Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 359

Chapter 359: Unedited

“Dan-Han what is this I heard happened at the company?” Father Lee asked over the phone.

“It’s nothing.”

“What do you mean by nothing?” The old man sounded displeased with his answer.

“I said it’s nothing.”

“It’s nothing yet you’re not attending an important meeting today? Do you know how many days are there before the beginning of your project? This is your project remember? And it’s the largest the company has embarked on in the last couple of years. All our resources are in this.”

“I’m fully aware.” Dan-Han knew his father was also aware of his whereabout and was simply trying to make a fuss because Eun-sun was involved.

“Is the girl more important than the company?” He snapped.


“Yes, she is.”

“Dan-Han!” He hollered.

“Father, I’m not in the mood to entertain you now. If you feel the meeting is that important, then do me a favour and attend it for the both of us, because I’m not. I can let them take you there, if you so desire.” Dan-Han knew how much his words would upset his father but yet he still said it.

“You’d ruin our years of labour for this girl?”

“You’re upsetting my mood, Chairman Lee.”

“You’re getting too bold, son. Let’s see what happens when you lose that seat of yours.” Father Lee threatened.

“Be my guest and try. I’m hanging up now.” Dan-Han said and hung up.

He looked up to meet the pairs of eyes staring at him. He ignored them.

“How is she now?” He asked, while In-Ha turned to Jae-Hyun, clearly curious to know the answer to that question. He had just had the worse scare of his life an hour ago. He felt had his heart sink when they said her heart had stopped, and he watched them resuscitate her.

“Better. We’ve administered the antidote that’ll antagonize the effect of the poison. Treatment is in full swing.” Jae-Hyun announced.

“And?” In-Ha stressed.

“Well, we just have to wait and see. But from now, I believe she would be fine.” Jae-Hyun informed them, finally feeling relieved that the major issue has been resolved. He had almost lost his mind. He knew what it would mean had anything happened to her.

In-Ha deeply exhaled, but Dan-Han was still unsettled.

“How long before she wakes up?” That was his concern. He wasn’t going to feel at ease until she opened her eyes, and confirm with her mouth that she was truly fine. Only then would he be relaxed.

“With the injuries, the surgery, and the effect of the poison, I’ll say two days or maybe less. We just have to wait.”

Wait? Dan-Han didn’t want to wait. He wasn’t sure he could live another day or sleep another night without seeing her eyes, or hearing her voice. Even while they fought, he was okay knowing she was by the side watching him. But having her stiffly lying on the bed with her eyes close almost as if she was dead wasn’t okay with him at all.

But right now, he didn’t have much of a choice, so he nodded. “What was it you wanted to show me?” He asked, while Jae-Hyun quickly brought out an ampoule and a small note from his drawer.

“Someone sent this to me last night. This was how we knew the substance she was poisoned with.”

Dan-Han frowned and picked them up. He looked at the note, it only had Eun-sun’s name written on it. He looked at the bottle and his frown turned into a deep scowl.

Whoever poisoned Eun-sun only had one intention, and that was killing her, and there was one only person who knew how to mess with stuff like this.

“Do you think she did this?” Jae-Hyun’s question was directed at Dan-Han.

“Kwon-Nara?” In-Ha cocked his brow in disbelief when he saw what Dan-Han was holding. “This is her forte!” He snappingly answered himself.

He should have suspected her earlier, especially when he had seen the way she looked at Eun-sun back at the company. Playing around with drugs was forte, and it wasn’t unexpected that she’d come after Eun-sun because of Dan-Han. This wouldn’t be the first she had tried something like this. Dan-Han had been her last victim, but he was lucky she had only overdosed him with aphrodisiac and not actual poison.

“She’s never going to learn.” Jae-Hyun hissed. The kind of girls he hated were the overly pampered, spoilt brats who feel they could do whatever they wanted, including murder, without getting caught or reprimanded for being it, and one of such girls was Kwon-Nara.

In-Ha turned to Dan-Han who was gloomily observing the bottle. “Why did you let her come back?” He asked, but Dan-Han didn’t reply. His silence angered In-Ha and he frowned at him.

