Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 385 The EPIC Familiar

385 The EPIC Familiar

Orochimaru darted forward as it activated its [Steel Skin] and its body changed from black into a silver color that protected it from the blast! It charged upwards to meet Han and Han flew to the side and avoided the giant fang that closed down on the spot where Han was just floating!

Han charged toward Orochimaru while activating his [Strength Boost ×5] and he grabbed Orochimaru and carried it along as he flew!


Han slammed Orochimaru into a mountain and the snake hissed in anger as it shook around it Han's grasp! Han's eyes suddenly widened as his Danger Sense flared to life immediately!

Han flew away from Orochimaru as Orochimaru activated [Poison Breath] and shot a mist of green poison straight at Han! Han cursed as he floated even further back when he suddenly saw his arm turning black from the poison! What the hell!? His Poison Nullification doesn't work against this poison!? Just how strong is that poison!?

Oh, right! Han almost hit his palm against his head! His familiar is in the Epic Class and the poison Nullification skill is only Unique class! That means that the Poison Nullification skill is not as strong as the poison breath that Orochimaru uses! Han thought of all this in a split second and he didn't even take his eye off Orochimaru for more than a second, but that split second where Han wasn't looking was more than enough for Orochimaru to activate another skill.

[Tail Whip] has been activated!


A Tail Whip that had the force of ten Supernovas slammed into Han with full force and Han flew back with intense force! Han cursed as he slammed his feet into the floor and dug deep into the ground to stop his flight! Han touched his chest and he couldn't stop the small laugh that escaped his lips! The whip didn't hurt, but Han was surprised he felt it at all! Han's defenses are very high level and he has a lot of them, so for the whip to even hurt a little means that the Tail Whip was extremely strong! If not for my defenses then that whip would've hurt like hell!

Han heard Orochimaru hissing from the distance before the snake could be seen coming towards Han at great speeds! Even though Orochimaru was large, its size did nothing to stop it from moving very fast!

Orochimaru sent another Tail Whip at Han, but this time Han was able to use his [Absolute Evasion] to dodge the Tail Whip at the last moment and Orochimaru was left stunned as Han suddenly appeared under its chin by using the [Flash Step] skill and Han delivered a nasty uppercut right into Orochimaru's chin while activating the skill [Mana Burst]!

The Mana Burst skill allowed Han to release Mana from any part of his body during fights in order to increase the impact of any punch or kick. The mana would be released at the same moment when the punch or kick hits the opponent, so that means that the impact would be multiplied by many times depending on the amount of mana you release at the moment of impact!

And Han had a lot of Mana!

If you add Han's strength into the mix, along with his high Mana capacity and his Strength Boost skill that was still active, that means that Han's punch was more than ten times the normal amount that he would have hit with! Even Esteroth would have died immediately if he was hit with this punch!

Orochimaru's head shot upwards as it felt its brain shake like a ringing bell! Its eyes immediately traveled to the side of its head and it couldn't even do anything as it immediately fell back to the ground in defeat!

Han landed on Orochimaru's body and he smiled while sitting down. Okay, maybe I went a bit too far at the end there. There is no way Orochimaru wasn't seriously injured by that hit. I'm forgetting that this is still a newborn baby that's only four days old. Han was actually very impressed by how well Orochimaru fought. Han was hundreds of times stronger than the snake and Orochimaru was still able to put up a pretty good fight even with that handicap. The snake will be a monster if it grows even stronger.

Han activated his [Renewal] skill as he put his hand on Orochimaru's head and the snake slowly got itself back and opened its eyes as Han healed it. Orochimaru rose its head and stared down at Han and it hissed at Han to ask Han how it did. Han gave Orochimaru a thumbs up to tell it that it did a great job and the snake hissed happily.

Han stretched with a groan and then he saw that the sun was already setting in this world. That means I've spent about two hours here. That should be thirty minutes outside in the real world. I told Yuuma that I'll come back in less than thirty minutes so we can go back to the restaurant together. I better get back before Yuuma starts drinking again.

Han was about to leave the Shadow World, but he suddenly got a feeling from his familiar as Orochimaru slithered close to Han and started cooking around him. It was obvious that Orochimaru also wanted to go out into the real world. Han scratched the back of his head with a conflicted expression on his face. This could be a problem. Orochimaru is way too big to come outside like this, especially inside the Temple. The snake could destroy the entire lab with only its size!

But it would be cruel to just leave Orochimaru inside here without ever bringing him out. Han knows just how fucking boring it can get inside here and leaving Orochimaru alone inside here when no one is here is just cruel. Han sighed as he thought about how he would go about this issue. Should he just bring Orochimaru out for some time and then return it to the Shadow World again later? It's not like anyone outside there can harm the snake and even if they see the snake there won't be any issues. I'll just drop him outside the lab and allow him to hunt some monsters on the ninetieth floor. I'll go to the restaurant with Yuuma and then Orochimaru can come to meet me there on his own.

With his plan laid out, Han nodded and then he deactivated the Shadow World skill and left the space! Han landed inside the lab at the same spot where he left and he looked towards where Yuuma was lying on a rolling trolly to work on her robot! Once Yuuma sensed that Han was around again, Yuuma rolled out from under the machine she was working on to look at him with a smile.

"Hey, you're back already? I thought you would take longer."

Han shrugged as he stared at Yuumas cleavage peeking through her tank top.


"Oh, yeah. I finished rather quickly."

Yuuma gave Han a small glare when she noticed where he was staring and Han just grinned back at her. She can't blame him for looking if she looks this good.

Han explained to Yuuma that there was a time difference between where he went and the outside world. If not for the time difference between the outside world and his Shadow World he would have taken far longer! But luckily, things went quickly. Han told Yuuma that he wanted to go outside to release his familiar and Yuuma blinked in surprise as she repeated the word familiar curiously. She never even knew that Han had a familiar! Was it someone that Han got after he left for the upper floors?

Han nodded once Yuuma asked this question and then he started to walk outside. Han didn't want to release the familiar in here so it wouldn't destroy everything in the lab. Yuuma wouldn't be very happy about that. Yuuma used a rag to clean her hand as she followed behind Han. She was basically done with her work so she wanted to see what the hell Han's familiar looked like. It must be huge if Han is worried about it destroying the lab.

Once Han got outside, he deactivated the Shadow World skill for Orochimaru as well and Yuuma's eyes widened as she saw a giant snake slowly slithering out from thin air into the open! The snake was pure black and its eyes were the darkest shade of red that Yuuma had ever seen! Even when the snake was lying down. It was still taller than both Han and Yuuma! Yuuma took a step back and she almost fell to her ass if not for Han catching her with his quick reflexes.

"Woah, careful there. You seem surprised,"

Yuuma gave Han a glare in annoyance! She was a little more than surprised! What the hell is that thing!? It's freaking huge!!

"Is that your familiar? Is it some sort of basilisk?"

Han hummed. Huh, he never even thought of asking what species of snake Orochimaru was. Orochimaru looked more like a python than a basilisk, but with its size, it would probably be mistaken as a basilisk more often than not.

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