Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 507: A Crown For The Ages!

Chapter 507: A Crown For The Ages!

Huff.. huff, phew

Elena used both her hands and feet to slowly climb upwards. She thought she had already gotten pretty far but when she looked up she realized there was still a long way to go, so she could only clench her teeth and slowly climb up while panting.

When did she, as a demon king, do something this foolish? Thats why she says humans are lowly species, if she could transform then she could easily jump up, why would she need to slowly climb up?

Sigh, this body is too weak!

Elena stopped to take a rest while complaining.

She was a noble red-eyed black cat, so her human form should be strong too, right? But it turned out to be this weak female body, and it was so beautiful so it was useless other than being attractive to perverts like Lin Xiao!

What was worse was her damned chest!

Damn, why are they so big? If it werent so big, I wouldnt be touched by that damn pervert and its too inconvenient!

When the others rested, they could lean their bodies against the wall and completely relax, but Elena couldnt and had to continue holding on. That was because her chest was in the way! They were unnecessary and very heavy, so heavy that she would easily fall back into the abyss behind her if she wasnt careful!

My shoulders are so sore, and my arms are almost out of energy damn, I need to think of something.

Its too heavy! Too damn heavy!

Sigh, what should I do hm? I know!

Elena suddenly thought of something and looked up to find a flat ledge and used her remaining energy to climb up and then carefully rested her upper body against it.

The cool stone also helped her lessen her weight and she could finally relax!

Ah~ so nice

Elena let out a strange noise and made Lin Xiao, who was listening below, feel hot and bothered, but she didnt realize it as she closed her eyes and moved her sore arms around.

As I said, these things are useless! Other than weighing tens of pounds, what have they done?

After relaxing, Elena turned her attention to her chest. She took one arm to grab the chain around her neck and whacked herself! The chain quickly left a white mark on her skin then quickly vanished.


The pain made her grimace and made her quickly forget about doing something so foolish. Indeed she shouldnt hurt herself because those things werent useless, but hiding a shocking secret! Although that secret isnt known yet, with Lin Xiaos help, itll surely come to light soon!

Sigh, am I an idiot? Why am I hurting myself.

Hehe, whats wrong, tired? ShenDai Ying came over and chatted her up when she heard Elena complaining.

Of course I am! These things are heavy!

But men like them! Especially Lin Xiao, he likes them big, the bigger the better, so yours are perfect in that sense. Sigh, mines arent small, but they cant compare to yours.

Tsk, I dont want to be liked by that pervert. Also, bigger doesnt mean more beautiful, Ive always thought that your figure is the most beautiful and also meets the human beauty standards.

Eh? Really? ShenDai Ying never expected Elena to compliment her like that.

Yes, your figure is amazing, healthy, wont be a burden and its also beautiful, as for the size its enough, only that pervert wont think so.

Complimenting a girls figure so directly, you demons sure are bold. But w-were you complimenting me?

Of course I was.

Really? I never expected you would Im really happy! Okay, let me give you a massage!

She held onto the wall with one hand and reached the other towards Elena and gently massaged her shoulders.

Sigh, Im jealous

Elena was confused, why did she need so much effort, but ShenDai Ying could climb up so easily? She was even wearing high heels, and wasnt even sweating!


N-no! Rather than saying she was climbing a mountain, it was more like she was playing! It was like she was magnetized to the wall and wouldnt lose her balance no matter what.

What was more miraculous was that she was still so easygoing while wearing high heels. Out of curiosity, Elena took a close look and realized she wasnt even using her feet! If she didnt use her feet, naturally she wouldnt be affected by the high heels!

Ah? Are you wondering about the climbing its actually qinggong. ShenDai Ying explained when she saw Elenas confusion.

According to her, it was something she trained since a young age, so she could move easily along the wall with just her hands as if her body were weightless.

Sigh, I also want to easily fly around.

Qinggong was just cheating when used to climb a mountain!

Because she was only using her hands to climb, ShenDai Yings beautiful long legs were just dangling underneath her.

Hmph, if that pervert were to see, he would surely be drooling, eh?

Elena suddenly thought of Lin Xiao and wanted to look down to see what kind of expression he had. She looked down and finally found Lin Xiaodirectly underneath her, looking up with a perverted expression.

Pervert, what are you looking at!?

Elena suddenly realized something when she noticed his gaze!

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