Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 531: Rib Catching Blade

Chapter 531: Rib Catching Blade

Lin Xiao was delighted when he saw ShenDai Ying wake up. Though she was weak, had a pale complexion, and seemed sickly, Lin Xiao still felt she was more beautiful than before and she was comforting to look at.

It was a bumpy road and Lin Xiao was tormented in the illusion for a while and almost got stabbed to death, but alls well that ends well.

But Lin Xiao wasnt blinded by his happiness, he knew that even though he forcibly pulled ShenDai Ying out of her insanity, he didnt cure her! He wasnt Elena and couldnt forcibly remove the soul-devouring bug, even if he saved her, that was just forcibly awakening her consciousness, but he couldnt truly get rid of the bug.

Its still no good without the medicine, even if she is awake now, there may be more problems down the road, so they had to hurry and return to get treatment.

Also, other than the annoying bug, there was something else troublesome in the illusion, Lin Xiao saw a huge monster that took up most of her sea of consciousness, which was probably her internal demon.

In order to save her, Lin Xiao had no other choice and could only forcibly punch his way through, but the question was, how could it be defeated so easily with one punch?

It may have vanished now, but it was sure to come back.

Just like her internal demon said, ShenDai Yings despair was its best nutrient. So if Lin Xiao doesnt change ShenDai Yings environment and couldnt help her out of her chains and set her free, her internal demon would come back.

So, Lin Xiao didnt have much time left, his old plan wouldnt work anymore, and he had to think of something else! The good news was that after his trip to her consciousness, he learned a lot and he was forming a more bold and effective plan in his hand. He believed that his new plan could get rid of all her problems and set her free!

But it wasnt time yet, his plan needed an opportunity, at that time, hell surely hehe

Lin Xiao, what are you laughing for?

Hehe, n-nothing, I just suddenly thought of something interesting.

What else could it be? Seeing you laugh that happily, it must be something perverted!

Uh sister Ying, please, Im a gentleman!

Sister Ying smiled and then asked about what had happened. Just like Caesar, she had no idea about what she did. But there was one thing she did remember, in her dreams, she saw Lin Xiao. But in her dreams, he was extremely strong, like a god, and was completely different to how he was like in reality, lazy and easy-going.

So youre saying the third apostle awakened the bug asleep in me, then I went insane and tried to kill you, then you hugged and kissed me, broke through my defenses, went into the depths of my subconsciousness and saved me?

Hm, pretty much.

Lin Xiao scratched his head and made everything sound easy, but Elena shook her head when he deliberately withheld details.

You did so much, and your heart was almost pierced, yet you didnt mention any of it tsk, might as well change your name to the ocean since gentle men are like the ocean and accept everything!

ShenDai Ying knew her own strength well, she also knew how strong Lin Xiao was and knew there was a low chance of her beating him, but with her speed, there was no way he could catch her alive!

If thats the case, what method did he use to be able to catch her without killing her?

There was definitely something fishy! He was lying!

Tell me, what really happened!?

Hm sister Ying, nothing much, I just

He just used his ribs to stop your sword so you couldnt move. Before Lin Xiao could answer, Elena beat him to it.

Oh, I see, he used his ribs to stop my sword ShenDai Ying nodded but realized something was wrong, Hey! Stinking maid, are you messing with me how does he stop a sword with his ribs? Wouldnt that mean his chest was pierced through?

Oh, so you know.

You should know this woman almost killed Lin Xiao! So naturally Elena had to lecture her and understand her sins.

Although Lin Xiao was a pervert, you cant do that to him! Who would be willing to be stabbed and almost died yet you didnt even thank him, how annoying!

What? That that happened!?

ShenDai Ying immediately understood why Elena was treating her like that and why Lin Xiao didnt reveal everything about what happened.

So she did something unforgivable and almost killed Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao! I

Hehe, dont listen to her! Shes just like that, dont worry about it.

But I I almost!

Ah, its actually not as bad as she made it out to be! I didnt believe you would actually kill me, so I let you stab me.

Lin Xiao scratched his head and comforted ShenDai Ying while reaching out with one hand and secretly tugging at Elenas clothes to get her to stop being jealous.

Also my wound was actually quite shallow, so its fine!

Its fine? I know my moves, it would surely pierce you through and even if it didnt hit any fatal areas, you would still bleed out!

But Im fine! I put on some medicine and the blood already stopped.

What kind of medicine is that strong I dont believe it, let me see!

Hm okay, okay, Ill let you see.

What? Its actually that shallow?

SehnDai Ying was speechless as she stared at his wound, but Lin Xiao kept looking at Elena like they were hiding some secret.

Thats right, her sword did create a deep wound, the only reason the wound was so shallow now was thanks to the demon king. When Lin Xiao was stuck in her consciousness, Elena thought that Lin Xiao had died at first, but quickly realized he was still alive and started treating him.

She first had to pull out the sword which created a deep opening that bled a lot, but thankfully the demon king had a miracle medicine that could resurrect the dead.

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