Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 555: Undetectable

Chapter 555: Undetectable

Who is it?

When Lin Xiao and Elena heard that voice, they looked around but couldnt find anyone, even Elena couldnt immediately sense them.


Could it be Xiao Hua?

Unlike other girls, Xiao Huas voice was slightly hoarse so it was very easily recognizable and Lin Xiao could immediately tell.

Although he didnt know where Xiao Hua was hiding, he knew that she could hear him, so he planned to talk to her just like that, but before he could say anything, something strange happened.

Lin Xiao was shocked to see people falling down through the door!

After counting, there were exactly four people, and they all fell roughly from the roof in different postures, but they all fell heavily on their heads without any sound, like it didnt hurt at all.

Because dead people dont feel pain.

Phew, they were unexpectedly easy to deal with.

A cute girl descended from above following the four corpses, although she was wearing unremarkable common clothing and looked like a lost neighborhood girl, Lin Xiao immediately recognized her!

Xiao Hua? You

Shh! Quiet down!

After hearing him call out, Xiao Hua immediately shushed him, then dragged the four corpses into the room and gently closed the door before relaxing.

Xiao Hua, not bad, finishing off four people in an instant.

They were just focused on ambushing you so they didnt even notice me if it was the misses, they wouldnt have even fallen off and died without any signs.

Sigh, unfortunately, your miss is currently a wheelchair rider and cant help.

And whose fault is that? If it werent for your carelessness, how would that have happened? If she didnt get injured, I also wouldnt have

Hm? Wouldnt have what?


Xiao Hua frowned and thought about it but swallowed her words while secretly pulling her sleeves down, covering her wrists.

Lin Xiao noticed her movements and saw some bruising on her wrists so she must have been hit and understood her complaints. He could only silently remember it and hoped he got a chance to make it up to her.

I heard you saying you were going to find Snow?


Why? Is she in trouble? Also, what are you doing here? Why are there so many people after you?

So you didnt know?


Then why did you suddenly show up? You didnt come to help me?

Please get over yourself, Im not your servant, why would I come just to help you?

Xiao Hua rolled her eyes and told them why she came.

She had been following Lin Xiaos orders and was lurking around Snow to help her watch for enemies while investigating the Enlightenment Society.

Through her investigation, she realized Saint Nick was highly suspicious and was most likely the third apostle!

But Xiao Hua had no proof and heard that Nick wasnt home today, so she sneaked in to gather information.

What a coincidence, people would think theres something valuable here and thats why we all came.

So you also came to investigate Nick? Did you find anything?

Your suspicions were right, Nick is the third apostle!

As expected. so what are you planning on doing next?

We have to find Snow, shes in danger! If Im right, Nick will surely use his identity to eliminate Snow before she finishes her research!

What? Damn, I would have warned Snow if I knew I-Im sorry, I didnt think about that possibility.

Perhaps it was because of her occupation, but when unexpected situations arose, she would take responsibility, apologize, and seem ready for punishment, Lin Xiao wasnt a cruel and ruthless employer, so how could he blame her?

Xiao Hua, youre not to blame, we also just found out but this isnt the time, we have to find Snow!

Y-youre right! We have to go!

Xiao Hua relaxed after realizing that Lin Xiao didnt blame her and analyzed the current situation.

Other than the four I just finished off, there are still a lot more people laying in ambush, also theres a lot more reinforcements on the way

She lowered her head and thought for a bit, walked to the door peered out through the crack, and calmed down after confirming that the people outside hadnt noticed anything yet.

Lin Xiao, you might be strong enough to easily finish them off, but its best you dont fight, if you do, then youll be bogged down and would be hard to escape in time!

We know, thats why we were thinking of a plan and didnt go out yet.

Hm? You know?

Xiao Hua didnt understand what Lin Xiao meant.

She just came from the outside and saw what was happening, so she knew of the ambush, but they just came up from the basement and didnt even step outside yet, so how would they know of the ambush?

But that wasnt important, time was of the essence and they had to go!

Snow should still be in the churchs laboratory Ill take you to her!

But what about the people laying in ambush and the reinforcements?

Dont worry, as long as you follow me, they wont notice us!

Actually, there was a straight path from here to the church and it wasnt far, but now they had to avoid the reinforcements and sneak over, it was surely difficult.

With Xiao Hua in the lead, the three of them went up through the roof and tried flipping over the back wall to escape.

Xiao Hua could easily flip over since she trained with ShenDai Ying, and even though Lin Xiao lacked exercise, he relied on various wind magic to barely keep up with her. But the remaining person suffered

Tsk, whats the use of such a big chest? For our occupation, flat-chested is better.

As Elena tried to flip over the wall, because her chest was too big and heavy, she got stuck. Xiao Hua who was already long over the wall stood underneath and exclaimed.

But since she wasnt a devil, she still helped and the three of them quickly left the house.

What next? Are we going to go around?

Lin Xiao thought Xiao Huas plan was to take the long way and avoid the reinforcements, but that would surely waste a lot of crucial time.

Xiao Hua didnt even bother answering him and led them straight towards the main road!

Hey, you cant! Even if they dont recognize you, they recognize me and Elena!

Tsk, stupid and annoying, cant you just be quiet and listen to me?

Did you hear that, stupid and annoying stupid cant be helped, but annoying can be changed.

Uh, are you two ganging up on me? I

Watch out! Reinforcements ahead!

Before Lin Xiao could retort, Elena already sensed them and warned them.

What should we do? S-should we hide?

Even if there were a lot of people walking around them, the killers were getting closer and Lin Xiao already saw them, and they probably saw him as well, so the only option might be to fight!

This time, Xiao Hua suddenly grabbed Lin Xiao and Elenas arms and pulled them to the side of the road!

Xiao Hua, you eh??

Hey, big brother and big sister do you like candy? Want to buy some?

When he heard her slightly hoarse voice call out sweetly, Lin Xiao was shocked and couldnt believe his eyes!

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