Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 534: Going Further And Further In The Wrong Direction

Chapter 534: Going Further And Further In The Wrong Direction

Damn, this isnt fair!

Lin Tian sat down and didnt get up after watching his sister easily finish off another group of living dead.

Hm whats wrong? Did I do something wrong?

Of course not, youre so nice to me, how could you do anything wrong but I didnt either! Ive always been working hard! So why did it end up like this?

Under Brother Xiaos guidance, his sister was already able to comfortably make use of her powers, though still far from awakening all of it, she was still young and had plenty of time. Since it was innate, no one could take it from her and there was no rush.

Even though he knew her blood was strong and she was gifted, he never had any idea how much of a gap there was between them until seeing it firsthand. That gap was only going to get wider and he would never be able to catch up to his sister.

Damn damn it.

He struck the ground repeatedly to release some of his pent-up feelings.

How can I get stronger? . Am I destined to be useless?

He kept thinking about it, then he suddenly heard some sounds from a shrub behind and it sounded like there was someone hiding there.

An ambush!?

That shrub was behind Yao Zi, so if someone ambushed from there, she wouldnt be able to react in time.

No, I have to take a look!

He couldnt just watch his sister get ambushed, so he snuck into the bushes to finish off the enemies.

Hmph, mere monsters want to try and ambush my sister! Die!

Fifth-level magic, ice comet!

Lin Tian may not compare to her sister, but he was still experienced with moves within his ability. Soon a large ice ball flew toward the living dead and froze all of them and then shattered.

Hehe, Im still pretty amazing!

One of his strongest points was his attitude, you can say hes optimistic and naive or simple-minded, but he was happy after helping his sister, and his gloominess from earlier was swept away.

But there were still other unfortunate events waiting for him

Hehe, not bad, I wasnt mistaken!

A strange voice came from above him.

W-who is it!

Lin Tian jumped back and looked up and saw a strange person wearing a creepy mask. He was sitting in a black cloud wearing tattered white robes, his mask was also broken and stained with blood.

Hello, Im the third apostle you may have heard of me.

W-what do you want!?

Hehe, dont worry, Im not here to ambush your sister, I did that earlier to draw you over.

Draw me over? So your goal is me?

Thats right.

What are you going to do to me?

Lin Tian thought about it and thought he was coming for him first because he was weaker and got angry.

Hmph, do you think Im easy to pick on? Dont underestimate me!

Youre mistaken, Im not trying to finish you off.

Hah? Then what do you want?

Xiao Tian, dont worry, just listen to me I want you to come with me!

The third apostle smiled and reached a hand out toward him.

I know youre bitter about not having talent, right? You want to get stronger, but you have no opportunity to, but your sister was easily able to get stronger, and it was an inherent bloodline ability arent you angry seeing her? Arent you jealous, dont you want to surpass her?

S-so what if thats the case!?

Hehe, I know youre angry but you have to believe that this world is fair, you arent useless, you have your own innate gifts!

I do I really?

Of course!

The third apostle laughed when he noticed Xiao Tian wavering, As long as you come with me, Ill let you know how strong you are! Ill open that door and let you see a whole new world!

Open the door to see a whole new world?

Am I really not useless? Do I really have my own innate gift that hasnt been discovered yet? Can I see a whole new world by following this strange person?


He may be dumb, but he wasnt mentally handicapped!

Hey! What the hell do you want!? If you want to fight, Ill be glad to, but leaving with you dream on! Im not a three-year-old child, who would fall for that!

Tsk so you arent that stupid.

Even if you are trying to abduct a child you would give them some candy first as bait but he didnt give anything yet, so how could it work?

The third apostle regretted the fact he didnt bring more black cores, and couldnt forcibly take Lin Tian away. So should he just forcibly abduct him?

No. It would be troublesome if he startled Yao Zi, if she suddenly noticed her brother being abducted, wouldnt she desperately try to catch up? Even he wasnt confident he could take her on right now.

So, the third apostle could only try to use his words to persuade Lin Tian. Though he couldnt compare to Lin Xiao, he already had a grasp on Lin Tians weakness.

Do you think Im lying? Do you truly believe youre useless?

I-Im not! Im not even an adult yet, but Im already a fifth-level magician!

Yes, a fifth-level magician at such a young age, of course, its nothing compared to those geniuses like Lin Xiao or Caesar, but its already excellent compared to an average person but, do you think thats your limit?

Limit? Are you saying Im not working hard enough!? Ive put all my energy into studying magic and I meditate every day! I never slack off! I-Im already doing everything I can am I not working hard enough?

You are indeed working hard but do you not understand that the harder you work on the wrong thing, the further youll go toward the wrong direction?

W-what are you trying to say!?

Haha, so you never knew!

The third apostle laughed and stared straight into Lin Tians eyes.

Xiao Tian, you possess unrivaled magic affinity you possess the magic vessel!

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