Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 589: I’m Going Home After This

Chapter 589: I’m Going Home After This

Where are you going?

I-Im going to the front lines.

What are you in such a rush for? Arent you leaving tomorrow morning?

Uh I have to go back to prepare!

But I still have something I want to say!

Then that can wait until I get back

Lin Xiao tried to brush it off and escape, but Claire had a tight grasp on his arm and he couldnt break free, so he could only turn to face her.

What did you want to say?


Okay stop, I know what you want to say.

Hm you know?

Of course, how could I not know, so its better to not say it.

But I

Noticing Lin Xiaos annoyance, Claire lost her vigor. She had a lot she wanted to say, but it just wouldnt come out, so she could only hold onto Lin Xiaos arm.

Claire, I know what you and your father want to say to me.

Then why are you still acting dumb? Father has already decided on us, yet you interrupted did you do it on purpose?

Of course! If I let him say it and I refused him, wouldnt he have died from anger?

Then you could just agree

I already said I cant! You know I cant just agree like that? Also, this isnt really the time to talk about things like that so, dont force me.

Lin Xiao spoke while looking at the old king who was in a daze like he was reminding Claire that the most important thing right now was to take care of her fathers illness and mental state.

The current situation is it okay then, I understand.

Claire sighed and then understood something and let go of Lin Xiao.

But regardless, you saved my father! Im unable to return this favor. Lin Xiao, Ill listen to you, I wont force you anymore so, go, I wish you the best of luck!

Hm then, Im leaving?

Goodbye, I trust you can complete the mission and return safely.

Claire bit her lips, although she wasnt willing, she still let him leave. Yes, she couldnt press him too much, if she forced him too much, then they might not even be able to stay friends.



Just as Lin Xiao walked out of the door with Elena, he scratched his head and felt like he couldnt just leave like that.

Cough. actually Claire, before I leave, I still have something I want to say.

Hm? What do you want to say?

I want to say that I dont hate you anymore hm, at least not as much as before.

Is that so then should I feel happy about that?

Well, dont be happy too early anyway, I promise.

Promise what?

I promise that after I take care of things, Ill give you a definitive answer, so please wait, okay?

Lin Xiao

Claire didnt know how to respond and didnt know whether she should be happy or sad. She just silently stood there and when she came to it again, he already disappeared.

The next day.

Following their agreement, Xiao Tian and Yao Zi got up early, had breakfast, brought their bags and got on the carriage to meet Lin Xiao at the city gates to head out to the front lines together as part of the negotiation team.

To be honest, when Lin Xiao came to them the day before, they were quite startled. Even though they knew that Lin Xiao had a relationship with princess Claire, but they never expected her to trust Lin Xiao that much to entrust such an important mission to him!

With their knowledge and experience, they naturally couldnt guess what Lin Xiao experienced when he met the king, and they had no idea that this mission wasnt just negotiations, otherwise, they would have been terrified.

But no matter what, they will definitely go with Lin Xiao for this mission.

Once we finish this mission, then we can leave Gotham Kingdom and go home!

As Yao Zi and Xiao Tian sat on the carriage, they set a flag for themselves before they even officially set out.

Yes, this was definitely their last mission, as long as they followed Lin Xiao to the front lines and took care of the rebels, then they could end this prolonged risky mission and return as heroes. Then as investigators who accomplished this, they would be generously rewarded!

Thinking about it, the siblings were excited! They never thought they would have a chance to participate in such an important mission, they had just wanted to grab onto Lin Xiaos leg, but they never expected his leg to be so thick and the enemies so vicious.

I had thought that we would just have to kill a few monsters and beat some bad guys and then go home, I never expected to have to deal with the rebels sigh, really, why do they have to fight? What if they die, even if they dont, it hurts to get injured.

Yao Zi was worried as she thought about the enemies she would face as she shrivelled up and hugged her knees.

So, was she afraid of dying?

No, strictly speaking, Yao Zi wasnt afraid of dying. Quite the opposite, she was worried about killing other people.

In the past, she has only had to kill demonic beasts, and zombies, but now that she might have to personally kill people, she couldnt accept it.

But the good thing was that it shouldnt happen, Lin Xiao promised that he wouldnt force her to do anything and wouldnt use her as a killing machine. He only brought them along just in case, so he had two more reliable teammates.

With Lin Xiaos promise, Yao Zi listened obediently, but with how timid she is, she still felt the pressure and was worried.

Sigh, I really dont know if I can deal with it

Yao Zi was curled up into a ball and muttering to herself, she had thought her brother would interject but he was just sitting and staring out at the people passing by.

Hey! Did you hear what I said? Yao Zi gently kicked her brother.

Ah? Oh you said you were afraid you couldnt handle it? Well, with your power and brother Xiao, nothing would be too hard for us, right?

Hm youre right, with him around, theres nothing to worry about.

Yao Zi felt relieved as she thought of her reliable master.

All this time, no matter what trouble they met, it would be fine as long as they trusted Lin Xiao, so this time will be the same!


Why do you feel so strange lately? Yao Zi asked curiously at her little brother who seemed like he lost his soul.

Ever since getting the sacred crystal fruits back, it was like Xiao Tian became another person, Yao Zi had thought it was because he was frightened, but he still hadnt gotten better, so she was troubled.

H-how am I acting strange?

How are you not acting strange! My loud and rowdy foolish brother who could never sit still can now silently contemplate things is that not strange?

Uh, so in your eyes I cant even think! That hurts sis

So what were you thinking about?

I I was thinking that perhaps everyone has their own talents, you have the wizards bloodline, perhaps I also have one, just different than yours.

Hm? You also have a talent who told you that?

Yao Zi suddenly became vigilant when she heard what her brother said.

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