Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 592: Are You In Love With Me?

Chapter 592: Are You In Love With Me?

It was strange. At first, Lin Xiao rejected her because he had a reason, it was because he hated that tomboy, he felt that she had a bad temper with an arrogant personality and was hard to get along with. But after getting to know her more, he has gradually come to like her.

So since he didnt hate that tomboy anymore and his impression of her completely changed, why doesnt he just give in?

She was clearly devoted and even her father approved of him and wanted to personally bestow marriage, but why wasnt he willing and wanting to delay it?

The reason he gave was that he had to finish the mission first, get the holy sword, cure sister Ying and then he could give a response to Claire, but that was nonsense!

What does the mission have to do with whether he agrees to Claire or not? Its not like she wouldnt like him if he fails the mission, it was two unrelated things!

Yes, why? There should be a reason

Lin Xiao scratched his head and thought about it for a bit and seemed to have an answer.

If Im right, then it seems like shes the first girl thats chasing after me.

Hah? So youre rejecting her because of that?


Why? Are you crazy, I dont get how theyre related.

If Claire was the first girl who chased you, then according to normal logic, wouldnt you happily agree? Why would it become a reason to refuse her?

Hm, I dont know how to explain it perhaps its because of, lack of confidence?

Although he was confident in everything else, he was useless in this aspect.

Claire was an unique existence within his experiences. There has never been a girl that liked him that much.

He was just a useless otaku, how did a representative king fall for him and wanted to marry him? That was too much for him, so he subconsciously refused.

But even if you got married, you can still do what you want to do, and ShenDai Ying and I wont hm, anyways, it wont be too much of a difference.

No, actually, there is.

Are you afraid of her scolding you?

No, Im afraid of myself.


Yes, Im afraid that Ill begin to worry about her feelings.

Lin Xiao, you

After hearing that, Elena stopped and looked at him and was met with a slightly awkward but sincere expression, and she immediately understood his thoughts.

Rather than lacking confidence, it was more like he was demanding too much of himself.

Because Claire was the first girl to chase after him, he didnt want to fail to live up to her expectations and didnt want to hurt her, and thats why he had strict demands for himself.

He believed that if he agreed to Claire, then he had to be responsible for her to the end, and he couldnt just laze around like before, and couldnt tease her maid, or spend his time with Sister Ying. Though Claire wouldnt force them apart, and wouldnt mind if Lin Xiao took the two of them in, but it would still make him uncomfortable and make him feel indebted to her.

He didnt want to feel like he owed her and didnt want to make her disappointed.

Just like he said, as soon as he agrees to Claire, he would begin to worry about her feelings and that worry would become a burden that he wouldnt be able to bear.

Puh so it was like that.

After thinking it through, Elena broke out into a fit of laughter.

Hm, laugh if you like, thats just my true thoughts.

Haha, Im not laughing at you, I just suddenly noticed something interesting.


I suddenly realized that you look like a bad pervert, but youre actually so innocent, youre unexpectedly a pure little boy isnt that interesting?

A little boy? You!?

When Elena touched his pain point, his face flushed and couldnt even squeeze a word out. After seeing that comical; expression, Elena found it even funnier and held her mouth as she laughed.

It has always been Lin Xiao bullying her and making her speechless, so this rare opportunity was like a breath of fresh air to hair. Now she finally understands why he liked teasing her so much!

But hehe, dont feel bad, I dont hate that side of you, rather, I like it, hehe.

Hm what are you saying?

Did you know Lin Xiao? If you were just a pervert, I wouldnt have put up with you that long, but from the start I believed that you only acted bad on the surface, but you were actually a pure and innocent little boy, thats why I like like.. y-yo cough, n-never mind.

So thats why? Hm?

When he heard what she said at the end, his eyes suddenly lit up and when he looked up at Elenas flushed expression, he understood!

Hehe, since you teased me earlier, its my turn now!

Cough Elena, since I answered your question, then you should answer one of mine to be fair, right?

O-okay ask away.

Since Lin Xiao didnt immediately grasp onto what she said, so Elena though he didnt heard and was safe.

Hey Elena, did you fall in love with me?


In that instant, it was like Elena was struck by lightning, and her temperature rose even higher than earlier. She never expected this pervert to ask such a shameless question!

Hey, why arent you responding? If you dont say anything then Ill take that as a yes.

W-what? You damn pervert, d-d-d-d-do you know what youre saying!?

Of course Elena, you fell in love with me, right?

W-w-w-why would I fall in love with a pervert like you? Are you delusional?

Just respond yes or no.

Of course not!

I dont believe you.


Because youve changed a lot recently.

Lin Xiao found it funny as he looked at Elena, but he still acted seriously as he presented her with the evidence.

Elena, have you not noticed? Youve become much gentler recently even if you still get angry, but you do treat me more gently.


Elena was dumbfounded and didnt understand what he was saying at all. Being more gentle with him how did she not know about it herself?

Look, youre more worried about me than before, youre more jealous, and youre even worried about me and another woman, more importantly when I bully you now, you dont resist anymore, rather you enjoy it!

Shut up! You pervert! Who would enjoy it, the only reason I dont resist is because, because

Because you love me, and so our physical compatibility has improved, so you dont resist anymore right?

??? Physical compatibility? What are you talking about!? Damn Lin Xiao, if you say anymore nonsense, Ill kill you!

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