Pick Me Up!

Chapter 19: Mission Type- Survival (2) Part 1

Chapter 19: Mission Type- Survival (2) Part 1

Goblin, thousands of them? Did I really see that correctly?

I wish I could say you didnt!

For now, lets get down from here.

After Jenna descended, I gathered the party members together.

I know exactly what needs to be done in a situation like this. I have observed and analyzed thousands of battles, including gameplay records from other players.

Though it may seem impossible, theres undoubtedly a viable strategy.

However, the difficulty level of this mission was remarkably high.

Hyung, thousands of goblins? Are you sure its not a mistake? How can the five of us?

Dont panic. We dont need to face thousands of them. This mission is not about conquering them; its about survival. We just need to hold out against them for a certain period.

Should we hide and wait it out?

But where?

Zeeth stood up abruptly and rushed towards an empty house.

After a while, he returned with a bitter expression.

We cant enter the building

Not only that, we cant leave the city either. We have to face them here. Its not about hiding; its about enduring.

Five of us against a goblin army

First, lets change our location.

The square is not an ideal defensive location. It had streets stretching in all directions, and there were numerous entry points like cracks in the collapsed buildings. If we stayed there, we would quickly be surrounded and annihilated.

The enemy has predetermined entry points, and the narrow passages allow us to face only one goblin at a time.

How long do we have to hold on?

Just 10 minutes. If we can encounter them and endure for that long, we can leave.

Only 10 minutes?! Then lets give it a try!


Theres no need to specify the exact time.

Its a completely unpredictable situation.

When a survival mission is assigned in a lower-level area, the partys chances of survival are only 9%. While it may not be a big concern in higher-level zones, survival missions in lower-level areas are notorious for being referred to as Hero Crushers.

Regardless, we will survive.

Were merely on the 5th floor.

If we were to perish here, the name of the Master of Masters would become a subject of ridicule.

Move! Lets find a space where the five of us can block the path. Escape deeper into the city!


Assuming that the place where we were summoned is in the southern part of the city, the destruction becomes increasingly severe as we move north. According to Jennas report, the goblins are also approaching from the north.

Therefore, the buildings in the southern part remain relatively intact.

We cant take the main road. Lets use the alleyways.

The crux of this mission lies in finding a stronghold for defense.

We entered an alley adjacent to the main road. The path narrowed down enough for only one person to pass comfortably.

We cant simply accept death as our fate. Soon enough, we discovered a suitable space for defense.

The alley split into three branches. It was too high for the enemies to climb, and there were no openings or crevices.

Lets go this way.

Although there were a few other options, some had collapsed walls, while others had low barriers that could be easily breached. We were running out of time, so finding a narrow area with a single passage opened and blocked on all sides seemed unlikely.


The distant sound of goblin screams reached our ears.

Come together. Were going to establish our positions.

Our positions?

Each of us will defend a specific passage. Since the paths are narrow, well engage the goblins one by one, regardless of their numbersbe it thousands or tens of thousands. Can you handle that?

Yes, well give it a try!

Zeeth responded with a resounding voice.

Very well, lets give it a shot.

First, Ill take charge of the left passage, and Aaron, youll be responsible for the right one.

Yes, brother!

Zeeth and Hanson, youll take care of the lower passage together. Take turns when one of you gets exhausted. Remember, youre not fighting as a group; its all about rotation. Once youre out, dont push yourself and rest properly. Understand?


Ill take the narrowest left passage.

Aaron will handle the relatively wider right passage. Since he wields a spear, hell need enough room to swing it.

Jenna asked a question.

What about me?

Youll wait at the center of the crossroads.

Just wait?

Dont shoot arrows unless I specifically ask you to. Just wait.

If youre worried that I might accidentally hit our comrades, dont be. Im confident in my abilities.

Thats not the issue. We must conserve the arrows at all costs.

Jennas position is a small open area where the three passages converge.

If Jenna were to shoot arrows from there, theres a risk of hitting our allies as well. The person responsible for each passage will position themselves behind Jenna. With high walls on both sides, the shooting angles are quite limited.

However, there was another reason for this arrangement.

In any case, conserve the arrows. Dont shoot until I give the order. Understood?


Though Jenna didnt fully comprehend, she nodded in agreement.

Let me share a few tips. Listen closely.


First, try to move the goblin corpses forward as much as possible. Create makeshift barriers with them. The narrower the space for the enemy to advance, the better. Got it?


If youre exhausted and cant hold on any longer, call for Jenna.

Does that mean I should shoot arrows then?

No, you should hold a dagger and stand your ground there instead. When the assigned person takes a brief rest, youll switch with them.


If it becomes absolutely impossible, then you can shoot arrows, but make sure to retrieve them. Whether the person assigned to that area throws them back to you or you go and collect them.

Got it.

Jennas quiver holds only 20 arrows.

We have to face thousands of enemies. Arrows should only be used when absolutely necessary.

Remember, if any of the three passages get breached, were finished here. If we get surrounded from both sides, survival will be impossible.

Well keep that in mind!

Now, lets take our positions!

The four of them dispersed, their expressions determined.


The sound of goblin growls began to echo.


30 minutes

Perhaps, the flow of time in the stage aligns with that of the Earth, not the waiting room.

However, the timer will start moving from the moment we engage in battle with the goblins.

Build barricades before the goblins arrive!


I piled up broken rocks and pieces of wood in front of the path.

Dont waste your energy! Swift and efficient movements!


Their response brought me satisfaction.

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