Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 523: Because You’re My Woman (2)

Chapter 523: Because You’re My Woman (2)

The third apostle gave up on his defense and opened up his arms to summon a circle that was an arms length. The blackish-purple circle shot out numerous weak rays in all directions and also hit ShenDai Yings forehead.

This is?

ShenDai Ying didnt feel any discomfort or get injured by the light and was confused.

Why was he using such strange magic when he was at deaths door? It didnt do any damage and he left himself wide open, so she had no idea what he was thinking.

Could what he was saying earlier be true? Did he see through the slumbering bug in her body? But how? She didnt even know when she got infected!

Wait could it be?

At that moment, it was like time stopped. ShenDai Yings sword swing stopped in midair and she fell into a dream. She faintly remembered that when she faced Darkness she wasnt able to completely avoid the mist and a tiny bit touched her. So that tiny mistake was enough for todays defeat?

So the magic he cast wasnt attack magic, but to awaken the bug? She finally understood what had happened, but she was assaulted by intense fatigue. She felt the world spinning and it felt like her soul was forcibly removed from her body and came to another world, but this world was far darker and cold, like a prison.

At this time, time started to flow again for the world outside.

ShenDai Yings body continued to move but she didnt cut through the third apostle, but just brushed by him and gave up on her attack. She gently fluttered down like a petal and landed softly on the ground and knelt down.

Sister Ying?

Lin Xiao didnt know why she gave up on attacking, but then he heard a burst of crazed laughter.

Haha, Lin Xiao, make your choice. Do you die or does she? Are you more important or is your lover more important? I look forward to your answer! Hahaha!

Bastard, get back here!

As Lin Xiao watched the third apostle get further and further away, there was nothing else he could do so he turned his attention to ShenDai Ying.

The magic he casted seemed to be one to control the soul-devouring bug! So could she have

Lin Xiao had a bad feeling as he ran over.

Sister Ying, a-are you okay? Whats wrong?

There was still some distance between them, so he could only shout out while running. When she heard his voice it was like she jolted awake as she slowly stood up from the ground while clenching her sword.

Sister Ying, you

Lin Xiao, watch out! She seems to be infected already. get away from her!

Elena was weak but her perception was still there and she could easily see the killing intent coming from ShenDai Ying. The third apostle as already gone so why was she still full of killing intent? Was it because she found her next target?

Lin Xiao, youre her next target, shes going to kill you! Run!

Me? Elena, why would she eh?

Lin Xiao noticed ShenDai Ying disappear and he instinctively leaped to the side, but he still felt a chill on his neck as landed on the ground.

Lin Xiao quickly got up and noticed that she had blinked past him and left a thin red line on his neck.

This Lin Xiao was in a daze as he felt the blood dripping from his neck.

It was only a shallow wound as he thankfully listened to ELenas warning and avoided it on time.

I get it Lin Xiao! She was already infected a long time ago but it was dormant, and now it was forcibly awakened by the third apostle, shes already lost her mind!

Elena was getting more anxious as she watched Lin Xiao almost get decapitated.

Tsk, I know!

Rather than pain, Lin Xiao felt more regret.

Damn, why did it turn out like this? He already had his suspicions, but he wasnt able to act on them in time and this is what happened

Sister Ying, stop!

Lin Xiao, sorry

Sister Ying, look at me, Im Lin Xiao! Im not your enemy!

Sorry, sorry

Lin Xiao tried to loudly shout at her to wake her up, but she just continued apologizing like she was possessed.

Sister Ying, I know you dont want to do this, youre just being controlled!

Sorry Lin Xiao, sorry but you must die!

ShenDai Ying lifted her heels and completely ignored him as she blinked! In the last instant, Lin Xiao suddenly saw a strange shine coming from the edge of her sword. That was a teardrop that reflected the light after being split into two by the sword.

That heartless killer was actually crying?

Sister Ying!?

Pervert! Now isnt the time to worry about the fact that shes a girl, youll get cut down if you dont do anything! Just survive first!

Tsk it cant be helped!

When he heard the demon kings warning, Lin Xiao clicked his tongue and knew it wasnt the time, so he quickly set up a reliable defense.

If hes killed by ShenDai Ying, then everythings over!

Magic Chain Defense Circle, open!

Poison Swamp!

Vine dance!


Lin Xiao didnt dare hold back against ShenDai Yings dead moon realm so he went all out.

A sudden poisonous marsh bubbled up from the scorched earth that made it hard for people to approach. Not just that, numerous thick vines also sprout up from the swamp along with dense thunderclouds up above.

But it still wasnt enough!

Hundred times multi-cast, Ice comet!

In the middle of hell, hundreds of blue circles appeared one after another in the sky.

Sister Ying, please stop

Once Lin Xiao readied his defense, he clenched his jaw and silently prayed.

Looking at the hundreds of ice comets, the poisonous swap, the vines, and the thunder, Lin Xiao was suddenly reminded of what happened at Loran Academy. This wasnt the first time he fought ShenDai Ying, theyve fought once before. They coincidentally met when trying to fight to participate in the academy tournament. That fight ended with Lin Xiaos victory, but neither of them went all out.

Lin Xiao still remembers how he accidentally injured her leg and shamelessly carried her into an empty room and stripped her down with the excuse of applying medicine. Thinking bout it, he really was a pervert! but if he didnt bravely attack and confess, how would they develop the unbreakable bond that they have now?

Damn what should I do?

Lin Xiao, die with me!

At this moment, the girl has long forgotten their bond as she rushed into Lin Xiaos line of defense and cut into the surrounding vines.

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