Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 351

Chapter 351: Mystery Man

After several hours of work, Eun-sun felt she shouldn’t have stayed home for three whole days. Had she been at work, she would have attended to this already. She looked around the office, and discovered she wasn’t the only one working late. The centenary project was slated to officially begin building by Monday, so everyone in the company was busy, and she knew even Dan-Han was also busy.

Two hours after closing hours, some people started leaving.

“Aren’t you leaving yet?” Hye-Jin asked as she packed up her stuff. Eun-sun shook her head without even looking at her.

“I’ll finish this before leaving. Materials for the building will be delivered by Saturday, so I have to submit all this tomorrow morning.” Eun-sun told her, her eyes not leaving the monitor for a second.

Hye-Jin sighed. “You shouldn’t have taken this from that uncultured girl. It’s 7:10 already. If I leave, you’ll be alone here with that crazy girl.” Hye-Jin glared at the familiar head she could see at the other end of the office.

Eun-sun’s eyes darted towards the time icon on the monitor. She couldn’t believe it was 7:10 already. Dan-Han would be calling her any moment from now. She looked at the remaining files on her desk and she almost passed out. She had three more to go.

“I’ll be fine.” She assured her.


Hye-Jin sighed again before waving her goodbye. Eun-sun’s heart skipped when her phone started ringing and it was Dan-Han calling. She anxiously picked up the call. She was about to ask for more time, when Dan-Han asked for it first, making her sigh in relief. It seems there’d be no storm brooding from him.

“Sure, I can wait. I still have a few things to do anyway.”

“Okay. When you’re done, come to my office.” He told her before ending the call.

Eun-sun dove back into work. She was overly immersed into it, so much she didn’t notice Min-Jung leaving with an evil look in her eyes directed at her.

Half an hour quickly passed by and Eun-sun was almost done with her work. Despite feeling exhausted, she had a proud and smile on her face. She felt like she had made up for the days she was absent from work. Her heart skipped when her phone rang again. Only Dan-Han could do this to her.

“Why are you not here?” He spoke the moment she answered the phone.

“Uhm.. I’m still working.”

“People closed hours ago, why are you still working?” He angrily asked.

“You’re still working.” She told him.

“Upstairs now!” He ordered.



“You’re being too bossy. I don’t like it.” She frowned.

“You’re overworking, and I don’t like it.” He told her. The girl was too stubborn.


“Park Eun-sun in my office now or I’ll come get you myself.”

“Fine.” She hissed and grumpily ended the call. Sometimes he was just too much for her. He was too overly protective of her. It wasn’t a bad thing, but sometimes he WAS.JUST.TOO.MUCH.

Eun-sun packed her stuff and carried the last file remaining from the heap of files Min-Jung had dumped on her desk this morning.

She angrily pressed on the elevator button, but it wasn’t responding. She tried another, but it still didn’t work. She fumed with anger. She had to take the stairs, right?

She hissed and cussed as she made her way to the exit door at the end of the hall way.

“By God, I’ll pull out his hair!” She growled as her eyes trailed up the flight of stairs she was about climb.

With each step she took, she felt the urge to cuss at him increase. Dan-Han was definitely going to get it from her tonight, and what the hell happened to the elevators?!

Eun-sun had barely climbed up a floor when she heard the sound of a door. She dismissed it as another colleague miserably taking the steps like her. Such problems rarely happened in the company, so what went wrong tonight?

She kept walking chatting a faux encouragment mantra in her head of ‘one step closer’ when a masculine figure dressed in black pants and black hood, with a black face cap and mask covering his face walked past her and down the stairs. He was strangely dressed but she greeted anyway, while the man nodded and passed.

Eun-sun paused and looked over her shoulder when she felt the man stop. A weird feeling crept into her heart, reminding her of that night when some strange man had pointed a gun at her. She hissed and discarded that thought.

But she suddenly became alert when after a few stairs, the man remained still. He looked at his phone and glanced at her again

Eun-sun’s grip over her bag tightened as she resumed walking up the stairs but in a fastened pace. Her heart skipped when she noticed the man change direction and was now walking up towards her, his eyes locked on her. There was a killing intent in them.

Eun-sun didn’t need to be told twice that she was in danger. She hastened up the stairs but the faster she moved, the faster he climbed as well.

Soon she was running and so was he. She kicked off her shoes and reached for her phone. She dropped her bag and began running, while she dialled Dan-Han’s number.

“Are you coming?” He asked.

“Dan-Han-” She panted out making the man frown attentively.

“What’s wrong?” He anxiously asked.

“Someone’s chasing me.”

“Where?” Dan-Han was already on his feet and striding towards the door of his office.

“The sta-” The rest of Eun-sun’s word got caught in her throat when she felt her phone being snatched from her hand. The mysterious man tried reaching for her hand, but she evaded him. He tried grabbing her again, but she docked and kicked him, her skirt refraining the strength of her legs, but that was enough to slow him down as she ran faster.

Eun-sun’s heart pounded with fear, as adrenaline overflowed her entire system.

Eun-sun thought it wise to leave the emergency exit and run into the hallway, maybe she’d see an office to hide or something to defend herself, but just as her hand reached for the door, she felt a pull on her leg dragging her to the floor. She tried jerking to her feet, but a strong grip was already pulling on her hair.

Eun-sun elbowed him. She head-butted his face, but the man still didn’t budge, his grip towards her was firm. He pulled her towards the rails.He was going to throw her down. Her heart skipped.

Eun-sun screamed Dan-Han’s name when she heard the sound of a banging door.

“Eun-sun!” She could hear the echoes of her name echo down the stairs. It was Dan-Han. But knowing how far up his office was, she feared he wouldn’t be able to save her.

Not willing to give up, she pushed the man back with all her strength, making him stagger a few steps backward, and she threw a kick at his crotch, making him groan.

She looked up the flight of steps. She could hear noises from up there. It was Dan-Han. He was calling her name.

She hurried up a few steps again, but yet again the man held her and before she could kick his hand off, he threw her across the stairs, her body hardly slamming against the wall. Eun-sun felt her life flash before her eyes, as her her body hit the wall, especially her head. Pain surged over her like a lightening bolt, making her wail. She struggled to move, but her legs were unmoving. Something was wrong with them. The man closed in on her and pulled out a object from his pocket.

Her heart raced when she saw the object. It was a pocket knife. She raised her hand and struggled for the knife, but he overpowered her.

“Who sent you?” She asked, instead of pleading. She knew there was no need begging, because it was obvious the man was on an assignment, and nothing she did would save her. The man lowered himself to her and plunged the knife inside her stomach without saying a word.

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