Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 141: Real Men Don’t Hit Women

Chapter 141: Real Men Don’t Hit Women

The entire altar acted as a giant seal, and the nine spell-covered chains on top of it were spirit tools that had the ability to maintain the restriction on whatever was inside. However, the power of the chains spells had slowly lessened with time; even specially-made Black Iron chains would still be weathered by Demonic Qi and the forces of nature, causing its restrictive powers to wane.

The Qing-Yun disciples tasks were to repair the worn-out spell locations on the chains so the spells would return to their original strength, and to examine the formation within the altar to check for any damage. Once these tasks were completed and confirmed, the beast king within would no longer have any chance of escape, although even now the odds of it escaping were marginal at best; after three hundred or so years of being sealed, even something as powerful as a Golden Core Stage beast king could be made weaker than even an ordinary beast.

As the Shanhe Valley disciples began the work, the disciples from the other three valleys didnt delay and began to join in as well. Danxia disciples made specialized detoxifying pellets so the Shanhe disciples could venture into the altars depths to examine its formation, while the Duanzhen disciples were on the top of the altar to examine whether the chain had been damaged to the point of needing repair. As for the Shuwen disciples, they were of course the ones to check on the spells on the chains to see which ones needed renewing.

In moments, disciples from all four valleys were each busy dealing with their own jobs. Wu Xiangtong commanded the Duanzhen disciples, Feng Qingwei commanded the Shanhe disciples, Pi Junzi had the Shuwen disciples, and Danxia Valley had Xu Linyuns shidithe male disciple who had determined the ingredients for various pellets not long agoin charge. Only Fang Xing, Xu Linyun, and Xiao Jianming hadnt joined in.

As the Qing-Yun disciples each did their own part in an orderly fashion, Fang Xing himself felt that something was not quite right and was looking around. Hed heard the laugh of an old man just earlier, and it had been quite strange. It was difficult to tell if it was real or something hed just imagined.

Xu Linyun slowly walked over towards Fang Xing and casually said, Shidi Fang, when we return this time, I shall place a recommendation that you become a core disciple!

As it so happened, one of the tasks given to Xu Linyun by the sect master for this mission was to appraise all of the disciples performances. Upon her return, she would give her recommendations to the sect master, who would then take them into consideration.

Fang Xing looked up and smiled. I want to join the Hall of Heavens Tribute!

Xu Linyun smiled. Once youre a core disciple, youll be able to enter the Hall of Heavens Tribute at will.

This left Fang Xing surprised, but very pleased. This is good!

Xu Linyun then continued, However, as a core disciple, you cannot act so impulsively anymore. I noticed you took a few of the Shanhe disciples storage sacks; its best that you return them to gain a better reputation.

Initially speechless, Fang Xing replied, I had been wondering why you would come over here just to speak to me; so youve actually been wanting to tell me this. Those arrogant Shanhe disciples, I retrieved their storage sacks and they didnt even say thanks, why should I return it to them? The things in their sacks might not be worth much, but I can still toss them around for fun.

The relationship between the Shanhe disciples and Xiao Jianming was a little special, and so they did not show much respect towards Fang Xing. Furthermore, ever since Feng Qingwei started in, none of the Shanhe disciples bothered to restrain their speech and actions against him. When the disciples from the Myriad Beasts Sect were driven away, all of the Qing-Yun disciples had shown their gratitude towards Fang Xing except for those from Shanhe Valley, who had not spoken a single word. Fang Xing was naturally upset at them and thus hadnt returned their storage sacks.

Xu Linyun smiled. Youre one of the most talented within the sect; why should you keep a grudge against them?

Fang Xings eyes lit up. So Im considered one of the most talented now? While Xu Linyun remained silent in response, Fang Xing considered it for a moment and continued, Then theres even more of a reason not to give it back to them!

Why? Xu Linyun asked in confusion.

Despite being one of the best talents in the sect, I didnt even get a thanks after saving their lives. Is that not looking for trouble?

This left Xu Linyun silent once again, and her soft brows slightly creased.

Xu Linyun was trying to persuade Fang Xing on Xiao Jianmings behalf. When the storage sacks had been returned to the Qing-Yun disciples, Feng Qingwei had refused to lower her head to Fang Xing and so the Shanhe Valley had not had theirs returned. It naturally fell upon Xiao Jianming to help them get their storage sacks back, yet Xiao Jianming understood too well that the little bastard of a Fang Xing would not even blink before rejecting such a request if he were to give it. Without any other options, hed secretly asked Xu Linyun to ask on his behalf.

Xu Linyun had also felt that Fang Xing and Xiao Jianming holding such a large grudge against each other was not a good thing. Fang Xing had joined the sect not long ago and had very few connections; it would be extremely disadvantageous for him if he were to now stand opposing Xiao Jianming, so she had become a mediator to fix this. Although it may have seemed on the surface that she was asking on Xiao Jianmings behalf to have Fang Xing return Feng Qingweis and the Shanhe disciples storage sacks, the true purpose was to ease away the tension and grudge between the two. However, she hadnt expected Fang Xing to decline her straight away, without even giving her any other options.

Before long, those who had been repairing the altar began to return, with only the task of instilling it with Qi left to do. With or without intentional purpose, the Shanhe disciples were looking over towards where the Duanzhen disciples were all the while. Althoughfor Feng Qingweis sakethey might not speak or ask about the matter directly, they were still thinking about their own storage sacks.

