Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 543: Are You A Devil?

Chapter 543: Are You A Devil?

Yes, youre amazing youre so strong you can ignore societys rules and break countries agreements and forcibly remove ShenDai Ying from her shackles!

But what about it?

Even if you snatched her away, then what?

Then you would surely want to spend your days happily with her. You might be happy, but what about her?

Once you take her away, she will lose everything and cant return to her home anymore, her family, her friends.

Lin Xiao, do you think youre cool by doing that? Peh! Thats just irresponsible laziness! You cant save her like that!

For safety, they would have to hide their names and live in hiding. But can you be happy living like that?

Since you want to make her happy, then you should let her be happy out under the sun and not forcibly pull her out of an abyss and back down into another with you! You arent helping her in that case, youre just hurting her!

But Demon king, you sure are kind, you make it seem like you hate her yet youre so considerate of her actually, you like her, right?

Hah? I dont like that vixen Lin Xiao, you still have the energy to joke with me?

Hehe, why are you so angry? Ive actually thought about what you just said.

If thats the case, then why arent you thinking of another idea.

Ive already thought of one.

Do you understand that doing that hm? What did you say? You really have another idea?


Liar when did you think of it?

Ive thought about it before, but I just decided on it right now. If it wasnt for that scolding, I really wasnt sure about it, so I really have to thank you.

Hmph, thanking me after being scolded, are you a pervert? So, what are you planning on doing?

I have a perfect plan, but I need your help Elena, can you help me?

Hah? Why do I have to help you?

Because Im your master and youre my most obedient and cutest maid!

Did you eat honey, saying these sickly sweet things?

No, I drank your milk.

Say that again!?

Just kidding, you dont have milk, yet So saying youre my most obedient and cutest maid is already a sweet compliment for you? It seems like you really like being my maid, Im so happy.

Hah? I dont like it! Y-you pervert, messing with me again.

Hehe, Elena, youve dropped your guard! Watch this! Lin Xiao threw Elenas arms open and then opened his hands extending them towards her chest.

Pervert! Y-you dare!?

Hehe, just kidding Anyway, can you help me? Just as he was about to grab them he suddenly stopped but still left his hands there menacingly.

Youre my master now, do I have a choice? She stared at his hands and slowly took a step back.

So, how do you want me to help? Youre not thinking of getting me to act as the demon king and invading the city with demonic beasts?

Hm, thats not a bad idea, but I want you to do something else. Lin Xiao smiled and looked around, after making sure there was no one else, he approached Elenas ear and began whispering.

Just say it, stop trying to lick my ear!

Tsk, I only like your chest, Im not a real pervert, who would do something like that!

Just hurry and say it!

Cough, actually my plan is to

Compared to bride snatching, Lin Xiaos new plan was more complicated, but it was also more reliable and safer. The only downside was that it took a while longer, but there was still ample time to stop the wedding.

Actually, the main driving force for forming the plan was because of ShenDai Yings injuries.

Lin Xiao suddenly realized while helping her wipe her legs that she was temporarily free of her shackles because she was injured. And with that as the starting point, he thought of his current perfect plan!

So you want to break her legs and permanently cripple her? Elena paused and suddenly realized something.

That just might really work! If she became crippled, then Caesars father wouldnt agree, Shen Yue Ge wont send her to missions, and she would be completely free good idea Lin XIao! Youre so smart!

Smart my ass! In what way is that a good idea? Breaking her legs I cant believe you can even think of something like that. Her legs are so beautiful, theres no way I would let them break!

Then breaking her arms? Poking her eyes out? Those are fine too.

Elena, are you a devil?

No, Im the demon king.

Enough! Just be quiet and listen! Lin Xiao grabbed her ear and quickly told her of his plan.

Its still soon now, theres maybe around a month before the plan can be carried out, but you need to be mentally prepared now and cooperate with me when its time, theres no room for error.

Okay, Im listening wait, what did you say? Are you really planning on doing that? Lin Xiao! H-how could you

The more she heard, the more startled she became. That ridiculous plan completely surpassed her understanding and it was hard for her to accept, but if it was Lin Xiao, then he may actually be able to carry it out!

At that time, youll do this, then Ill do that, then lets do you get it?

Yes. but, arent you still missing something? Elena nodded like she understood while rubbing her ear.

If you dont have that thing, your plan wont work!

Thats right! So I need your help to think of something. Lin Xiao grabbed her ear again and told her about what he needed.

As the demon king, surely theres something you know about that can do what I want. So please help me think of something!

Tsk, let me think Bloodstained tricolor grass, that should satisfy your requirements.

Bloodstained tricolor grass? Lin Xiao was ecstatic after he heard Elenas description.

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