, while a dark frown framed the man’s face as he stared at her.

“Why are you crying?” He coldly asked, his eyes darting across the living room till they returned back to her face.

Dan-Han’s frown deepened when he saw more tears trickle down her face and her body slightly began to tremble.

He sat by her side and pulled her into his embrace, burying her face in his chest.


“Shh...It’s okay.” He comforted her as he gently pat her hair. Several thoughts ran through his mind as he wondered why she was crying so badly. Had he not kept an eye on his father, he’d probably have suspected him. So what has happened to her now?

“Baby, stop crying.” He kept comforting her, his slender fingers gently combing through her hair. He hated it when she cried. It took a while till she finally calmed down and he placed a kiss on the top of her head.

“Tell me what happened.” He wiped her tears away and cupped her cheek so she could look at him.

Eun-sun glanced at him and said, “Your mom...” she slurred

His mom. What happened with her?

Eun-sun didn’t know how to tell him, she was yet to collect her emotions and words.

Eun-sun noticed his gaze on the papers and envelope that had fallen to the floor, so she picked them up and passed it to him. Dan-Han furrowed his brows and took a quick look at the papers.

His eyes slightly widened in surprise when he saw the content of the paper. He skimmed through it and glanced at Eun-sun, but he returned his attention to the envelope when he felt there was something else inside, and indeed there was.

Eun-sun was surprised when she saw the other contents of the envelope. She had been too overwhelmed by the information on the papers that she had not properly looked through the envelope. There was a cheque and another small white envelope. He opened it and saw a hand written letter, and from the familiar penmanship he knew it was personally written by his mother. He passed them to Eun-sun who was once again dumbfounded. Her eyes widened when she saw the cheque. She was giving her money too? And this much?

What was she doing? Why has she done this?

Eun-sun dropped the cheque and quickly looked at the letter.

Dan-Han stood up to give her some privacy but she held the hem of his coat indicating she didn’t want him to leave.

Understanding her gesture, he sat back and wrapped his hand around her, pulling her even closer.

Eun-sun nervously looked at the letter and the first three words brought hot tears to her eyes.

‘My sweet girl...’

Eun-sun felt her heart constrict at the sight of those words. How she missed hearing her call her that. Mrs Lee was the only one who called her that way and she missed much. She missed hearing her voice and her laughs, she missed her motherly hugs.

Dan-Han sighed when he saw her hands tremble. He didn’t know what to do, so he could only kiss her temple while his hold around her shoulder tightened, ensuring her he was there with her.

Eun-sun braced herself as she read...

My sweet girl,

If you’re reading this, then I’m already in a better place where I’m sorely missing you, my lovely son and my husband. My death’s inevitable and I was prepared, so you mustn’t cry because I’m happy and fulfilled, but even if you must, I’m sure Dan-Han’s shoulders are enough to comfort you. He loves you and so do I.

‘My dear Eun-sun, meeting you at the mall was a lifetime encounter for me, because not only did I meet a daughter, i met someone who brought smiles to my face and warmth to my son. My days with you were irrevocable blessings and they crowned my days on earth, so never feel sad. I wished we had more time, but unfortunately we don’t, still I’m happy.

Attached to this letter are a few things I want you to have, not as a token of appreciation because that would be condescending of the love you’ve shown me and my family, but they are my gifts to you for being the most amazing daughter I could ever get. Accept it as your dowry to marry whoever you choose to be with even if you decide to leave my son because I know he can be difficult at times, so I won’t judge. Never feel pressured into doing whatever doesn’t make you happy.

Please, use this and live a good life. You’ve endured enough and no daughter of mine should live a hard life, not even in my absence. It isn’t much but I hope you accept mother’s little parting gift and be the amazing and outstanding lady you’re meant to be. I’ll forever miss you and my lovely son, and I pray you’re always happy.

I love you.

Love, mother.’

Eun-sun didn’t know how she had read that letter, but she found her shoulders trembling while her heart squeezed her in an unimaginable way.

There were so many words that she had always longed to hear and she had gotten all of them in one letter. Miss you and I love you were the words she had always wanted Song-Hee to say to her. But not only has Mrs Lee said them, she had also called her a blessing.

