Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 550: Kneeling Won’t Make You Pregnant

Chapter 550: Kneeling Won’t Make You Pregnant

Nicks courtyard was very big and filled with various trees and plants, it looked like a garden maze.

Lets go see what his house is hiding.

If there were secrets, it was probably related to the black core, perhaps he might even find other details and also find the second and first apostle!

But Lin Xiao was curious, Nick had been recuperating at home recently, so why did he suddenly leave?

If he was really the third apostle, then he shouldnt have fully recovered from his injuries yet, so what made him go out before he was fully healed?

Lin Xiao also wondered why the servants were so weak, Should he have some stronger guards, not like that would have mattered to Lin Xiao

Elena, watch out, I suspect theres a trap in the yard!

When they stepped inside, Lin Xiao quickly held onto Elena. Actually, when they were fighting with those idiotic servants earlier, Lin Xiao noticed one of them toggling a switch on a wall in the yard and seemed to start some defense system.

Let go of me you pervert!

Tsk, I was warning you and you still get angry hey, stop walking, I already said there were traps!

I obviously know that.

Hm? You know?

Right! He almost forgot, Elena knew because, in terms of sensing things, she was much better at it than he was!

With her radar, she could find any kind of trap!

So he watched that beautiful maid find that lever and wanted to turn it off.

Even though you know where the switch is, you cant decipher it. His defense system surely has a passcode, so we cant do anything.

Lin Xiao reasoned according to normal logic, but Elena shook her head, grabbed the lever, and pulled.

Hah? It snapped?

Lin Xiaos mouth opened wide in shock as he looked at the broken lever and never expected Elena to just break the lever. Following that, he realized the scenery in the yard vastly changed!

After the lever broke, it turned from the maze-like garden into a drab courtyard with a pile of strange rocks and a few crooked trees.

An illusion?

Lin Xiao rubbed his eyes and after he was sure he wasnt dreaming, he realized that everything he saw earlier was an illusion so that they would become lost and not find their way out.

But how did you oh, I get it!

Lin Xiao wanted to ask how Elena could get rid of the illusion, but he understood after seeing the broken lever.

Elena might not know the passcode or the right way to get rid of the trap, but she could forcibly break it. A mere illusion was nothing to her, just one touch would shatter it, no matter how complex or refined the trap was, it was meaningless in front of her.

The demon king is amazing!

Okay pervert, follow me, otherwise I cant help you if you fall into a trap.

Elena snorted and walked ahead with Lin Xiao following close behind. After that, something strange happened The room was clearly in the center of the yard and you could enter if you walked straight to it, but Elena purposely went around to the messy pile of rocks, threw a couple aside, and then reached her hand into the middle and squeezed.

This time there was a chain of explosions.

Boom, boom, boom Lin Xiao saw the path leading to the room explode, it was clearly rigged so that anyone who stepped onto it carelessly would be blown to bits.

After that, Elena still wasnt done and continued to lead Lin Xiao to get rid of the other traps.

Such as using a sharp rock to break open a tree trunk and reach in to detonate a wind blade trap.

Or taking off her shoes and socks then reaching her foot into a shallow pool to step on a water trap

Of course, Lin Xiao was watching to whole time and enjoyed the experience. Since Elena couldnt let her shoes and socks get wet, she could only hand them over to the pervert for safekeeping, which Lin Xiao gladly agreed to!

While Elena was busy with the trap, she also saw his perverted conduct and didnt want to bother with scolding him, because she knew that the more she did that, the more the pervert would enjoy it, so this time she decided on a harsher physical punishment

Hey, come here and kneel down!

Hm? What did you say?

I told you to come here and kneel down! Are you deaf?

Uh are you insane?

Stop wasting time! If you dont kneel, I wont bring you in and you can get rid of the rest of the traps yourself!

Elena angrily threatened him while suspending her wet feet in the air and trying to shake some water off.

Hey, are you done? Hurry up and kneel!

Uh what do you want to do?

Lin Xiao walked over with the sock and shoe and felt like she definitely had bad intentions, but he had no choice.

So was Lin Xiao going to kneel?

Of course not! How could a man kneel that easily? Furthermore, she was his maid! Even if they had to kneel, it would be the maid kneeling, not the master!

So in the end he chose to squat down

I-Im warning you, dont do anything strange!

Even if he didnt kneel he still walked next to Elena and presented her shoe and sock while squatting next to her and providing his shoulder for balance.

Didnt I tell you to kneel? Why are you squatting?

Okay, dont go too far what do you want to do?

Tsk, just like you said, its not like youll get pregnant by kneeling, so whats the big deal


Okay, dont worry, I wont do anything, so just squat there.

Elena lifted the corners of her mouth and revealed a devilish smile, she relieved him while placing her hands on his shoulders and then raising her wet foot up high and then bringing it down on his back!


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