Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 537: Are You Looking Down On Lolis?

Chapter 537: Are You Looking Down On Lolis?

Xiao Tian thought that since brother Xiao was so amazing he surely must have big goals! But he never expected him to have no ambition and just wanted to settle down peacefully with a wife.

Then what about himself?

I, I dont know its probably to become strong.

And then?

Then I can become a hero and no one will look down on me.

So your goal is to earn other peoples respect? If thats the case, you dont have to be strong, theres still a lot of other ways.

Hm I-I dont know, I just want to be strong!


Noticing his hesitation, Lin Xiao just smiled and didnt continue asking while getting ready to continue on their way.


Anything else?

I I dont quite understand what you said earlier. Since you said you just want to live peacefully, why do you keep running around and even making the enlightenment society into your enemy?

Uh good question! I dont want to, but I dont have a choice sometimes, in order to achieve your goals, you have to walk in the other direction and do things you arent willing to do. It may seem like youre getting further away from your goals, but it is something you have to do.

I dont get it.

Haha, youre still young, youll come to understand. Just dont forget why you set off on your journey because you wandered too far away Remember that, itll be of use eventually.

Okay, Ill remember, but its strange, youre only one year older than me, so why do you speak like an old man?

Youre the old man! But anyways, you wont lose anything by calling me brother.

Hm, okay, anyways thanks, Ill remember your words.

Lin Xiao didnt know whether his words would be of much use, but he was sure that Xiao Tian was a good kid and that right now he wasnt affected by the third apostle yet.

But that was just for now, no one can tell what will happen in the future he already did what he could do for now, if something still happened he will be forced to deal with it.

Anyways, he could only hope that these siblings can return home safely

It was late at night and the city doors were about to be shut, but there was a strange group of horses and carriages that were rushing towards them, they were led by a handsome blond youth that looked strangely familiar but they couldnt remember exactly who it was, but by the time they looked again, they already disappeared into the city and were headed toward the church.

There was no doubt that the familiar-looking person was Caesar and the group was Lin Xiaos team. They were in a rush, first, they returned to the supply station to drop Mina off and got some horses and carriages, then they rushed back nonstop.

As opposed to the fruit, ShenDai Ying couldnt wait any longer. The more time dragged on, the harder it would be for her. Although there were no signs of her acting up again, because of the long trip compounded with her already frail body, it seemed like she was starting to get a fever, so they had to bring her to Snow.

Thats why they headed straight to the church. As soon as they got off, Lin Xiao carried ShenDai Ying straight in, the believers were frightened and thought it was some bandit, but they immediately were stunned when they saw Elena holding the Gothams dragon emblem and went to get Snow.

Of course, Snow would be the first to notice her brother barging into her home.

Perhaps this was the telepathy between siblings.

That night Snow found it difficult to fall asleep like there was something left she had to do. Even after Elona read her a story, or when she used Elona as a hug pillow, she still couldnt fall asleep. Then she suddenly heard a noise from outside and went out to take a look and to her delight, it was her brother.

Hehe, isnt this my beloved brother?

She may not be able to see, but she knew it was him from the familiar footsteps! But the strange thing was, he seemed out of breath and his steps sounded heavier.

Was he shouldering a large bag of fruits?

Brother! Did you bring back the fruits? I knew you were the best!

Snow continued to speak happily, while Elona noticed something and quickly helped Lin Xiao carry ShenDai YIng onto the bed in the room.

Hm? What are you doing? Are you moving the fruits? You really didnt need that much, just a couple is enough.

Lin Xiao still didnt speak and handed over the fruits he was carrying to Elona and then walked over to Snow, picked her up, and set her down on the bed.

Ah, what are you doing brother? Why did you suddenly pick me up and set me down on the bed hehe, can you not hold back anymore? Okay, as long as its you, I can do anything

Okay Snow, not really in the mood to mess around right now I have something important to ask.


She was a little out of it, if her brother came so late in such a rush, it wouldnt be as simple to drop the fruits off.

Did something happen?

It went alright, I gave the fruits to Elona.

Whos asking about the fruits? Im asking about you did something happen? Are you hurt?

just some light wounds.

Light? Then you were injured!

Snow quickly reached out and felt around his body before feeling the scab on his chest and stopping.

What is this?

Just a sword wound, its not a big deal.

Who made it!?

Sister Ying accidentally cut me.

Hah? That bitch hurt you? Its not okay even if it was an accident where is she!?

Lying down right next to you.

Okay, since she hurt you, watch me sit on her!

Saying that, Snow felt around until she touched ShenDai Yings face, then got up and lifted her butt and got ready to sit down.

Ah my little sister, stop messing around!

Hmph, whos messing around, since she cut you, Im going to sit on her face with my butt, thats fair, no?

Uh, what kind of logic is that?

A childs logic!

Hm okay, okay, Ill tell you what happened, alright!


Then what do you want?

I want you to tell me while hugging me, and also I dont want you to have a long face while doing it, cheer up!

Cheer up? Sigh, you brat.

When Lin Xiao heard her unreasonable request, he stopped and seemed to realize something and stopped arguing with her.

Sometimes he really questioned whether she was actually blind or not, she may be blind but often times she saw right through him.

She didnt know what happened but knew he was in some trouble and could tell he wasnt in a good mood, so she acted like that to try to get him to relax a bit.

Brother, I remember you telling me that since it already happened, theres no use being sad and the most important thing was to resolve the issue on time. So you dont have to be sad anymore!

Okay, okay, I really cant win against you. Im not sad anymore., okay?

Lin Xiao sighed but did feel a lot more relaxed.

Since we dont have much time, Ill just summarize it.


Sister Ying was infected and I hope you can help her maintain her situation until the cure is developed.

What? She was infected?

Snow reached out and felt ShenDai Yings face in disbelief.

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