Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 514: I’m That Bastard

Chapter 514: I’m That Bastard

ShenDai Ying may be agile, but the ambush was silent and came from a blind spot so she didnt notice at all, so thankfully Lin Xiao was there.

Lin Xiao didnt know who it was, but he couldnt let anything happen to ShenDai Ying. After he was warned by Elena, he hugged ShenDai Ying and deployed a magic shield to protect them.

A fatal light was shot from afar and struck his magic shield, instantly piercing the outer layer and continuing inward!

What finger of death?

Lin Xiao could immediately recognize the attack, it was high-level black magic that was extremely powerful! So he desperately pumped more magic into his shield to avoid instantly dying!

But the outer layer was pierced, so no matter how much magic he used, a normal magic shield wouldnt be able to stop the light.

If this continued, they would be dead within two seconds!

Lin Xiao?

Sister Ying, lets go!

Lin Xiao hugged her tight and leaped!

Crack as they left, the magic shield shattered, with them gone, the light struck the ground and melted a hold in the hard ground.

Sister Ying, are you alright? They fell to the ground in each others arms, but Lin Xiao couldnt enjoy it as he quickly helped her up and looked her over.

Im fine, but my socks ripped.

Tsk this bastard!

Thankfully it was just her socks and she wasnt injured, otherwise, Lin Xiao would have really wanted to kill someone!

Anyone who dares hurt her beautiful legs would be his enemy!

Who could it be

Lin Xiao squinted toward the direction the attack came from and finally saw that bastard.

The one who welcomed their gaze wore a white robe and a strange mask as he floated over and slowly landed a bit away from them.

He didnt say anything and neither did Lin Xiao, and the two of them stared at each other as the atmosphere became more tense.

Lin Xiao knew this person was the culprit, so he should attack, but he didnt dare do anything rash out of caution.

This guy wasnt simple!

Lin Xiao had thought that a normal magic shield would be able to stop the ambush as it always has but this time the opponent was able to easily destroy it.

It was the first time Lin Xiao met someone so strong and he wasnt sure of their identity and strength so he held back and just looked at Elena for more information while protecting ShenDai Ying.

After some observation, Lin Xiao noticed the strange mask had the same sun and moon engravings on it just like the white robes, the mask only revealed his two eyes and was very creepy. He could tell it was surely someone from the enlightened society so he got ready to fight!

But strangely, the other person also didnt attack and just stood there.

Could it be he was just like Lin Xiao and also shocked by the unforeseen changes?

Thats right! He was also in shock and couldnt believe what had happened earlier!

Strange, its too strange, why hasnt Lin Xiao died yet?

The masked mans plan was perfect, he timed his ambush right when the tree collapsed and when their fight ended and everyone was the least vigilant. He also chose the best attack for an ambush, the finger of death. It was silent and impossible to detect, it was just a ray of light but it was extremely powerful. He also shot it from a blind spot, so he should have hit!

Why? Was he clairvoyant or did he foresee the future? Otherwise, how could he have known?

Of course, the masked man would have never known that Elena would have a cheat like the magic radar. What shocked him more was Lin Xiaos ability!

He had thought that even if Lin Xiao noticed, he would never be able to block it and when it came to it, he actually chose to use a magic shield to try and block it, what a joke!

That was the high-level black magic, finger of death! It concentrated all the death energy and shot out a ray of despair that penetrated any armor or shield. If it struck ShenDai Ying or Lin Xiao, a hole would be created through their bodies!

But the reality was a huge slap in his face!

Lin Xiao was actually able to stop his ambush with just a normal magic shield. Although it shattered in the end, it gave them a few crucial seconds for them to get away.

Normally, a magic shield definitely wouldnt be able to stop the attack, be it a second, half a second, or even an instant!

It seems like the person who really shows how strong you are is never your ally, but your enemy!

So you were hiding your true strength?

He never thought his plan would fail.

In order to kill Lin Xiao, he put in a great deal of work

After he got the news of Lin Xiao going to get the fruits, he slipped into the supply station and stole the fruits and left a false image behind to trick Lin Xiao into coming into this remote mountain.

Then he used black magic to turn the mutated tree into a monster and laid down the nine soul demon binding formation and just had to wait for Lin Xiao to climb up before being killed by the tree!

He even made a reliable backup plan in case Lin Xiao survived the tree trap, and hid nearby to make sure Lin Xiao was dead!

How did he put in so much effort and still fail? Even though Lin Xiao fell for the trap and was tricked here, he still finished off the tree and avoided his killing blow!

To him, the best choice right now would be to retreat and find another opportunity, but wouldnt that mean he admitted his failure?

And he couldnt accept losing to a brat like this!

Hey, why arent you speaking?

Lin Xiao couldnt see his expression because he was wearing a mask and didnt know what complicated thoughts he had, but there was one thing he was sure of. Even if he tried to run, Lin Xiao wouldnt let him go!

Sorry, after that attack at Sister Ying, the situation changed. Now its not you trying to kill me, but me trying to kill you!

So this was your trap from the beginning, a bastard from the Enlightenment society?

So you already know everything?

No, I noticed too late, otherwise I wouldnt be standing here. Who are you? How did you know I would come for the fruit? Could it be you know what its used for?

Hmph, of course, I know. As for who I am you must have already heard from Darkness, Im the third apostle!

What? So you were the bastard who was behind everything!?

Thats right! Im that b peh! Im no bastard!!

So as long as I finish off this bastard I can go back to my peaceful life?

Lin Xiao didnt bother wasting any more time as he set a flag for himself and got ready to attack!

Hah? You want to kill me?

The third apostle was amused.

Youre indeed strong and exceeded my expectations, but dont underestimate me!

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