Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 528: The Illusion of Happiness

Chapter 528: The Illusion of Happiness

ShenDai Ying finally gave up on resisting and fell into Lin Xiaos arms. Perhaps he was her fated one and had the power to take her away, but

When ShenDai Ying felt his warmth, it was like she was electrocuted and then began screaming.

No! No, I cant go with you, I really cant I cant!!!

Sister Ying? Whats wrong? I ah!

Before Lin Xiao could react, the world collapsed. Without any sound time, space, the sky, the sea, everything vanished like it never existed. Everything went dark in front of Lin Xiao as he fell into the abyss again.

Was I right? Or wrong? I clearly broke down her hearts defenses, but why wouldnt she leave with me?

After some time, he landed somewhere again. He rubbed his behind and opened his eyes again, this time it wasnt a gloomy and desolate world, but a small house in the middle of the forest.

This is?

There were birds chirping around him and he was surrounded by lush greenery. He took a look and there was a winding stone path that led straight to the front yard of the house. Following the path, Lin Xiao took a closer look.

The yard wasnt big but it was well-tended to, there were small areas where vegetables and flowers were being grown, there was a cage in the corner with some hens that laid eggs, and also a dog house next to the door where there was a big beautiful yellow dog lazily lying under the sun that ignored Lin Xiaos arrival.

Is this sister Yings illusion?

He broke through her hearts defenses so this must be the deepest part of her consciousness and this house must be her deepest secret and also must be where her internal demon is!

So, the internal demon is hiding in this house? Okay! Let me see what kind of monster you are!

He pushed open the front door he had originally thought a hellish scene would await him! but it was just a normal house that was well-tended to just like the yard.

What is hm? Theres a familiar voice. Lin Xiao followed the voice and was shocked.

What he saw wasnt the internal demons but three familiar people!

Snow, did you sneak candy to eat again!?

Who else could that cold maid be but Elena? She wore a familiar maid outfit and put down what she was working on and ran over to the sofa to try and catch Snow eating candy!

And Snow who was wearing shorts and a t-shirt wasnt the high and aloof Saintess, but a normal little girl.

Mhmm I didnt!

Still trying to lie? Then what are you eating right now?

Hm.. mhm gulp! Hehe, Im not eating anything! Look ahhh~

Snow wouldnt admit to it as she chewed and swallowed the candy then opened her mouth to show Elena.

Hmph, dont think you can trick me that easily okay, then let me ask you, since you didnt eat anything, whats that stuck to the corner of your mouth?

Tsk, did I still leave evidence behind damned titty monster, youre bullying me for being blind!

Snow immediately stuck out her tongue to lick the candy off and then cursed at Elena.

Hmph, so what if I did eat it? You titty monster, youre just a maid, stop trying to control me!

Oh? Snow, are you serious?

Hm w-what! Are you trying to suffocate me with your tits again? You damned big-breasted maid, I dont know why my brother likes a person like you!

Sorry, you can do whatever you like when you have a big chest also, Im not a person, but a demon.

Ahhh!! Save me! The big titty demon is going to eat me! Sister Ying! Come save me!

A womans voice came from the kitchen when she heard Snows screams.

Hehe, Snow, you cant eat any more candy, otherwise your brother will scold you when he comes back!

Wahh youre all so mean, teaming up against me! When my brother comes back, Ill make sure to tell on you!

Okay, okay, stop fooling around Elena, help me get some potatoes, were eating curry tonight.

Yes, master.

Elena nodded and walked out the room, but didnt see Lin Xiao standing at the door. Lin Xiao originally wanted to reach out to stop Elena, but she passed right through him! It was like he was just a soul without a physical body. Then she returned from the yard with potatoes and went to make dinner with ShenDai Ying.

They cant see me?

There was only one thing he was sure of, this scene was an illusion made by ShenDai Ying, if you have to ask why it was because there was no way a proud demon king like Elena would peacefully coexist with Snow and also obediently listen to ShenDai Ying.

But strange, wheres the internal demon?

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