Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 374

Chapter 374: Wit And Pretence.

“Both.” Mr Kim replied to father Lee’s question as he intently glanced at him.

He took a sip of his tea before dropping the cup on the table. The look on his face slightly turned serious.

“Firstly, I want to apologize for being absent at your wife’s funeral, and I’m sorry I only called once and my brother also couldn’t make it. We weren’t sure my sister in-law was ready to revisit the country yet, and we feared how being at the funeral might affect her.” He said.

Father Lee nodded in understanding, knowing fully well how true his words were. If there was anyone outside his family who’d be hurt by his wife’s demise, it was Sena. Both ladies were some sort of soul sisters. Despite the distance between them, and despite the change in Sena after losing her child they both still maintained their friendship, though not same, but still. He remembered times when she’d talk to Sena about the girl Dan-Han was dating, and how perfect she was.

He paused and scoffed inwardly. ‘Perfect indeed!’

“It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize.” He replied. He raised his cup to his lips as he asked, “And the other reason?”

Mr Kim glanced at him. “Your son have someone that belongs to me.” He outrightly said making Mr Lee halt his actions.


Father Lee gazed at him with faux surprise. “He does?” He asked in disbelief. Of course, he already was in the know, and he had guessed the reason for the visit the moment he received the call. His eyes surreptitiously darted towards the house before returning his attention to Mr Kim, awaiting his answer.

“Yes.” Mr Kim affirmed, as he skeptically observed the old man’s countenance. “Are you not aware of the investigation he’s been carrying out?” Mr Kim intentionally asked. His intent gaze was fixed on the man as he tried to ascertain if Father Lee was intentionally acting dumb with him. But if he was, he couldn’t tell. The Lee men always tried to be unpredictable and stupidly smart even when they were not.

How annoying!

Innocently shaking his head the old man replied, “no.”

He sighed. “You know how these young

ones can be, especially Dan-Han. He’s the new head of the family, so he prides himself as a capable man. He currently treats me as one of his subordinate and he takes care of his problem himself.” Father Lee amusingly chuckled, while Mr Kim nodded.

It was indeed difficult to see pass the old Lee’s face.

Faking an understanding smile, Mr Kim reasonably nodded. “Of course, I know how they can be, and president Lee isn’t an ordinary business man like the others. I heard he’s much more terrifying than you were back in the day.” He rupt a short round of laughter which Father Lee out of faux civility, joined in.

“Indeed.” He nodded.

“Well, I’m sorry to bother you Old Lee, but can you help me speak to him? That person is important to me.” Mr Kim said in a somewhat sincere and desperate tone.

Father Lee kept silent for a while as he stared at him. “Do you mind if I ask who this person is and why Dan-Han would keep such a person from you?” He inquired.

Mr Kim kept silent for a while as if hesitating with his answer before replying. “Just a woman who birthed a child for me.”

“You have another child?” Father Lee asked in shocked surprise, his eyes slightly widened. If he was an actor he’d win a Grammy award, he was certain of it.

“A dead child.” Mr Kim corrected. “She died at birth, and the mother left but not in amity. I’ve been searching for her all these years. I just want to see her and try to set some things right. The guilt has been a burden in my heart these past years. Do you think you can help me speak with your son?” He asked. With his voice and tone, one would believe he wasn’t seeking out the woman to tie up lose ends, and was really trying to reach out to resolve an outstanding issue, but father Lee knew better.

“I’m sorry to hear this. I never knew you lost another child.” He sympathized with Mr Kim like he hadn’t heard of it before. He wouldn’t have known had Tae-Ho not told him about the situation when he had brought the woman over. He knew his wife had been searching for a missing child before she died, but he had no idea it was related to the Kim, at least till Tae-Ho informed him. But Mr Kim’s sudden appearance was beginning to pique his interest in this matter and he was about to get some answers if his butler did as planned.

“It’s not something I wanted to share with people.” Mr Kim said, while Father Lee nodded.

“I understand. But do you know why Dan-Han would be keeping her?” He Lee curiously inquired.

Mr Kim sighed. “It’s just a misunderstanding, one that I would love to clear up when I see him.” He said.

“And this misunderstanding, do you care to enlighten me? Perhaps it would help me know how to talk to him?” Father Lee asked.

At this point, Mr Kim couldn’t really conclude if the man was really clueless about things. If he wasn’t, then he was doing a great job at fooling him. But that wouldn’t matter when Stephen returns.

“He thinks the child is still alive.” He truthfully replied.

“And is it?” Father Lee asked back.

“No.” He replied. He sighed and shook his head. “She died at birth.”

“I’m sorry once again.” Father Lee sympathized with him. A brief moment of silence reigned between them. “I can’t promise you anything, but I’ll speak with him, so you can clear up whatever misunderstanding it’s there.” He told him.

Mr Kim smiled on hearing his response. “Thank you. I’ll truly appreciate that.” He said.

“It’s no problem at all. I hope you don’t take Dan-Han’s actions to heart. He’s young and he still has a lot to learn.”

“Of course. He’s also like a son to me, so I understand this is his moment to prove himself.” Mr Kim amicably said with a understanding smile, one that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

Both men continued to talk, changing their line of discussion from business to politics until Stephen and the butler finally returned.

“You’re back. Found anything peculiar?” Father Lee smilingly asked upon Stephen’s arrival.

“Everything about your place is peculiar, sir.” The young man replied as he turned to Mr Kim. Father Lee noticed their subtle eye exchange and the disappointed look on Yong-Gun’s face. He hid a smirk behind the cup he was drinking from, before throwing a glance at his butler who gave a surreptitious nod.

He inwardly chuckled as he glanced back at Mr Kim and his underdog. They must have thought him stupid to have thought they’d come to his house this way and make a fool of him.

“We have to leave now.” Mr Kim suddenly announced while Father Lee nodded and led them to their car.

“I hope to hear from you soon.” Mr Kim said, stretching out his hand for a hand shake which Father Lee received.

“Of course.” He replied. He watched as they hopped into the car and drove off, before turning to his butler.

“Is it working?” He asked.

“Yes, sir.” The butler replied and passed him tablet which he received.

His lips curved up as he turned it on. “Then let’s see what Yong-Gun is hiding.”

In the game of wit and pretence, KimYong-Gun still had a long way.

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