Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 599: Open the Floodgates

Chapter 599: Open the Floodgates

After parting with ShenDai Ying, Lin Xiao finally set off.

There was nothing special on the way to the front lines.

Because Claire already sent a messenger, so Lin Xiao received the best hospitality no matter which city he went to.

Although they looked like four brats, but because Lin Xiao had Gothams dragon, and Claire already notified the local officials, Lin Xiao had no troubles.

And so, Lin Xiao was bored and had nothing to do and Lin Xiao would think about things related to the rebellion. And the main thing he was thinking about was no doubt the leader of the rebels, the mysterious person called Ma Long.

After some investigation, he had reason to believe that Ma Long was prince Reeses fake name!

Just because he fought with his father when he was younger and then did something wrong and was locked up, now he wants revenge? That seems a bit excessive.

How could anyone know of the hate and pain he suffered? Even Lin Xiao couldnt help them decide who was right or wrong, the only thing he could do was finish off the rebels and catch Reese and get him to explain himself to his own father.

Sigh, this is already the last mission after this, Im going to leave Gotham Kingdom.

Although he didnt like Gotham Kingdom much, there were still people he cared about and he hated the thought that he would never be able to seem them again after leaving.

I have to give that tomboy a response after getting back why does that feel more troublesome than the rebels?

At the time, he promised, but after that, he felt a bit of a loss and didnt know how to respond to Claire. If he refused her then left, he would still miss her. Even if not as a lover, but as a friend.

Forget it, lets think about something else.

Compared to those things, Lin Xiao should be more worried about the problem with him and Elena. His current strength may be enough to deal with any sudden situations, but that unknown Titan was still a threat and Lin Xiao couldnt stop worrying about it. If it took a hit of eighth-level magic without falling, then they would be in danger!

So, Lin Xiao had to find the problem so that he could use the portable magic battery!

The problem should be because of two things

First, he hasnt spent all his magic power.

Second, the theory ShenDai Ying suggested, beliefs.

Lin Xiao didnt believe ShenDai Yings teasing about making kids, but he believed there was definitely an easier way

Like, kissing!

Elena, lets do a test!

What test?

Kiss me and say I love you, then lets try testing to see if you can give me magic power!



Rather than doing that, why dont you just go die.


Lin Xiao earnestly pleaded Elena on a certain night, but was sternly rejected.

Oh!!! I know, its because youre resistant, thats why I cant get any magic power! Elena, you should open yourself and properly attend to your master.

Hmph, whatever

Elena didnt want to hear any more of his crazy talk, so she just went to sleep, while remaining vigilant of him ambushing her.

Sigh, forget it, lets try something else first.

Seeing that, Lin Xiao could only leave it and then left the camp by himself. He went to a place with no people and began his plan.

His idea was simple completely drain his magic power and then go massage Elenas chest to see where the problem was.

And so, the restless night began.

Just as Elena was about to fall asleep and the idiot siblings were already dreaming, there was suddenly a large explosion that woke all of them up!

The explosions happened one after another and they had thought it was an enemy attack, they quickly climbed up and wanted to counterattack, but were stopped by Elena.

Its not an enemy, its just Lin Xiao acting crazy, dont worry and go back to sleep.

At the time, Elena responded to them coldly with an indifferent expression. Even though they wee confused, they couldnt say anything and just blocked their ears and went back to sleep.

When they awoke the next morning, they saw Lin Xiao with dark eye circles and a pale complexion and the scorched earth to a distance.

There was a large forest there just last night, but now it was just a scorched wasteland. Yao Zi and Xiao Tian had no idea why Lin Xiao was going crazy and did that.

But, another person was rather interested.

Youre out?


Did you know Lin Xiao? You look like a virgin that was just sucked dry by a vixen and your kidneys are now completely spent.

Uh please, can you still be called a virgin if you were drained by a vixen? Also, my kidneys are fine, Im just overdrawn for magic power, Ill recover on route by catching up on sleep.

Oh, is that so

Elena blinked and understood Lin Xiaos thoughts. There was nothing to do on the road anyways, and it was unlikely for them to meet an enemy, so this was the best chance to overdraw on his magic power.

So what were the results of your test? Are there any changes after overdrawing?

Lin Xiao shook his head and answered disappointingly, Not much change, even without any magic power, I still cant get anything from your chest.

Even if he failed, he still found the problem. If you had to make a comparison, Elenas chest was like a reservoir and Lin Xiao was like a lake that connected to the reservoir. If you wanted to let the water flow into the lake, you had to make sure there was a difference in water levels.

Other than that, there was another important condition, and that was to open the floodgates!

So Sister Ying was right, were not intimate enough, so your body is still rejecting me and I cant replenish any magic power.

Hmph, of course, who would want to be intimate with a pervert like you!

Elena, dont be so heartless tell me, what do I have to do so your body can accept me?

How would I know Elena suddenly thought of something as she was speaking.

Wait you found out you still cant get any magic power after spending all of yours last night, but I was asleep the whole night and just woke up, so when did you do the test?

Elena suddenly became vigilant.

Pervert, d-did you assault me when I was asleep???

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