Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 571: Warm Welcome

Chapter 571: Warm Welcome

Yes, that youth has already set off on his trip and pursued justice with no second thoughts.

He didnt tell ShenDai Ying because he had absolute trust in Snow. He knew that Snow and Elona would properly take care of ShenDai Ying even without him.

Now he didnt have time to think about that and had to focus on the annoying tomboy.

Yes, Claire was really annoying!

She was always hugging him, and giving him gifts, and her personality was so straightforward and unguarded against Lin Xiao, and always walked around in short skirts. Lin Xiao kept thinking about giving up and just marrying this sugar mama and being set for life!

Now tell me, isnt she just so annoying!?

Achoo~! Hm whats going on? Which bastard is talking about me behind my back?

Claire suddenly sneezed as she was working and shuddered, she could only stop working momentarily and took a rest.

She felt uneasy today and couldnt focus at all.

Why? Everything was getting back to normal, so why was she so uneasy?

Perhaps it was because of her fathers illness lately, her father has been getting worse and has to take more medicine, but along with the increase in medication, his coughing has become worse, which aroused her suspicion.

Was there something wrong with the medicine?

The apothecary was sure that it wasnt poisonous and was even willing to take it with the king to prove it, but Claire still felt like there was something wrong so she suggested changing the medication.

But that was rejected by her father.

Bastard! This medication was personally formulated by my son, how could there be something wrong with it?

That was how the king rejected her. At that time he completely became a stubborn old man.

Yes, that medicine was personally prescribed by his precious son before he left, so how could there be a problem with it?

His son may be rebellious and argued with him a lot, but he was still his son!

In the end, Claire couldnt beat her father and could only leave to take care of her work as the representative king.

So since she could only leave her fathers illness to fate, what thing other than work could make her feel so anxious?

Was it Saint Nick who was proven to be a cultist? Or the negotiation with the rebels?

It wasnt any of that.

What bothered her was actually a youth.

Whats that bastard doing right now? He hasnt come for a while now

Claire looked stood by the window and looked at the sky while muttering to herself.

Although she doesnt step out, she still knows what goes on in the city Snow almost getting killed, the plots by the third apostle shes received all that information, but her thoughts werent on those.

The only thing she was worried about was why Lin Xiao hadnt come to her.

Even if it was just about Nick, he should have come to talk with her. As the representative king, was she not qualified to talk with him? If he was in any trouble, she could still help him think of something.

Hm but hes still not coming, is he purposely hiding from me? Sigh, I cant just let it go on like this.

Claires original plan was to give Lin Xiao enough time and space so that he would notice her gentleness and consideration and then go find her himself.

But now, he clearly didnt want to come, and waiting any longer was pointless.

Whatever! Hmph, if you wont come to me, then Ill go to you!

Claire scratched her head and decided to visit Lin Xiao!

If she liked him, then she had to take the initiative, she wouldnt land a good man just by waiting!

With that in mind, Claire pushed open the door, leaving all he work behind to find the one she liked!

Ah, wait, I-I forgot to put on makeup

Claire suddenly remembered that Lin Xiao seemed to have been captivated by her appearance after makeup and it was only at that time he would treat her like a real woman and not a tomboy.

Although she didnt want to, after hesitating for a bit, she still rushed back into her own room to clean up her appearance.

Hmph, treating me like a beautiful student after makeup, but treating me like a guy before really!

Claire complained while applying lipstick when a guards voice suddenly reported to her.

Princess Claire, Lin Xiao is here!

Quiet down, Im putting on makeup! Hm almost messed up.

Because she was too focused, she didnt hear what the guard said, so he could only walk in and repeat it again.

Princess, Lin Xiao is here!

This time, the guard put emphasis on that persons name.

Is that so, get him to wait, Ill be hm? Who did you just say was here?

Its Lin Xiao princess.

Eh? Why is he here!?

Claire was delighted after confirming.

Earlier, she specifically told the guards that if Lin Xiao came, they had to immediately report it to her no matter what she was doing!

But she hadnt gone to him yet, so why was he here?

Lin Xiaos sudden visit made her nervous, but she still wasnt done yet, so she could only quickly finish and then run out.

Hey, whats the rush? Going out?

Before she could leave, she suddenly heard a familiar voice and wanted to look up, but she was going too fast and couldnt stop in time so she slammed into him.


Of course, the person who screamed wasnt her, but the other person.

Her headbutt wasnt light, the good thing was that she pulled back in time and didnt knock him over. In the end, she lost balance and fell backward onto her butt.

Claire quickly looked up and saw that familiar youth. He was holding his chest in pain while also holding onto his maids shoulder.

Lin Xiao, y-youre here!? I

Although she had imagined what she was going to say, when it came to it, she didnt know what to say.

Owww you tomboy! Is this how you welcome me after so long?

Right after entering the room, Lin Xiao was headbutted before he could even greet her.

Claire, youre too hm?

Lin Xiao looked down at Claire and stopped. Even at home, Claire liked to wear short skirts and she landed on the ground which lifted her skirt and slid it down her legs.

Pink? Pink is good, its a girly color, pink is cute!

Dont look!

Claire quickly pressed down her skirt and tried to get up. Perhaps it was because of her headbutt earlier, but before she could fully stand up, she felt faint and then slipped back down onto her butt. This time it was even worse and her skirt got completely lifted up.

Hm, if youre going to welcome me like this, then I wouldnt mind getting headbutted.

Lin Xiao admired the scenery and then clapped his hands together.

Thank you very much.

Bastard! Dont thank me!

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