Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 367

Chapter 367: Kept Boyfriend Lee

“Tell me you are not leaving again.” Ni-na’s friend asked in a displeased tone as they watched her get ready to leave. They had only arrived at the spa and she was already leaving?

“I’m sorry, ladies.” Ni-na apologized.

“Sorry? What happened to making it up to us for ditching us the last time? I mean you ditched us at the club and you’re doing it again after dragging us out?” Another displeased and infuriated young lady asked as she stared at Ni-na with incredulity. Her angry thundering silver eyes complimented her silvery hair locks. She sighed in disbelief. She picked up her champagne glass and took a sip from it.

“You’re too much, Ni-Na.” She hissed.

Ni-na understood her friends’ displeasure and she felt apologetic for it. “I’m sorry I have to leave, you know my brother-”

“The legendary president Lee.” The silver-haired girl interjected with a roll of her eyes. “He’s going to conduct an auction for you a few decades from now, and guess what’s going to be the bidding piece?” She tilted her head towards Ni-na.

“Me?” Ni-na replied with a knowing smile. She has heard this far too many times not to know the answer.


“Yes, you! He’s going to auction you away for free and he’d probably pay whoever’s going to take you home because he would have successfully ruined your youthful days and there’ll be no one to marry you, and there’ll be no fun for you to catch.” She said while the other girls giggled.

“My brother is not that bad, and I’ll let him know you said, hi.”

“I didn’t say hi and none of us is.” She rolled her eyes but Ni-na sweetly smiled at her. She understood her friend’s annoyance and she was to blame for it. She had invited them out, and again she was leaving.

“Speak for yourself, baby.” A sharp voice said from behind them. Ni-na turned towards the sound of the clicking heels approaching them. She was the latecomer they had been waiting for before Dan-Han’s call came in. She glanced at Ni-Na as she took her seat. “Tell your handsome brother....”

“Cousin.” The silver-haired, angry girl corrected.

“Cousin whatever.” She mockingly glared at her friend before glancing back at Ni-na. “Tell your handsome cousin I said hi, and also that I like him a lot.” She winked.

“Of course, you do.” The first girl chipped.

“Shouldn’t I? You all can keep pretending but I know you all dream of him just like me. President Lee is so manly. He’s my typical alpha male. Domineering, powerful, handsome and rich. He’s my type of man, and I’m not the only one saying this, the whole country is. Our lovely prince charming.” She purred while the others giggled at her theatrics. Ni-Na didn’t miss the swooned look in the eyes of her other friends. She has repeatedly heard this every time they hanged-out. Even in school, they wouldn’t stop talking about her handsome and powerful cousin and she couldn’t be more proud.

“Alpha male indeed.” She said. “Wait till you see him in the presence of my future sister-in-law. Your image of him will be destroyed and your broken hearts will be all over the floor. He’s worse than a gamma male”

“So it’s true, huh? President Lee is really dating?” The silver-haired girl asked.

“Of course it’s true. President Lee is not just dating, he’s a kept boyfriend and my beautiful sister-in-law is my current mission for the day. I have to take care of her and bond with her.” She gleefully told them. She felt happy knowing Dan-Han trusted her with Eun-sun.

Ni-Na couldn’t help but chuckle when she saw the hurt and disappointed look on their faces. They had all turned green with envy. “Forget about my brother, ladies. He’s taken and you lot are too young for him.” She advised them. As much as she loved hearing them swoon over Dan-Han, it was sometimes tiring, because they kept hoarding her to fix them up with him even though they were so much younger than him. Thankfully, he’s dating someone now, all the madness can finally stop.

“Too young for him? Are you being a hypocrite, Ni-Na? Haven’t you been in love with Master-”

“Shut up!” Ni-Na quickly interjected while the girls giggled.

Her silver-haired friend tsked and shook her head. “I wonder what your lovely brother would do when he finds out you fancy his -”

“Shut up, you brat.” Ni-Na’s face reddened with embarrassment. She picked up her bag and turned to leave. She couldn’t handle all this teasing.

“Compensation!” The three ladies echoed at the same time. Ni-na glanced at them with shocked surprise. They were all from rich homes with heavy spending accounts yet they were going to bother her for this.

She shook her head and sighed. “You’re all so stingy.”

“Whatever you say, as long as you pay for our beauty treatment then we’re fine.”

“Fine, I’ll pay.” Ni-Na agreed. She knew there was no way they’d let her go without her paying.

“The boss lady, herself!”

“Ni-Na with the money bag!”

“Money dripping Lee!” They hyped simultaneously, but Ni-Na wasn’t flattered at all. This was a norm among them.

“You girls are just fake.” She sighed and they all erupt into laughter.

Just as she was about to leave, one of them stopped her. It was her friend who had come late. “Before you leave, I think there’s something you should see at the couples lounge.” The girl said. Ni-Na stared at her with a curious frown. Couples Lounge?

“What’s going on there?” Ni-Na inquired.

“Young master Kang.” The girl replied, gaining the attention of the girls.

“In-Ha?” Ni-Na asked.

“Yeah, and his ex.” The girl answered. Ni-Na’s face suddenly turned crestfallen. The girls’ eyes went round as they looked at Ni-na.

In-Ha and his ex?

“Ji-A?” Ni-Na asked with a deep frown.


“Isn’t that his stepmother?” Another of the girls asked, but Ni-Na wasn’t paying attention to her.

“Where did you see him?” Ni-Na inquired. Her tone and countenance had changed and her friends noticed.

“Ni-Na, you still aren’t-”

“Where?!” She asked, her voice slightly raised a few notches higher.

“They both entered the couple lounge.” The girl said, but Ni-Na was already storming off.

In-Ha and his ex?

Ni-Na didn’t even have to know too much about this ex, because there had only one ex in In-Ha’s life, and that was that golddigger he had almost made the mistake of marrying. What business could they have together?

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