Yet, Feng Qingwei herself would only look towards Xiao Jianming, and when she saw how he showed no expression, she had even started to feel a trace of panic. In her heart, she actually did feel the desire to apologize to Fang Xing, but her pride did not allow her to do so. At the end of the day, this was simply because she still looked down on Fang Xing and was unwilling to lower herself to him.

Finally, after a long while without Xiao Jianming speaking to her, Feng Qingwei knew she had to do something about the matter. Clenching her teeth, she took large steps towards Fang Xing and cupped her hands. Please return the storage sacks to me and the Shanhe disciples.

Fang Xing was squatting while sorting out valuables on the ground, and he replied without even lifting his head. Return my underwear to me first!

A hint of chilling anger swept across Feng Qingweis face as she clenched her teeth even tighter. Ive never even seen your underwear!

Fang Xing giggled. I wont believe it unless you let me search you!

Feng Qingweis expression twisted once again. As a virgin maiden, there was no way she would allow Fang Xing to touch her in any way. Especially knowing that Xiao Jianming had always been quite distant towards her, if she were to be touched by any other man, her chances of being with him would lessen even more.

Hehe. The surrounding Duanzhen disciples were watching in secret, and someone had accidentally let out a low laugh. Not long ago, Feng Qingwei had bullied these disciples using Xiao Jianmings name, and no one had dared to speak their grievances at the time. Now that Fang Xing was making them pay for it, it suddenly made the Duanzhen disciples feel as though their anger had been vented for them.

Feng Qingweis expression became colder and her voice lowered, as though she was squeezing the words from between her teeth. Fang Xing, dont push your luck!

A little surprised, Fang Xing raised his head and looked at her with a half smile. And what if I do?

Feng Qingwei coldly laughed. At the end of the day, youre only daring to oppose Shixiong Xiao by borrowing Shijie Linyuns influence, but Shijie Linyun cannot protect you forever. Once were back at the sect, youd better be careful not to

The threat in her words was quite obvious, and Fang Xing suddenly grew quiet. When Feng Qingwei saw that his expression had dropped, she felt a sense of fear and subconsciously took a few steps backwards.

Yet Fang Xing himself did not become angry. He stayed silent for a few moments before suddenly speaking in a serious tone, Getting your storage sacks is not impossible!

Surprised, a tinge of joy appeared on Feng Qingweis face. She believed she must have frightened him and she hastily replied, Tell me!

With a quick thought, Fang Xing spoke with an authoritative tone, First, return the beast core of that Scorpion-Tailed Lion back to Shidi Liu!

Feng Qingwei quickly nodded. Yes, okay!

Shidi Liuwho happened to be nearbycurled his lips. He had been given one of the Myriad Beasts disciples storage sack; a single beast core was no longer needed.

Fang Xing then continued, Second, you will personally apologize to Shidi Liu!

Feng Qingweis face twisted slightly. She was reluctant, butafter some hesitationshe finally replied, Okay!

When Feng Qingwei had thrown out a storage sack earlier, it was actually one from a dead Shanhe disciple so she didnt personally feel upset about the matter at all. However, all of the other Shanhe disciples had given up their actual storage sacks, complete with their lifetimes worth of savings; it was definitely not something they would easily let go. As the leader of the Shanhe Valley, it was her responsibility to request the storage sacks be returned, or else her position as lead disciple would lose all meaning. Although she was not willing to apologize to an ordinary disciple from Duanzhen Valley, it was for this reason that Feng Qingwei still decided to accept.

As for the third Fang Xing slowly muttered.

Feng Qingwei anxiously asked, Whats the third?

Fang Xing suddenly revealed a mysterious smile and lowered his voice. Ill give it all back to you if you strip naked and crawl two laps around the area!

Initially dumbfounded, Feng Qingwei soon realized Fang Xing had been toying with her all along. In a moment of embarrassed anger, she activated her Flying Sword and yelled out, How dare you toy with me! Im going to kill you! However, just as she activated her sword, she suddenly remembered the intimidating battle prowess Fang Xing possessed; although she was at the peak of tier six, she might still not actually be strong enough to be his opponent. Thus, as though the Flying Sword had been frozen, it never actually rose above her.

How dare you bare your Flying Sword at me? In that moment, the space between Fang Xings brows narrowed and all of his viciousness appeared. As for Feng Qingwei, she immediately wanted to escape from all of this, feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Within the blink of an eye, Fang Xing arrived in front of her. With a speed so fast she didnt even have time to activate her protective barrier, a loud pahsound rang out. She received a loud slap on her cheek and was sent flying. Her ears buzzed before she finally returned to her senses and was able to clearly hear what Fang Xing now had to say.

A real man never hits a woman, but one of my uncles told me that before I turn sixteen, Im not considered a real man. Let alone hitting you, even killing you wouldnt bother me. You better listen up, these storage sacks were all taken from the hands of the Myriad Beasts Sect andaccording to your rules beforeall of them belong to me. Now, whether I give them to you or not, you dont have the right to utter even a single worthless comment. You can only hold your nose and admit you have no power in this at all!

Once Fang Xing finished, he then looked sharply towards Xiao Jianming and said in a cold voice, If you dont agree, then just try and see if you can take them from me!

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