“You should really know how to protect her from the dangerous vixens hovering around you. First it was Mi-Ok, now it’s Kwon-Nara, who is it going to be next?”

“In-Ha.” Jae-Hyun scolded him, but In-Ha ignored him.

Dan-Han turned to In-Ha with murderous eyes, but In-Ha was unfazed.

“She’s your woman, so do a good job in protecting her from all this wannabe Mrs Lee’s, else someone will do the job for you!” In-Ha kicked back the chair and stormed out of the office.

Jae-Hyun looked at Dan-Han. “You should ignore him. You know how he can be.”

Dan-Han shook his head and sighed. “No, his right. I’m not fulfilling my responsibilities towards her. I convinced her into being with me knowing how dangerous it could be. I should keep her safe.” He rose up to his feet.

“Thank you, for saving her.”

“I didn’t do-”

“Thank you.” Dan-Han cut him short. He was being modest.

“Dan-Han,” Jae-Hyun called when he was about leaving. He rose to his feet.

He hesitated.. “About mother, I haven’t apologized. I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to keep you in the dark. I’m sorry.” He apologized.

“It was her choice.”

“Still, I’m sorry.” Jae-Hyun sincerely apologized again.

“It’s okay.” He told him before heading towards the door.

Dan-Han paused and looked at him again. “Jae-Hyun, thank you for doing you best for them.” This was a fact known fact, not just to him but to those around who had seem him work tirelessly to save the lives of the women in his life.

Dan-Han wasn’t surprised when he saw In-Ha by Eun-sun’s side in the room. They both shared a look before In-Ha returned his gaze to Eun-sun.

“Tell me you’re going to kill that girl.” He asked, without looking at him. His heart was clenching so hard for what Eun-sun was going through.

“I will.” He said unwaveringly. In-Ha glanced at him, and he was certain Dan-Han meant his words. If Dan-Han didn’t, he was going to kill her himself. He’d feed her without her own poison, and replicate what she did to Eun-sun.

They both sat by her side, when Ni-Na came in with Hei-Ran.

“Eun-sun!” She yelled as she hurried to her side.

Tears fell from Hei-Ran’s eyes the moment she saw her friend.

“What happened to her?” Hei-Ran asked amidst tears.

“She had an accident.” Dan-Han told her. He couldn’t tell her the truth as that might raise questions. He had informed her about Eun-sun’s situation, but he never gave the details. He wouldn’t have told her had she not stopped calling, and Ni-Na also wouldn’t let him how wrong it was to keep her friends and family in the dark about Eun-sun’s situation.

They watched her cry while Ni-Na comforted her.

Hei-Ran couldn’t believe something like would happen to Eun-sun again. Bad things were always happening to her, why?

First her mom had always been hitting her, leaving her with broken jaws or dislocated bones. She had been hit by Dan-Han in the past, and now again, there have been another accident. She was going to take her to the temple or a shaman as soon as she recovered. This was enough.

Dan-Han excused himself and placed a call to Tae-Ho.

“Find Kwon-Nara.” He ordered.

“Yes boss.” Tae-Ho replied.

“Boss, how’s the miss?” He inquired, slightly surprising Dan-Han. Tae-Ho was the last person he expected to ask such a question. The man was always aloof, especially with those dark glasses he wore.

“She’s fine.” He replied.

“Boss, I have some result regarding the investigation.”


“There were only there were only three babies born on that day. Two had died, and I guess the miss is the third.”

“Who are the parents?”

“Mrs Song-Hee, the first madam of the Kim family-”

“And the third?”

“I can’t tell boss. The names are wiped, they’re still trying to restore the documents.”

Dan-Han fell silent as he thought about this. An unidentified name didn’t didn’t bother him as much as hearing the Kim’s name again.

He still had an unresolved baby case with the second master of the Kim family.

“Get me the third name as soon as possible, and find out if Mr Kim was present at the hospital at the time of deliveries.”

“Yes, boss.” Tae-Ho replied, before Dan-Han ended the call.

Dan-Han didn’t know why he was suspicious of Mr Kim the moment he heard their family name. That man was unsettling him so bad, and he had to do something about it.

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