Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 559: How Careless

Chapter 559: How Careless

The Pope Pope St. George is here!

What did you say!?

Snow was so startled that she fell down again right after standing up.

Why is that stinking old man here?

I dont know either, but hes at the entrance waiting for us! Also, d-did you just call him a stinking old man?

Tsk, he didnt even let me know before coming, strange what did he come for?

Im not sure, it is sudden. And he said he wanted to see you, so I could only barge in here to find you but Snow, is there no problem with you calling the Pope a stinking old man behind his back?

No problem, its not just behind his back, I call him that to his face.

Hah? A-are you serious?

So, why did he come all this way to see me? He was the one who told me to come and help, now he comes himself does he not trust me?

Im guessing he came for your experiment, after all, its extremely important, so maybe he wants to help you.

Hmph, then hes really underestimating me, I dont need his help, I can successfully do it myself!

Yes, you really are amazing! I never expected you to finish so quickly!

The stuff he said before may have been a lie, but at least what he just said was sincere.

So Snow, what were the results? Whats the black core made of? And how can we break that terrifying black magic?

Nick, what I say may scare you It turns out that its made from the spirit of the Holy sword!

What? The Holy Sword?? My goddess really? Then what should we do?

Although my experiment succeeded, this kind of black magic cant be broken normally theres only one way, to find the holy sword, reverse the process of creating the black core, then withdraw the spirit of the holy sword and distort it in the opposite way to create a true cure!

So we have to get the Holy sword back from the rebels? Nick muttered with a tone that almost exposed his guilty conscience.

He never expected the plan that he painstakingly created to be seen through by Snow, if he came a step later and Snow got the information out, then his plan would face unprecedented blow-back.

But its good he got here on time.

Nick, let me tell you, you have to fully cooperate with me, lets

Cough, Snow, I know youre rushed, but you shouldnt talk to me about follow-up arrangements. The pope is still waiting, shouldnt ask the Pope first?

Ask? I dont need to ask that stinking old man but, I can let him know.

So Snow, let me support you, and lets go!

Nick walked over and tried to take Snows hand to support her, but she slapped his hand away and then crawled up by herself and endured the pain while following Nick.

Im really confused as to why the old man would suddenly come to find me?

Snow followed behind while Nick walked in front. After the shock in the lab, Snow calmed down and began thinking about it, but something didnt feel right.

Tsk, who knows where my stinking brother went off to and Elona also disappeared.

The lab was located in a remote corner of the church, probably for safety considerations, so even if there was an explosion, it wouldnt cause too much trouble. Which also meant there was quite a walk to the main entrance. Because of that, Snow had some time to think about everything.

Who was the third apostle?

Even though she deciphered the secret behind the black core, she still didnt know who the third apostle was.

There was one thing she found strange, how come she walked all this way without meeting a single person? This may be Nicks domain, but she also brought quite a bit of subordinates, so if the Pope really came, shouldnt her subordinates have come to notify her? But why hasnt she met anyone?

Their footsteps echoed in the empty church like it was just the two of them.

Indeed, there were just the two of them there. Because Snows subordinates were either tricked away or killed.

Strange hey Nick, are you sure that stinking old man came personally?

It indeed is the Pope.

Hm, I still think something feels off

What exactly was it?

It was rare for the Pope would suddenly visit, but this matter involved the black core and the missing Holy sword so the Pope visiting wouldnt be strange.

Step, step, step

Their footsteps echoed down the hall, there were two types. One was Snows rushed footsteps, since she was shorter, she had to walk quickly to keep up with Nick. Since he was taller he could walk causally, but his one step was already several for Snow.

Snow suddenly noticed something when she listened to Nicks footsteps and suddenly asked.

Right Nick I heard you were sick a couple of days ago and took sick leave?


What happened? Was it serious?

Hm I just accidentally tripped and broke my ankle, its fine now.

Oh? You recovered that quickly?

Its tolerable, but walking still isnt that convenient.

Nick smiled and looked back at Snow like he realized something.

What? Can you tell something is off by listening to my footsteps?

Yes, your footsteps arent even, one side sounds heavier, so its clear you were injured.

Hehe, since you cant see so your hearing is exceptionally sharp dont worry, Im fine.

Im not worried I just wanted to know how you got hurt?

Nick didnt understand why she suddenly became vigilant, but he continued to walk her down to the entrance while trying to cover up, Didnt I say earlier, I fell at home.

Fell? Where did you injure?

I said earlier, my ankle.

Nick, why are you lying? You clearly injured your upper leg, so why are you saying the ankle?


Nick was startled and looked down at the gauze on his upper leg and looked back to Snow to make sure she didnt open her eyes and was still blind. Then just stood there and stopped walking.

She was blind, how could she know he injured his upper leg and not his ankle?

What, you didnt expect me to see through your lies so youre quite shocked? Although your footsteps sound uneven for both ankle and upper leg injuries and one side sounds heavier, the cadence is completely different of course, thats not something people with vision would notice.

Is that so? Thats right, I did indeed injure my upper leg, I accidentally cut it I just misspoke earlier, dont mind it, hehe.

Nick endured his shock, pretended like nothing was wrong, and continued walking.

So what if she knew he injured his upper leg?

So you cut your upper leg?

Yes, I accidentally cut myself on a blade on the ground.

How did you cut yourself on a blade that fell on the ground? How careless.

Yes, I really am too careless.

But according to what I know you arent the only one that careless, theres also one other person whos just as careless.


The third apostle!

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