Why was this her parting gift? She didn’t want this, she wanted her. She wanted the mother who loved her and made her happy.

How could she tell her not to be sad? She shouldn’t have left. She missed her a lot. She had reminded her what it meant to experience motherly love and care after 15 years of being abused and tossed aside. Mrs Lee had accepted her without caring for who she was, and even now she was still looking after her.

Why was God so cruel to her? He keeps taking from her, and he had never been nice to let her keep the people she cared about and who cared about her in return.

Why was there always so much sadness around her?

Dan-Han was also emotional after reading his mother’s letter, but it wasn’t just because of himself, but because he knew what this meant to Eun-sun. Once again, he realized how unfair he had been to her these past weeks. She had been alone, when they should have been together, helping each other get through this loss.

He held her more tightly to himself and kissed her head. He closed his eyes and he remembered the smile on his mother face when she died, it was in indeed fulfilling. The woman had always have a different view to life. The mundane things made her happy and that was exactly how Eun-sun was, she just didn’t know it yet. It would be a blessing to have her by his side forever.

Neither of them said a word as they remained in each other’s embrace, till Eun-sun was finally calm.

She pulled away and looked at him with glistening and inquisitive eyes as she asked, “Dan-Han, what should I do?”

He understood what she was asking him but he didn’t think now was the right time for her to ponder on that. She had to be in the right frame of mind to deliberately think about this.

He gently wiped her tears away and pecked her lips. “Don’t think about it for now. We’ll talk about it tomorrow.” He said. Eun-sun nodded concurringly, she was also tired as well.

“Have you eaten?” He asked while she shook her head.

“Come, I’ll feed you.” He took the letter from her and carried to the dining table, where he beckoned on Alex to serve them dinner.

During dinner, Dan-Han asked her about her outing with Ni-Na to ease her mind as her mood was still a bit dampen, and she told him all about it. He was glad to know she had fun and Ni-Na had been sensible enough not to tell her about their date.

“Oh.” Eun-sun exclaimed when something came to her mind. She jerked to her feet and hurried towards the couch where she had been sitting. She scavenged through her bag in desperate search of something, and she exhaled when she saw it.

Dan-Han watched her as she walked back to the table, his eyes fixed on what she had at hand.

“What’s that?” He inquired.

Eun-sun stared at him and she instantly felt embarrassed showing it to him.

He stood up from his seat and walked to her when he saw the embarrassed look on her face. “Let me see.” He pointed his chin to her hand, and Eun-sun bit her lips as she opened her palm revealing the after morning pills she had bought, her face burning brick red.

He chuckled at her childish reaction. “Isn’t it too late for this?” He asked as he took the medicine from her.

Eun-sun shot up her brows and innocently asked, “Is it?” She had gotten this on her way back after having that discussion with Ni-Na.

Dan-Han was floored by her naivety about stuff like this. She really know nothing about men and intimacy, yet she always knew how to throw a temper.

He raised his lids and peered at her. “Are you sure this is necessary. Getting pregnant could be beneficial, you know?” He shrugged.

Beneficial? She could already tell what he was thinking. So she instantly shook her head and said, “No.” She didn’t want to force her way into his life. She wanted to be with him with no pressure whatsoever.

Dan-Han nodded as he popped a pill into her palm, before pouring her a glass of water.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet.” He said making Eun-sun raise a brow at him.


“In this relationship, only your decision matters, not my father’s or anybody’s. I’m only letting you take this to keep your small heart at ease. But no matter what you do, my DNA isn’t susceptible to these kind of pills. My intention is make you mine, and getting you pregnant would be my bonus. So, take as much as you want, I’m not going to stop making love to you.”


Eun-sun eyes fluttered rapidly as she gazed at the man.

Dan-Han chuckled and ruffled her hair. “Are you scared?” He asked smilingly, she looked pretty scared.

“Don’t worry love, there would be love making tonight but I can’t say for tomorrow morning, or the many nights to come when you finally become my wife. You’ll be chained to my bed.”

“Lee Dan-Han!” She yelled making the man chuckle. He smiled when he saw the glare in her eyes. She was back to normal.

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